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The Secret of Secrets

The Bucegi Mountain Secrets

By Simon Day.
Written in 2013
Table of Contents
Introduction - Page 2
The Story - Pages 3 to 28
The evidence Pages 29 to 44
The i!a "#$edition 4% to %4
&y thoughts Page %%
't the beginning of 2()2 I *as reading though so+e $osts and one in $articular *as
rather +undane and I *as about to leave the thread *hen I noticed a lin, and -ust
clic,ed on it. This lin, o$ened u$ the +ost a+a!ing and incredible research -ourney I/ve
ever been on. Since 0anuary 2()2 I/ve been researching so+ething incredible and I *ill
no* reveal this bi!arre story.
1hat I read *as so incredible that I s$ent the first fe* +onths trying to debun, it
because if it *ere true it *ould change +y vie*s on everything I/ve ever learnt. 2o
+atter ho* hard I tried I si+$ly could not debun, it. The reverse *as ha$$ening
because I ,e$t finding confir+ation after confir+ation of its validity.
3aniel once said to +e that I/ll never find the truth online and he *as al+ost right.
1hen I first discovered it there *as only t*o *ebsites tal,ing about it and trying to find
the+ *as al+ost i+$ossible. This *as hidden dee$er than anything I/ve ever seen
before4 so buried it re5uired an incredible flu,e of luc, to find it.
I have given this infor+ation to a s+all handful of researchers and I have s$o,en to
+any $eo$le *ho live around the 6ucegi &ountains. The researchers have all found
their o*n confir+ations and the $eo$le around 6ucegi '77 tal, of events 8historical and
$resent9 that ha$$en there. Things that entire villages have *itnessed or discovered.
1hat this docu+ent *ill ho$efully sho* you is *hat I have found and so+e of the
connections. 'lthough *hat I discovered *as regarding :o+ania it is very strongly
connected to the i!a Pyra+id but es$ecially the Tibetan &ountains and &ount ;ailash
in $articular.
I have terrible trouble verbali!ing *hat I ,no*. I have found do!ens of references to this
discovery in ancient te#ts and even the 6ible. I gras$ the idea but then forget the *ords.
I a+ absolutely $ositive that the locations do e#ist and I believe that +uch of *hat has
been said about *hat/s inside it is true.
I have en-oyed debun,ing cons$iracy theories and I don/t classify +yself as a cons$iracy
theorist. I a+ a free thin,er and a truth see,er. 1ithout letting go of old beliefs this
docu+ent *ill a$$ear co+$letely cra!y but I as, you to really thin, about ho* +uch of
our history do you really believe is true and do you believe that $erha$s there are +any
things being hidden and not told< The truth *ould set the 1orld free but there are
$lenty *ho never *ant to lose control of this total fear-based society.
' Su++ary of the discovery in 2((3
There are 4 $ri+ary tunnels and further sub tunnels that lead to dee$er and
bigger $laces *hich you *ill have heard of but *ith different na+es.
In these tunnels you *ill find roo+s4 huge roo+s4 *ith huge tables and stone
chairs for $eo$le +uch4 +uch taller than us.
The $ro-ection roo+ contains all our history and can be re$layed visually.
' table *here you can $erfor+ hologra$hic e#$eri+ents *ith 32'4 +i# and
+atch anything you *ish and see *hat the results *ould be.
These roo+s *ere created %(4((( years ago and each is connected to each other4
$rotected by a energy source *hich actives all as one is activated.
The locations are= 2ear the S$hin# in "gy$t4 6aghdad4 &ount ;ailash in Tibet
and the 6ucegi &ountains in :o+ania. The inner tunnels lead to a secret 1orld
under the obi Plateau in &ongolia and to 'ntarctica.
This connects to 11II and the er+an Tibet e#$edition4 :o+ania being fast-
trac,ed into 2'T>4 hollo* earth4 the eye above the $yra+id and +ore.
Since the declassification of the new ground-enetrating radar 2 years ago! the most
staggering data has emerged of comle" and la#yrinthine underground systems in
$arious arts of the world. %t laces li&e 'uatemala in the South %mericas! tunnels
ha$e #een maed under the Mayan yramid comle" at Ti&al! which e"tend a full (00
&ilometers to the oosite side of the country. )n$estigators remar&ed! it was ossi#le
to understand how half a million Mayan )ndians escaed the decimation of their
This is an ancient *indu drawing of
tunnels connected from a mountain +Mount ,ailash-
1hat ha$$ened in :o+ania
round-$enetrating radar
In 2((24 the Pentagon *as running several +ilitary and geodesic $rogra++es using
satellites based on the above technology. The satellite s$otted a $articular structure
located inside the 6ucegi +ountains.
The satellite scan of the +ountain revealed t*o +a-or energetic bloc,s. The bloc,s *ere
+ade of artificial energy? the first *as connected to a *all4 a *all bloc,ing access to the
tunnel. The second *as huge4 li,e a do+e or he+is$here4 at the o$$osite end of the
tunnel4 near the center of the +ountain. &assini ac,no*ledged that there is so+ething
e#tre+ely i+$ortant and *as very *ell $rotected.
The $eo$le fro+ the Pentagon couldn@t understand *hy the tunnel turned in a sort of
!ig!ag $attern to*ards the central !one of the +ountain4 nor the significance of the
t*enty-si# degree angle of the construction. The structure *as in a $arallel $lane *ith
the ground and the se+i-s$herical energetic bloc,age *as situated on the vertical
corres$onding to the ridge roc,s called 6abele. 'ctually4 as our +easure+ent based on
the Pentagon data sho*ed4 the vertical *as co+ing out at a$$ro#i+ately forty +eters
fro+ 6abele4 bet*een it and the 6ucegi@s S$hin#.
