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English Communication & Office Manners Training

Venue : Surandai,Thirunelveli Dist.

Training Duration: 80 hrs.
Course Fees: FREE
Target Audience: Any Arts & Science graduates who comleted their degree in !0"# & !0"$
Objective: Social %nitiative which aims at imroving the emloya&ility o' graduates o' Arts & Sciences.
Trainer: (astly e)erienced *ommunication S+ill trainers 'rom to ,-* .*hennai/.
enefits of the training: These graduates imrove English *ommunication S+ills and 0asic 1''ice ,anners which will ma+e
them employable. The &ene'iciaries are a&le to vastly increase their sel'2con'idence and interview er'ormance a&ility as a
conse3uence o' our training.
!ob O""ortunit#: They will receive a ,-* *erti'icate o' Training which will increase their emloya&ility in the cororate world
The students will attend ,-* interview and i' selected will &e rovided with a 4o& with a starting salary o' $s%&'())) er month
and has an oortunity to get $s%*())) er month i' they wor+ in night shi't.
Organi+ed b#:
Contact ,erson:
,o&ile -o5 6$$$0 76888
Email5 amarumugam!
Training co.ordinator:
,o&ile5 68$"0 0#7"7

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