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Revised 01/14/14
West Virginia University PETE Lesson Plan

Name: James Sullivan Date: 09/25/14

Grade Level
Grade Number of students: 20-30 depending on class
Students with special needs: 0-4 depending on class
Unit Name
Manipulative Skills and Introduction to Juggling

Lesson Focus
Manipulating different types of balls and scarves. Experimenting with different objects.
Main focus is on juggling.


28 scarves
28 puff balls.
10 puff footballs (5 small, 5 medium)

NASPE Standards for PE
_x_ Motor Skills & Movement
x Movement Concepts
x Physical Activity & Fitness
x Personal & Social Behavior
__ Values PA

WV P-4 Wellness Standards for
__ Wellness Promotion
__ Wellness Information
_x_ Wellness Behaviors
_ Personal & Social Behavior
_x_ Movement Forms
_x_ Motor Skills
WV 5-12 Standards for PE
__ Movement Forms
__ Motor Skills
__ Physical Activity
__ Physical Fitness
__ Personal & Social Behavior

Must have a
Behavior, Condition,
and Criteria
Psychomotor: SWBAT manipulate different balls depending on their size and
shape. SWBAT manipulate scarves in several different ways.

Cognitive: SWBAT recognize how different balls and scarves move. SWBAT
recognize he basic principles of juggling.

Affective: SWBAT work as a team and individually to accomplish different tasks.
SWBAT listen to all of the teachers directions and follow them accordingly.

H-R Fitness: SWBAT participate in MVPA AT LEAST 50% of the class.

Safety Considerations:
-students should be aware of boundaries and
miscellaneous objects around the gym.
-students should be aware of other students
around them and stay in their personal space.
-teacher should keep students away from
bleachers and tables in the gym.
-teacher must keep students from using
equipment inappropriately.

Behavioral Contingencies:
-Reinforce positive behaviors
-Reinforce rules of Mylan gym
-Students receive one warning for inappropriate
behavior; Second time student sits out for 5
minutes; Third time, report to Head Teacher.
(Use star chart in classroom for positive/negative
-Reinforce ques and rules of activities
throughout entire class

Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core, Closure)
Time Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment
be arranged)
Goal Orientation or
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are addressed)
-Students will enter the
gym and jog two laps
around the outside of
the court
-Students will then sit
on their poly spot.
Once every student is
sitting, the teacher will
lead them through their
stretching warm-up.
The Students will stay in the blue pain outside of
the court. They will run two laps and then go to
their previously set poly spot and wait for further
instruction. The poly spots will be laid out on one
half of the court 5x5 rows.
Students engage in
flexibility activities.
Students also
engage in muscular
endurance activities.
(push ups)
Students will respect
others personal
space and stay on
their own poly spots.
Revised 01/14/14
Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core, Closure)
Time Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment
be arranged)
Goal Orientation or
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are addressed)

Stretching Includes 10:
-jumping jacks
-Arm circles
-Individual arm circles
-Right /left arm stretch
across chest
-Right/left arm bend
behind head
-Right/left/middle foot
reach on floor (on butt)
- push ups
Teacher Communication Script & Performance Cues (Write out your script,
introducing tasks, getting equipment, transitioning from activities. Cues and example feedback
In Hallway:
-Ok kids, I want you to enter the gym and jog two laps around the floor. Remember to stay in the blue
paint and not to cut corners.
-After you jog your laps, go to your poly spot and wait for further instructions.
After Laps:
-Everyone stand up! Who remembers what the first stretch we do is? (10 Jumping Jacks) I want
everyone counting out loud to 10.
Ok, ready? Go!
*Students will progress through warm up. They will begin each stretch when teacher yells Begin.
After 10 sec/rep count, students will be directed to next stretch and so on.

-Students will sit back
down on their poly
-The teacher will
introduce the first
activity (Sailors and

10 mins Mats will be lied out around the gym area.
Students will stay within the court area and not
out of bounds. Cones will mark each corner of
the gym floor. Children will be spread out among
the mats. The tagger will stand in the middle of
the court until the game begins.