' si+ilar structure in Ira5
ASignore &assini led +e to understand that the ele+ents of the internal artificial
structure fro+ 6ucegi *ould not have $articularly attracted their interests had it not
been for the fact that their re$resentatives fro+ the Pentagon had noticed that the
se+i-s$herical bloc,age had e#actly the sa+e fre5uency and sha$e as one fro+
another secret underground structure that they had discovered -ust a fe* +onths
before4 so+e*here near 6aghdad. 3ue to reasons I don@t yet ,no*4 *hich the venerable
&assini hasn@t revealed to +e4 those in $o*er *ere e#tre+ely interested in the secret
data the +ilitary es$ionage satellite had registered in connection *ith the strange
energetic structure fro+ Ira5@s underground.B
AShortly after the discovery4 the *ar started and the '+ericans4 *ith total secrecy4 had
access to that area *hile the Ira5is didn@t ,no* a thing about it. &assini said that no
+atter ho* hard they tried4 they couldn@t $enetrate the energetic *all but he didn@t give
+e any +ore details. The *hole o$eration *as to$ secret. Ce stated that *hat *as
there *as connected *ith our $lanet@s +ysterious $ast4 but in a certain *ay4 *ith the
history of their organi!ation as *ell.

&assini also said that *hat *as there *as infor+ation about the $lanet/s +ysterious
$ast and the history of their organi!ation. 1hen the Pentagon investigation noted the
si+ilarity of the data bet*een the underground structure near 6aghdad and the one
fro+ 6ucegi4 &assini *as suddenly very agitated. Initially4 they@ve al+ost $anic,ed. The
$anic *as due to the fact that this structure - +uch larger and +ore co+$le# than the
one fro+ Ira5 - is on :o+ania@s territory 8note? it see+s that :o+ania has a very
i+$ortant +ission in the years to co+e. 'bove The 6ucegi &ountains there is also an
energetic $yra+id its shado* can be seen t*ice a year - *hich has a $rotective
$ur$ose and also ,ee$s safe the true ,no*ledge that *ill be revealed to everyone *hen
the ti+e co+es9.
&assini $rovided the correct $lan to reach the tunnel4 as it has been calculated by
e#$erts in the Pentagon. The brea,through *as $ossible close to D(-E( +eters fro+ the
first energy barrier on the side of the +ountain. &assini $ro+ised ultra so$histicated
F.S. +ilitary technology to achieve brea,through into the first energy barrier.
Their first atte+$ts going through the barrier cost the lives of three solders *ho had
cardiac arrests as they tried to *al, through it.
AIt *as a vibration fre5uency $roble+4B I said4 a+a!ed by the cal+ *ith *hich I had
s$o,en those *ords. Ce!ar loo,ed at +e sur$rised.
A"#actlyGB he confir+ed. A7oo,ing for a solution4 I closed +y eyes and focused u$on
the energetic barrier. Shortly4 I felt that it actually *as Halive@ but in a very s$ecial *ay
that I couldn@t e#$lain to those $resent.B
AI felt that bet*een +e and the barrier@s energy *as a certain Hco+$atibility4@ so+ething
li,e a reci$rocal sy+$athy and that I had successfully $assed the H$ersonal vibration
test.@ I couldn@t sto$ as,ing +yself *hat ,ind of e#ce$tional technological and s$iritual
develo$+ent had those *ho had established this genuine Hfrontier@ of energetic
chec,ing *hich $resent science can@t even conceive of4 never +ind about actually
achieving. I then too, a fe* stones fro+ the ground and thre* the+ to*ards the
invisible energetic barrier. 's soon as the stones touched the energetic barrier4 they
*ere transfor+ed into a fine $o*der that fell on the ground for+ing a straight line.
AI *as no* loo,ing at the a+a!ed faces of the '+erican officials and a fe* +e+bers of
+y tea+ *ho *ere still on the other side of the barrier. I *ent to the *all and $ressed
the triangle fro+ the $erfectly finished stone s5uare4 the one you are loo,ing at no*.
'ctually4 it *as enough -ust to touch it because it doesn@t +ove. It@s fi#ed. >nly its
surface is carved in the stone. The gate4 fro+ *hich you no* see -ust a $art4
i++ediately started to glide s+oothly and al+ost *ithout any noise until it sto$$ed in
the $osition it is still in. That *as the +o+ent *hen all of us sa*4 for the first ti+e4 the
reat allery. It *as a +o+ent of intense e+otion. 1e *ere shoc,ed that it *as lit -ust
as you see it no* but *ithout actually containing any light source4 at least any
conventional light source that *e ,no* of.B
A7ater4 I did +ore e#$eri+ents4 es$ecially after *e $recisely +ar,ed the area *here the
energetic barrier acted. eneral >badea ca+e and touched *ith only one finger the
invisible surface of the barrier= and even if nothing serious ha$$ened to hi+4 he still had
a feeling of vertigo and nausea. The Presidential Counsellor *as violently thro*n to the
ground even though the contact bet*een his s,in and the barrier *as very light. Ce
recovered fro+ his e#$erience later under a doctor@s su$ervision. 'fter that4 no one else
*ished to try going through the energetic *all. The three soldiers *ho died $robably
had a si+ultaneous contact on a bigger surface of their body that *as lethal for the+.
The $roble+ is that $eo$le cannot stay in the invisible barrier for too long. This is the
invisible barrier bet*een the closed gate and the energetic *all. Those *ho can@t go
through it can@t stay there for too long.
