Irctcs E-Ticketing Service Electronic Reservation Slip (Personal User)

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IRCTCs e-Ticketing Service

Electronic Reservation
Slip (Personal User)

This ticket will only be valid along with an ID proof in original. If found
travelling without ID Proof,Passenger will be treated as without ticket and
charged as per extant Railway rules.
Valid IDs to be presented during train ourney by one of the passenger booked
on an e!ticket "! Voter Identity #ard $ Passport $ P%& #ard $ Driving 'icense $
Photo ID card issued by #entral$(tate )ovt.$ (tudent Identity #ard with
photograph issued by recogni*ed (chool or #ollege for their students $
&ationali*ed +ank Passbook with photograph $#redit #ards issued by +anks
with la,inated photograph $ -ni.ue Identification #ard /%adhaar/.
)eneral rules$ Infor,ation for e!ticket passenger have to be studied by the
custo,er for cancellation 0 refund.

P&R &o" 1213344526
Train No. & Name: 19206/HI AII
Quota: General
Transaction ID" 7538752839
Date of oo!in": 1#$No%$2012
0&:19:1# 'M
(la)): 2A
*rom: HA+ID,A+ -N.H,/ Date of -ourne0: 21$De1$2011 To: -AI'2+.-'/
oar3in": HA+ID,A+ -N.H,/ Date of oar3in": 21$De1$2011
De6arture: 17:28 9
+e)% 26to: -AI'2+.-'/ Di)tan1e: 0889 :M A3ult: 02 (5il3: 01
'a))en"er Mo;ile
Num;er: 9&88771111

Passenger %ddress "! #01< 4e1tor$12< Noi3a 201 =01 2'
:%R; D;T%I'( "
1 Ti1!et *are +). 22=0 +u6ee) T>o T5ou)an3 T>o Hun3re3 an3 T5irt0 ?nl0
2 I+(T( 4er%i1e (5ar"e) +). 20 +u6ee) T>ent0 ?nl0
= Total +). 2280 +u6ee) T>o T5ou)an3 T>o Hun3re3 an3 *ift0 ?nl0
P%((;&);R D;T%I'( "
4No. Name A"e 4e@
oo!in" 4tatu)/ (urrent
4tatu)/(oa15 No./4eat No
1 266i0u)5 T5a!ur 2# Male (?N*I+M A1/ 0026/ 2
2 45re0a T5a!ur 26 *emale (?N*I+M A1/ 002&/ 2
= 45eena T5a!ur 6 *emale ,L 11/ ,L 8 0000/
This ticket is booked on a personal user ID and cannot be sold by an agent. If bought
from an agent by any individual, it is at his/her own risk.

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