NASPE 1-4,WV p-4
Standards 3,5,6
Students run/jog
throughout the
workspace, avoiding
the tagger. Students
will participate in
chasing, fleeing, and
Students will move
into open space
avoiding the tagger.
Students will engage
in MVPA when the
music is playing
Students will be
aware of others in
the workspace and
keep their personal
space at all times.

Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core, Closure)
Time Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment
be arranged)
Goal Orientation or
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are addressed)
Ok kids, our first activity is called Sailors and Sharks. The mats that are laid out are
our sailboats and the rest of the floor is our ocean. All of my sailors will start out on
one of the mats. My shark will start out in the center of the floor (tip off circle).
When the music starts, all of my sailors have to swim to a different ship. If the
shark tags you, then you become a shark too.
If the music stops, everyone needs to freeze and listen to my directions.
*The game will go on until the majority of the students become sharks. Depending
on time, the game will start over with a different student starting out as the shark.
*Cues: Music on means start/play, Music stops means freeze.
-Students will sit down
on their poly spots after
the warm up activity.
-Teacher will introduce
game that will enable
students to manipulate
different balls/scarves
(clean up the yard).
-Teacher will explain
the rules of the game
and the boundaries.
-Students will count off
by twos. The 1s will be
on one team and the
2s on the other.
Students will report to their assigned side of the
court and stand on the wall until the game starts.
The teacher will scatter the balls throughout
each side of the court. Balls will most likely roll
outside the basketball court, so boundaries will
be lenient. Students should still stay away from
bleachers and tables on the sidelines.
NASPE 1-4, WV p-4
Standards 3,5,6
Students will practice
throwing with
Students will throw
into open space, not
targeting other
Students will engage
in MVPA when music
Students will NOT
throw at other
students or kick the
balls. Students will
stay on their own
side of the court.
Revised 01/14/14
Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core, Closure)
Time Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment
be arranged)
Goal Orientation or
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are addressed)
Ok, I need everyone back to his or her poly spots.
The next activity we are going to do is called Clean Up The Yard.
We will have two teams on opposite sides of the court. I will scatter different balls
throughout the area. When I play the music, you will pick up any ball in your area
and throw it to your neighbors yard (other side of court).
When we throw, we want to hold the ball in our writing hand, step with our opposite
foot, point and throw. (Demonstrate throw)
When the music stops, everyone must freeze and put down any ball that is in your
We DO NOT want to throw the ball at any of your classmates. Try and throw the
ball in an open space so you do not hit anyone.
Also, DO NOT kick the ball!
*Cues: Music on start, music off stop, Freeze reinforces music stop. Step with
opposite foot, point, throw with writing hand.

Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core, Closure)
Time Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment
be arranged)
Goal Orientation or
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are addressed)
-Students will return to
their poly spots.
-Teacher will explain
the next activity (juggle
-Teacher will hand out
one scarf to each
student to practice
juggling with.
-Students who are
excelling can be given
two scarves to
experiment with.

Students will stand on their own poly spots and
not move around the gym floor. Students will be
distributed equipment AFTER activity is
explained. Students will remain on their poly
spots throughout the activity. If student needs to
retrieve a run-away object (ball, scarf) they must
return to their poly spot after.
NASPE 1,2,4,WV p-
4 Wellness
Standards 5,6
Students will
explore simple
movements with
Students will toss
scarves above their
heads in a variety
of forms. Students
will also catch the
scarves in their
right and left
Students will
explore juggling on
their own poly
spots and respect
others personal
Students will learn
easy, but efficient
ways to accomplish