A1e tried *ith a fe* soldiers and4 after *e closed the gate and activated the energetic
barrier4 they told +e that they felt li,e they *ere suffocating and it beca+e +ore and
+ore acute. 1e therefore had to leave the energetic barrier as *ell as the gate o$en4
but as you have already seen4 *e $laced t*o guards and *e installed an alar+ to
$revent any unauthori!ed access to the reat allery. The iris identification syste+
resets itself after five seconds *hich is enough to cross the entrance line into the gallery
and beyond the gate@s gliding syste+.
1hile *al,ing to*ards the gallery Ce!ar recalls the first ti+e he entered here...
:"'T 3IP7>&'TIC T"2SI>2S
AI got bac, to the base as fast as I could and entered the '+ericans@ roo+ *here I *as
also received by eneral >badea4B Ce!ar continued to tell +e. A'n un$redicted
ele+ent occurred that ruined all $lans4 ours as *ell as Signore &assini@s.
AThe :o+anian $ress lea,ed so+ething<B I guessed.
AIt *as so+ething even *orse than that. 3o you re+e+ber that the venerable one told
+e about the discovery they had +ade ne#t to 6aghdad< That there as *ell *as an
energetic barrier that couldn@t be breached but *as identical *ith the se+i-s$herical
shield that surrounded the big hall fro+ here<B
I nodded. The '+erican@s discovery *as not accidental but follo*ed certain indications
fro+ the sa+e +ilitary es$ionage satellite that also revealed the data for the
a$$ro#i+ate +a$ of the structure inside the 6ucegi &ountains. Ce!ar continued.
A1ell4 the '+erican counsellor on national security issues got an ultra secret fa# in
*hich he *as infor+ed that the energetic shield fro+ 6aghdad suddenly activated and
started $ulsing at a great fre5uency. The a+a!ing infor+ation *as that a hologra+
a$$eared in front of it4 gradually sho*ing "uro$e= then the southeast of "uro$e= then
:o+ania@s territory= then the 6ucegi &ountains= and finally4 the location of the inner
structure *ithin the reat allery@s corridor and the se+i-s$herical energetic shield that
*as strongly $ulsing. It *as obvious that the t*o energetic se+i-s$herical shields *ere
directly but +ysteriously connected and that the activation of one of the+ led to the
activation of the other one. 1ho ,no*s4 +aybe there is a net*or, of these ,inds of
underground structures all over the *orld.
AThe bad ne*s *as that the F.S. Presidency *as infor+ed of these events and +ade
di$lo+atic contact *ith :o+ania through the secret services. In -ust a fe* +inutes4 the
*hole o$eration had been uncovered. The i++inent arrival of a state co++ission fro+
6ucharest had been announced to co+e and evaluate the situation.B
I *as so absorbed in listening to *hat Ce!ar *as telling +e that I had not even reali!ed
that I had sto$$ed *al,ing. 1e had about another hundred +eters before the last turn
and the light fro+ the energetic shield4 reflecting on the reat allery@s *all4 *as no*
+uch stronger.
A3id they *ant to ta,e over at a $olitical level<B I i+$atiently as,ed.
AI thin, this *as the initial order but things got even +ore co+$licated *hen they
actually sa* *hat this all *as about. &y fears ca+e true because our $oliticians4 the
ones that had the right to be +ade a*are of these as$ects4 $anic,ed. It *as obvious
they couldn@t face the events and that the decisions *ere going to be +ade under an
advanced state of stress.
Aeneral >badea *as called to 6ucharest. It *as a critical +o+ent *hich $ut at sta,e
even the e#istence of 3e$art+ent Iero4 or at least of its inde$endent structure. The
eneral had to -ustify the eluding of the $olitical $o*er. 6efore leaving for the ca$ital4
acco+$anied by those fro+ the co++ission4 eneral >badea tal,ed *ith +e and *e
both decided to reveal all the as$ects4 intrigues and $lans of the last year4 including +y
relation *ith Signore &assini. The +ost difficult $roble+ *as to find e#actly the right
$eo$le to +a,e that crucial i+$ortant re$ort to because4 other*ise4 all our intentions
and $lans *ould have been revealed and the re$ercussions could be fatal as far as the
*ell being of +yself and the eneral *as concerned. The sa+e could be said for
national security. &ean*hile4 I *as stuc, at the base4 all *or, having co+e to a halt.
AThe '+erican tea+ had been isolated in a tent and the tunnel@s guarding *as ta,en
over by the ar+y@s s$ecial intervention troo$s. The di$lo+atic tension *as rising
because 1ashington $ressured to have contact *ith the Pentagon@s generals and *ith
the Presidential Counsellor.
A6ac, then4 no one ,ne* *hat *as in the big hall that *as $rotected by the energetic
shield. 'ny initiative or research o$eration had been sto$$ed. 2o one *as allo*ed into
the base e#ce$t for the guard $atrols. The ne* situation *as coordinated by t*o to$
generals fro+ the :o+anian ar+y *ho $er+anently +aintained contact *ith the
highest $olitical structure of :o+ania. In this entire e#tre+ely tense situation4 the only
one *ho +anaged to Hsnea,@ outside the base4 follo*ing a very s$ecial order co+ing
fro+ 6ucharest4 *as Signore &assini. I haven@t seen hi+ since then4 but believe +e4 I
fully felt his influence in the *ay things unfolded after*ards. 'nd I a+ referring here to
the +ute but very fierce fight bet*een the :o+anian and '+erican di$lo+ats as *ell as
to the nature of the $olitical decisions that *ere ta,en in connection *ith the o$eration
fro+ here. "verything ha$$ened very fast= -ust eight days $assed since those events.B
AIf I a+ here and you4 as far as I understand4 +anaged to get inside the Pro-ection Call4
this +eans that eneral >badea *as successful in 6ucharest.B
Ce!ar +ysteriously s+iled.
