Desicion On Their Deportation? (Bagus e Diganti Apa Ya?)

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W(wartawan) : good morning, Mr. i'm .... from....

S(Salman Faris) : oh, good morning. i'm Salman Faris. could i help you?
W : yeah... please help with answering my uestion. thirty !"e
illegal immigrants, which were arrested at samas #each in $antul on friday.
where did their desicion?
s : oh... we arrested them, allegedly on their way to australia.
W : what are they doing now? when would they receive the
desicion on their deportation?(bagus e diganti apa ya?)
S : they are awaiting uestioning on sunday and they will face
uestions on monday, after which they will recei"e a desicion on they
W : how many people ha"e you #een arrested?
S : around %& or %'. they comprised () afghans, (& lianians
and a pa*istani. ++ are male, with one female and two children.
W: how would you do? and what would you as* them?
S: We will uestion them one #y one and esta#lish their status, where they
come from and where are they heading to.
W: So, when it is !nished. What would you doing?
S: ,m.. who were found to ha"e no immigration documents upon entering
-ndonesian territory would #e detained at the immigration.s detention center.
/hose who had passports would #e most li*ely deported. (00#ingung a*u00)
W: What a#out consultation with the 12,34 (1nited 2ations ,igh
3ommissioner for 4efugees)?
S: Well... -t would #e conducted to !nd if they ha"e immigration documents
or not.
W: ,m... li*e that.
S: 5h6 5nce the e7amination is !nished, we will wait for a directi"e from the
8irectorate 9eneral of -mmigration in respect of those who do not ha"e
immigration documents.
W: Wow... that's awesome.
S: :8 hehe
W: 1m.. Mr. Salman, than* you for answering my uestion.
S: 5h, no pro#lem, dude.
W: /han* you. 9ood #ye. 2ice to meet you.
S: 2ice to meet you too

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