Revised 01/14/14
Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core, Closure)
Time Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment
be arranged)
Goal Orientation or
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are addressed)
Everyone pick up a ball and bring it to me, then go back to your poly spots. (Collect
all balls, count down from 10).
Since we experimented throwing with different objects, we are going to try juggling
with scarves.
When we juggle, we need to toss the scarf up with one hand above our head and
then catch it. When I hand out the scarves, I want everyone to experiment different
You can throw up with your right and catch with your right/left, opposite. You can
throw high, low, medium. (Demonstrate a few throws)
When I say go, you can begin experimenting with the scarves. If I yell freeze,
everyone hold their scarves and sit down.
Everyone practice ON your own poly spot. We are not running around.
Now, jugglers can include more than one object. With two scarves, we can throw
one up, another one right after, and catch in opposite hands. Everyone watch me.
( Demonstrate)
If you feel like you are ready for a second scarf, raise your hand and I will bring you
Remember to stay on your own poly spot.
*Cues: Throw low, medium, high above head; catch with same, opposite hand;
Begin; Freeze

Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core, Closure)
Time Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment
be arranged)
Goal Orientation or
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are addressed)
CORE cont
-Students will stand on
their poly spot with
their scarf in hand.
-Teacher will lead
Simon Says juggling
-After a few minutes of
using scarves, teacher
can incorporate
different balls to use.
Students can also
experiment with two
scarves or balls.
Again, students will remain on their own poly
spot throughout the activity. They must retrieve
their run-away equipment and return to their
spots. Students will face forward and watch
Simon for instruction.
NASPE 1,2,4,WV p-
4 Wellness
Standards 5,6
Students will
explore simple
movements with
Students will toss
scarves above their
heads in a variety
of forms. Students
will also catch the
scarves in their
right and left
hands. Students
will mimic
Students will
participate in
juggling game on
their own poly
spots and respect
others personal
Students will learn
easy, but efficient
ways to accomplish

Revised 01/14/14
Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core, Closure)
Time Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment
be arranged)
Goal Orientation or
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are addressed)
Everyone only needs one scarf for this next game. We will be playing Simon Says
with our scarves. I will be Simon.
So, I can say something like, Simon Says, toss scarf with right hand and catch
with right hand or Simon Says, toss with left and catch with right. I may also tell
you how high or low to toss the scarf.
Remember, we are staying on our own poly spots. We need to all be quiet to hear
what Simon says also.
Now, does anyone feel they are ready to be Simon? (Pick a student to be Simon,
switch up students after a few attempts)
*Cues: Simon Says; toss scarf above head; toss with right/left; catch with right/left;
toss high, medium, low; Freeze!

-Students will put all of
the equipment in the
proper bag/basket.
(Teacher can time
them or count down
from 20)
-Students will return to
their poly spot.
-Teacher will ask
questions about the
lesson so students can
review important tasks.
Students will return all equipment to the teacher
and go back to their individual poly spots.
Students will walk to and from their spots.
Students will be called up by row to return their
Students will be
informally assessed
on different concepts
and skills they have
learned in the
Ok, can anyone tell me what ball/ scarf was easiest to throw during Clean Up The
Yard? Why? Hardest? Why?
Was juggling easier with one scarf/ball or two?
Is it easier to juggle when we throw our scarf/ball low, medium, or high? How so?
(If time is left)
-Choose any ball/scarf
that we used today and
practice the juggling
skills we learned.
-Students can use one
or two balls/scarves,
and they can show
their neighbors their

Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core, Closure)
Time Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment
be arranged)
Goal Orientation or
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are addressed)

Contingency Plan:
-If the gym is out of use, class can continue in
grass field outside or open playground area out
cafeteria doors. Equipment will be easily
accessible from gym closet.
-If the students are late, I can reduce or even cut
out an intro activity (tag game likely modified). I
can also have students experiment juggling and
cut out the Simon Says game at the end. If there
are more students than expected, I can easily
retrieve more equipment from closet. I have
already accounted for extra equipment above.

(What if you have to go outside? What if you do not have the
gymnasium? What if the students are late? What if you have a
double class?)
Technology Integration:
-Music player already located in gym w/ music
already set up.
-IPAD to record class.

(Music, Heart Rate Monitors, Pedometers, FLIP video cameras,
digital cameras, etc,)


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