A&ostly4 the ans*er is affir+ative. The success *as +ainly bringing everything to the
right $eo$le@s ears4 $eo$le *ith a great +oral integrity *ho are also ani+ated by a
$rofound $atriotis+.
AThe 23SC 82ational 3efense Su$re+e Council9 as,ed for an e+ergency +eeting.
&ost *ere sha,en by *hat they found out. 'n intense *ave of a$$roval to*ards the
eneral and his activities *as then s$ontaneously created. They i++ediately decided
to continue the research under the e#clusive co++and of the eneral and +e.
Co*ever4 the di$lo+atic crisis had not been resolved yet. The '+erican +ilitary *ere
allo*ed to leave the country the follo*ing day= but the tea+ of researchers and
s$ecialists4 as *ell as all logistics and devices4 *ere ,e$t here. 1e then thought that
things *ere settled4 and I *as al+ost glad they had ha$$ened the *ay they did. That
*ay I did not need to $retend or give in4 +ore or less4 to the venerable +e+ber of the
&asonic elite. Fnfortunately4 their force of influence and the $ressure they e#ercised
through di$lo+atic channels *as huge.B
1e had reached the end of the hall *here it turned left suddenly4 this ti+e for four
+eters only. The sight in front of our eyes *as truly grandiose. The gigantic arch the
energy shield for+ed *as a s$lendid radiant blue4 continuously crossed by intense
bright *hite flashes.
'lthough Ce!ar had +entioned that the Pro-ection :oo+ *as isolated fro+ the e#terior
by a gate4 li,e the 6ig allery4 one still could not see anything inside through it. The hall
ended suddenly in a huge roo+4 dug into the +ountain li,e a he+is$here. There *as
no +ore than seven or eight +eters fro+ the end of the hall to the energy shield.
The arch created by the energy shield *as included in the he+is$herical cavity4 but I
noticed the area behind *as co++on to the roc, *all. I esti+ated the level distance
bet*een the shield@s arch and the roo+@s ceiling *as about ten +eters. The +agical
light $roduced by the energy shield *as being reflected in *onderful s$ar,s and shades
on the roc,y *alls of the +ountain. The beauty and the grandeur of that $icture see+ed
e#traneous and +y heart startled *ith e+otion and -oy.
ACo* did you +anage to get inside<B I as,ed Ce!ar4 affected by the intensity of the
feeling that the i+age gave +e.
AIt is +uch si+$ler than you *ould e#$ect. The ones *ho $lanned the *hole asse+bly
$robably considered the first energy shield to be a real Htouch stone@ for the $ossible
entrants4 esti+ating it *as enough for the *hole structure@s security. I have to ad+it they
*ere right. 2othing could $ass the first energy shield unless it *as a su$erior and
$rofoundly beneficial consciousness. "ven in case of an ato+ic co+bustion4 the
asse+bly *as very *ell $rotected by the +ountain. &aybe that *as the reason the 6ig
allery started suddenly4 dee$ inside the +ountain. I cannot say though ho* they
technically created it.
A1hen I received the ne* orders fro+ 6ucharest4 I *as very ha$$y. I sensed the fight
*as -ust starting4 but at least I had i+$ortant $olitical su$$ort and fro+ the leading
$oliticians4 too. The sa+e day I entered the Pro-ection :oo+ you see in front of your
eyes. I *as alone as I found out the terrible +ystery that had re+ained hidden for fifty
thousand years. Jou can hardly i+agine the feelings I had in those +o+ents. There are
so+e as$ects I cannot tell you though.B
AJou +entioned this nu+ber of years before4B I interru$ted Ce!ar. ACo* can you tell
that this is the right $eriod of ti+e since all of this has been here<B
AIt *as the result of further scientific e#a+ination of so+e data Hthey@ offered that you
*ill also see after *e enter the roo+. 'll of the events I described to you have occurred
since last *ee,. &any of the+ ha$$ened very 5uic,ly and the changes of situations
*ere dra+atic so+eti+es. I shall tell you everything here before *e enter the roo+ as
you *ill be thrilled at *hat you see.B
1e sto$$ed at the line of de+arcation bet*een the 6ig allery and the gigantic hall
inside the +ountain that held the he+is$herical energy shield. Kascinated4 I *as
listening to Ce!ar *hile I *as *atching the e#otic s$ar,les on the blue surface of the
A'fter the decision to continue the research under 3e$art+ent Iero@s +anage+ent4 I
entered the Pro-ection :oo+ several ti+es and catalogued everything4 *or,ing
together *ith our tea+ of s$ecialists.
AThe ne#t day4 ho*ever4 the first contradictory signals a$$eared fro+ the $olitical
$o*ers. The orders that follo*ed one after the other4 revo,ing each other4 *ere either
strong or evasive and sho*ed the e#istence of a big tension. I sus$ected that there *as
the dra+a of a real battle. I had already sent over a secure $hone line the results of our
discovery in the Pro-ection :oo+. '$$arently4 that *as the s$ar, that lit the Hbo+b.@
Aeneral >badea told +e t*o days ago4 after he ca+e bac, fro+ 6ucharest4 that the
+e+bers of The Su$re+e Council for Protecting the Country *ere in a continuous
+eeting and ,ee$ing in touch *ith us. 'fter tal,ing out the issue beforehand4 they
decided to +a,e this tre+endous discovery fro+ :o+ania@s +ountains ,no*n all over
the *orld. eneral >badea *as $art of The Su$re+e Council for Protecting the
Country@s structure and his *ord counted a lot in favor of the declaration that :o+ania
*as to +a,e to the *hole *orld. Ce told +e there *ere so+e +e+bers of The
Su$re+e Council for Protecting the Country that *ere strongly against it4 but they *ere
in the +inority. The e+otions got so high that4 at one $oint4 those $eo$le stood u$ and
left the roo+. The President@s advisors *ere continually co+ing and going4 transferring
infor+ation fro+ the "#ternal 3i$lo+atic :elations >ffice to The Su$re+e Council for
Protecting the Country +eeting.
A1hen the '+erican di$lo+ats *ere infor+ed that :o+ania *ould +a,e an
international announce+ent of crucial i+$ortance for the *hole *orld4 everything
turned to chaos. The eneral told +e that he had never seen such a rush and $anic
a+ong di$lo+ats. 2obody ,ne* the cause but everybody sus$ected so+ething very
serious and i+$ortant *as ha$$ening. 't one $oint4 the :o+anian $resident *as called
to have a direct $hone conversation *ith the 1hite Couse. That *as a very s$ecial and
to$ secret discussion. Ce did not co+e bac, for a long ti+e after that4 but he infor+ed
everyone that a to$ '+erican di$lo+atic delegation *as already on its *ay to
AThe infor+ation s$read very fast. 'll the transactions and deals bet*een the :o+anian
state and international financial organi!ations *ere bloc,ed in a cou$le of hours. The
declaration of a state of e+ergency in the +ountain area *as e#$ected any +o+ent.
The &inistry of 3efense gave an order of general alert for the officers. There *ere
+o+ents of great $anic and even terror a+ong those involved in this o$eration as no
one ,ne* the real cause creating the current tension.
AThe discussions bet*een the '+erican officials and the :o+anian officials too, $lace
*ithout an inter$reter. They *ere so violent that they *ere +any +o+ents of crisis *hen
the di$lo+ats yelled at each other as loudly as they could4 uttering +ulti$le threats *ith
+easures of retaliation. The good $art *as that the other states of the *orld had not
found out about that $roble+ yet. The '+ericans ,ne* very *ell there *ere other
$o*erful countries that *ould ta,e :o+ania@s side in sustaining its declaration.B
A1hat did they *ant to declare<B I as,ed curiously.
A&ainly4 it *ould have contained the +ost i+$ortant data of the discovery +ade in the
6ucegi &ountains4 giving evidence to the *hole *orld such as $ictures and other
essentials ele+ents in order to clarify different as$ects connected to this structure fro+
inside the +ountain. The greatest scientists *ould have been invited to study and
search and all the resources *ould have been +obili!ed to solve the nu+erous enig+as
*e *ere confronted *ith. 6ut the +ost i+$ortant as$ect *ould have been the
discoveries regarding the e#tre+e ancient $ast of hu+an,ind and the real history that
*as al+ost entirely fabricated. Kurther+ore4 there *ere other very delicate ele+ents
that I can only reveal to you $artially.B
A6ut4 *here did they ,no* all that fro+<B I as,ed.
AJou *ill see i++ediately. Cave a little bit +ore $atience. The '+ericans reacted
violently as the declaration *ould have shattered their $lanetary influence in a second.
"ven +ore4 it could have thro*n into chaos the econo+y of their country4 +aybe even
the econo+y of the *hole *orld. 'ctually4 that *as the +ain reason they invo,ed
strong-ar+ tactics. They *anted to avoid the $anic and disturbance of all the $eo$le
on "arth. Co*ever4 they did not sus$ect that the $ossible social anguish and disturbed
condition +ight have a$$eared as a direct result of the lies and +ani$ulations the ruling
classes4 es$ecially the &asonic organi!ations4 have been +aintaining all this ti+e.
AThrough a very s$ecial di$lo+atic channel4 a $ersonal Pa$al a$$roach *as received4
advising to*ards great te+$erance before +a,ing this funda+ental ste$ for
hu+an,ind. The Latican had already been infor+ed by the '+ericans as it *as
considered by the latter a $ossible ally in bloc,ing the revelations. Strangely4 although
revealing these as$ects to the *hole *orld *ould have reduced considerably the
Latican@s $o*er and its influence u$on Christian believers4 the Po$e did not ta,e a fir+
$osition against it4 but he urged instead for an efficient balancing of $ros and cons
before $resenting the declaration. Ce even co++unicated he *ould $ut at the
:o+anian State@s dis$osal certain ancient docu+ents fro+ the Secret 'rchives of the
Pa$al ad+inistration that are very i+$ortant for :o+ania and su$$ort the $roofs of the
discovery in the +ountains.
AKinally4 after t*o hours of discussion and consultation4 a final collaboration agree+ent
*as reached4 *ith $recise ter+s that balanced the interests of both countries. The Po$e
$ro+ised to +a,e certain docu+ents available to the :o+anian state fro+ the ancient
$a$al secret archives4 *hich are of great i+$ortance for :o+ania and also evidence
su$$orting the discovery in the +ountains. 'fter 24 hours of tal,s4 a final agree+ent
occurred bet*een the :o+ania4 The Latican and FS' and they chose to coo$erate
under $recise ter+s *hich included the FS' fast-trac,ing :o+ania into 2'T>. The
:o+anian state *as to $ost$one the disclosure for no*.
TC" P:>0"CTI>2 :>>&
Ce!ar told +e to ste$ for*ard. The 6ig allery ended suddenly in a gigantic roo+
inside of the +ountain. It *as about 3( +eters high and a$$ro#i+ately )(( +eters
long. The Pro-ection :oo+4 *hich *as $ractically enclosed by the energy shield4 had
s+aller di+ensions than those of the +ountain roo+. Its height *as about 2( +eters4
+aybe even +ore. It a$$eared large to +e. There *ere about seven or eight +eters
straight fro+ one end of the hall to the energy shield. This distance *as edged by t*o
borders of the sa+e +aterial that *ra$$ed the hall. The borders *ent ahead and u$ to
the shield *hich *as as *ide as the hall. Kour electrical vehicles *ere $laced on each
side of the+.
"#cited4 I ste$$ed out of the hall onto the short trac, area edged by the borders. This
see+ed to be the +o+ent of truth. I *as to get inside the heart of a +ystery ,e$t for
tens of thousands of years and thus be one of the fe* to have had access to the
revelation of its enig+a.
AThe energy shield@s role is to divide the roo+4 li,e a *all4 fro+ the rest of the cavity in
the +ountain and also to $rotect fro+ e#terior bad influences4B said Ce!ar4 +a,ing +e
return fro+ +y thoughts. AIt has only one *ay of unconditioned access4 li,e a door4
right in front of you.B
Indeed. 's soon as I got closer to the energy *all4 the $art of the shield that *as
li+ited by the t*o borders beca+e trans$arent and then disa$$eared co+$letely4 thus
$recisely +ar,ing the contour of an entrance of al+ost five +eters high. I ste$$ed
inside the big roo+4 follo*ed closely by Ce!ar.
In that heavy roc, *all of ten or t*elve +eters high4 I sa* a dis$lay of three huge tunnel
entrances? one right in front and the other t*o sy++etrically on each side. They *ere
vaguely lit by a green light. Kro+ that distance4 I could not clearly notice the details
although I sa* other devices *ere around each of the three tunnels. Still4 I noticed each
of the tunnels *as guarded by t*o soldiers li,e at the entrance in the 6ig allery.
Pu!!led4 I turned to*ards Ce!ar.
A3id you install security syste+s here4 too< 1hy< 1here do these tunnels go<B
AThis is the area to *hich you do not have access. It is strictly forbidden through the
secret $rotocol signed bet*een the :o+anian state and the Fnited States. I can give
you so+e general infor+ation about this4 but certain things should re+ain secret4 at
least for so+e ti+e fro+ no*. 7et@s start fro+ here4B Ce!ar said4 $ointing so+e*here at
+y right.
I turned and sa* a line of huge T-sha$ed tables +ade of stone and lined u$ against the
*all4 follo*ing its curve. 2one of these tables *ere shorter than t*o +eters high.
T:'2SL":S'7 S"CTI>2 >K TC" &>F2T'I2 :>>&
3ifferent signs of an un,no*n *riting that loo,ed li,e ancient arro*-headed characters
*ere cut three di+ensionally into the thic,ness of the table to$. There *as only one
such line of signs on each table@s *idth. The *riting *as co+$licated4 but it also
contained general sy+bols li,e triangles and circles. 'lthough the signs *ere not
$ainted4 they *ould still be noticeable due to a slight lu+inous radiation4 differently
colored for each table.
There *ere five tables on each side of the roo+. >n so+e of the+ I could see different
ob-ects of un,no*n use. They loo,ed li,e technical tools for scientific use. Several *hite
translucent *ires descended fro+ +any of the+4 gathering in rectangular bo#es
situated outside the table and on the ground. The bo#es *ere +ade of a shiny silver
+etal that could not be scratched. I tried to +ove one of the+ but it *as too *ell
anchored in the ground. The delicate cables *ere e#tre+ely fle#ible and light4 and
inside you could see s+all bright i+$ulses that *ould AslideB along their *hole length.
T*o of the tables *ere e+$ty4 covered by a thin layer of orange dust. Ce!ar told +e
they dre* sa+$les fro+ it that had been sent for $reli+inary analysis to the lab inside
the base4 but they had not received any results. 6ut the real sur$rise *as the distinct
ele+ent that +ade the research tea+ give the na+e APro-ection :oo+B to that huge
+ountain roo+. 1hen I $assed by a table4 a hologra$hic $ro-ection4 $resenting as$ects
fro+ a certain scientific do+ain4 *as si+ultaneously activated on its surface. The three
di+ensionally colored i+ages *ere $erfect and very big4 al+ost t*o and a half +eters
6ecause the tables *ere tall4 I could not see *here the source of the hologra+
$ro-ections *as. I found out fro+ Ce!ar that the rectangular surface of the s+ooth stone
tables had a tight o$ening in the +iddle that *as several centi+eters long and $arallel
to the longest side of the table. The hologra$hic $ro-ections a$$eared fro+ there.
AThe technology used *as great4B said Ce!ar. AThe $ro-ections a$$ear by the+selves4
but at the sa+e ti+e4 they are interactive and de$end on the one *ho *atches the+
and touches the surface of the table.B
I *ent to a table that had so+e three-legged ste$s brought by the base tea+s4 and I
*ent u$ a cou$le of ste$s until +y body *as above the table. It *as al+ost five +eters
long and one and a half +eters *ide. It *as covered by a fil+ +ade of a glass-li,e
+aterial *hich *as not trans$arent but dar,. I could see +y head and +y body
reflecting as in a +irror on the surface of that shiny4 dar, and blue s+o,y fil+.
The fil+ *as s$lit into several big s5uares +ar,ed by straight hori!ontal and vertical
lines that for+ed a ,ind of a fra+e. The rays that for+ed the hologra+ *ent out the
central slot in a $erfectly coherent bea+. '$$arently4 its do+ain *as biology as i+ages
of $lants and ani+als scrolled in front of +y eyes4 so+e of the+ being totally un,no*n
to +e. I slightly touched one of the s5uares *hich *as the biggest4 and the hologra+
began $resenting the anato+ical structure of the hu+an body. 'ctually4 I soon reali!ed
it *as +y body because of a certain +ar, I had on +y ar+. 'lthough I *as not +oving4 I
sa* the hologra$hic i+ages of certain areas of +y body4 s$inning continuously and
being $resented fro+ different angles. If I lifted the finger off that s5uare4 the i+ages of
$lants and ani+als *ould rea$$ear. If I +oved the finger inside the s5uare4 the i+age
*ould read the inside of +y body4 thus offering the $ro-ection of +y internal organs
according to +y finger@s $osition on the surface of the s5uare. I noticed that +oving the
finger in a certain *ay +agnified the e#a+ined area.
&y a+a!e+ent *as boundless as I !oo+ed into e#tre+ely tiny di+ensions4 $assing
over individual cells4 their nucleus and reaching the +olecular area. I thought I *as
drea+ing but I really sa* a +olecule that *as $art of +y o*n liver and *as sho*n in a
huge di+ension. In a fe* +o+ents4 I had gone *ay beyond even the +ost dared
drea+s of the +odern scientists. The i+age $resented a ,ind of cloud of energy that
changed its color continuously4 $robably because of energetic changes that too, $lace
in real ti+e= but in its different $oints I noticed a ,ind of condensation4 lin,ed by a ,ind
of bridge that vibrated continuously. I thought that +aybe those *ere the +olecular
chains. 1hen I !oo+ed into the nuclear area4 the i+age caught one of the ato+s but it
beca+e unstable and bloc,ed. I then sa* *hat I thought to be an ato+ as a vague
energy +ist *ith a very s+all bright centerMheart.
'+a!ed4 I touched other s5uares. "ach ti+e I touched one4 the s5uare lit in orange and
signs of the un,no*n *riting a$$eared inside of it. Kascinated4 I *ent over several
s5uares4 *atching the incredible $ro-ections of life on other celestial bodies. I noticed
that if I si+ultaneously touched t*o surfaces of t*o different s5uares4 the hologra$hic
i+age *ould render a very co+$le# scientific analysis4 $resenting the 32' +olecules of
those beings and the co+$atible $ossibilities bet*een the+. The i+ages *ere
acco+$anied by side*ays vertical lines of that strange *riting *hich *ere $robably
observations4 co++ents or indications regarding the analysis +ade. These *ere
dyna+ic and $resented in a series as the $ossible $hases of +i#ing the t*o life for+s. In
the end4 the +ost $robable +utant for+ a$$eared as a co+bination of genetic data.
I *ent do*n the stairs sha,ing. &y +ind refused to thin, coherently. Strange thoughts
a$$eared in +y +ind4 li,e I *as being set u$ or everything *as a drea+. :eali!ing *hat
*as ha$$ening to +e4 Ce!ar gradually cla++ed do*n on +y $aranoid tendencies that
had been triggered by the very strong shoc, I had felt as a result of the advanced
technology I had accessed in such a very short $eriod of ti+e. 'fter a cou$le of
+inutes4 I recovered. AJou can s$end years here *ithout getting boredGB I e#clai+ed.
AI al+ost cannot believe they reached such an
advanced technological level. 1ho *ere they< Jou +ust ,no*.B
1hen Ce!ar ans*ered4 he *as very serious.
A2o +atter ho* *eird it *ould see+ to you4 *e have had no clue u$ to this +o+ent. It
is as if they *anted to leave us this invaluable treasure but did not *ant us to ,no* *ho
they *ere. The only as$ect *e can sus$ect is that they *ere $robably very tall. 1e
cannot other*ise e#$lain the gigantic di+ensions of so+e ob-ects in here. Jou can be
$roud though that you have been the first to thoroughly investigate the Hbiology@ table
for the last fifty thousand years.
AI *as i+$ressed by the crossing +ethod. It is interesting as our researchers have not
found the +ethod of si+ultaneously touching t*o s5uares yet. It is also true that *e had
to do a lot of things in a very short $eriod of ti+e. In the end4 there have been five or si#
days since *e got into this roo+ and only three days of actual studying.B
1e *ent further. >n each side of the roo+4 half *ay4 there *ere five huge tables
situated seven +eters a*ay fro+ the energy shield. I $assed over each 5uic,ly as Ce!ar
told +e +y $resence there *as li+ited. 6esides4 the fact that I *as there *as the result
of a really s$ecial re5uest of eneral >badea that even Ce!ar could not have +ade.B
There *ere five :o+anians and three '+ericans in the Pro-ection :oo+. The three
giant tunnels fro+ behind the roo+ *ere each guarded by a $air of soldiers *hile t*o
officers secured the over all surveillance of the roo+.
AThe instruction is that they do not touch or +ove anything *hen they are alone4B Ce!ar
e#$lained to +e.
A'll right4 but *hat are they $rotecting here< 6etter said4 fro+ *ho+<B I as,ed.
AThis is $rotocol. In addition4 as I told you4 there are so+e ele+ents I cannot tell you
but they are lin,ed to these secure +easures.B
I continued +y ra$id investigations over each table. There *ere $ro-ections fro+
$hysics4 cos+ology4 astrono+y4 architecture4 technology4 religion4 and a do+ain
re$resenting the characteristics of several races of intelligent beings that did not loo,
entirely hu+an. I 5uic,ly understood the infor+ation *as so vast that +any grou$s of
researchers needed several years to study it continuously *ithout fear of finishing it.
"verything see+ed to be a great library of the universe4 brilliantly synthesi!ed by an
enig+atic civili!ation that *as e#tre+ely advanced technically and s$iritually.
I then *ent to*ards the center of the roo+ *here a t*o and a half +eter high ,ind of
$latfor+ stood. There *ere five ste$s to ease the access to its surface. The *hole
building *as +ade of the sa+e +aterial that could be found in the big gallery. I cli+bed
u$ the stairs together *ith Ce!ar and *e reached a device that loo,ed li,e a shielded
circular cabin that *as +ade of a trans$arent +aterial. It *as three and a half +eters
high and one and a half +eters *ide. 'ctually4 it *as half of a cylinder *ith several
co+$licated installations inside. ' ,ind of $latfor+ bulged out fro+ its *all a third of
the *ay u$ fro+ the base and so+e +etal *ires *ith sensors at the end *ere $laced
A1e have co+e to the conclusion that this re$resents a +ental e+ission installation4B
said Ce!ar. A' $ossible thought a+$lifier or true H+ind +achine.@ It is clearly structured
according to the di+ensions of its builders. The +etal sensors you see higher u$ *ould
fit $erfectly on the head of a three and a half +eter high +an that sits do*n on the
$latfor+. Fnfortunately4 I have not had the $ossibility of understanding ho* it *or,s yet.
Certain ada$tations +ust be +ade4 but several '+erican trans$ortation vehicles *ill
arrive soon that carry the latest technology and tea+s of s$ecialists *ho can begin to
syste+atically research the *hole $lace.B
A3o you ,no* the $ur$ose they used this for<B I as,ed *ith great interest. AI thin, it *as
very i+$ortant since it is in the +iddle of the roo+.B
AIt is true4 but *e cannot ,no* its true use yet. It is li,ely that the $erson *ho connected
to these sensors inside of the cylinder *as ca$able of controlling great +ental energies
and conducting the+ corres$ondingly4 but it is i+$ossible for +e to be sure of the
target of those energies for no*.B
1e got off the $latfor+ and *ent further on4 leaving the stage behind. 't about fifteen
+eters a*ay on the sa+e central line4 I sa* *hat could be called a control $anel. It *as
not very big but *as s5uare *ith a side of about one +eter and *as sustained by one
central leg co+ing out of the floor. I could not see very *ell *hat *as on to$ of it as it
*as $retty high. 7i,e all the other ob-ects in the roo+4 it *as a little bit above +y head.
Ftili!ing another three-legged stair*ay4 I *ent u$ a cou$le of ste$s. I *as a+a!ed by
the *ay things had been $ut together. It *as very co+$licated4 leaving the i+$ression
of a $ro-ection net*or, of co+$uter $la5ues. 1hat *e call buttons *ere re$resented
by differently colored geo+etrical sy+bols. I noticed +ostly triangles4 s5uares and
s$irals. T*o $arallel slots *ere situated in the +iddle of the $anel. Co+ing out of the
slots *ere t*o t*enty centi+eter long +etallic levers that could be co+$ared to t*o
handles. They *ere both in the do*n $osition at the base of the slots and it *as clear
they could slide u$ and do*n. 1hat really caught +y eye *as a big s5uare $laced on
the right side of the board to*ards the botto+ corner. ' red Abutton4B re$resented by a
circle and +uch bigger than the rest of the signs on the board4 *as $laced in the
+iddle. 1ith a dia+eter of about ten centi+eters4 the so-called button *as surrounded
by a series of co+$licated signs that see+ed to be $art of the sa+e un,no*n *riting. It
*as the only area on the board that contained such a sign.
Ce!ar4 *ho *as *atching +e fro+ do*nstairs4 as,ed +e to avoid touching anything on
the board4 es$ecially the red Abutton4B but he did suggest $assing the $al+ of +y hand
over the s5uare containing the circle. I did *hat he as,ed +e right a*ay and a huge
hologra$hic i+age a$$eared in front of +e. It *as about t*o +eters a*ay fro+ the
board and re$resented the "arth vie*ed fro+ about t*enty-five ,ilo+eters a*ay in the
at+os$here. I *as touched *hen I recogni!ed the Car$athian +ountain chain and its
s$ecific curve4 but I *as sur$rised to notice a flo* of huge 5uantities of *ater to*ards
$lains and fields until4 eventually4 the ground beca+e clear. Then4 the $ro-ection of the
silver s5uare *ith the big red button on it overla$$ed the hologra$hic i+age. The
button blin,ed alternatively *hile the signals on the side changed fast *ith varying
colors. I sa* ho* big strea+s of *ater4 li,e giant rivers4 a$$eared fro+ every*here
inside of the territory that no* includes the entirety of :o+ania4 a big $art of Cungary
and the F,raine4 flo*ing to*ards the +ountains and the Transylvania Platfor+.
The i+age then !oo+ed in and I sa* ho*4 in a brief $eriod of ti+e4 the *hole of
:o+ania beca+e $ractically a ne* sea fro+ *hich you could only see so+e +ountain
to$s or s+all $ieces of land as islands. In that +o+ent4 the $ro-ection of the red button
s5uare settled on the i+age of the hologra+ *ithout blin,ing. I++ediately after that4
the $ro-ection of the t*o central slots *ith handles fro+ the board a$$eared on the left4
the handles sliding do*n slo*ly. I *as si+ultaneously *atching ho* *aters started to
bac, out fro+ the territory of our country. Strangely4 they *ent south to*ards one $oint
only and that I located so+e*here in the :ete!at &ountain4 +ost $robably in the
odeanu &ountains area. The *hole 5uantity of *ater drained into the ground there
and :o+ania@s territory loo,ed dry again *ith the geological for+ations *e ,no* today.
Still4 in the curving area of the Car$athians and at a certain distance fro+ the+ to*ards
the east4 in the territory ,no*n today as Lrancea4 I noticed a dar, area of about thirty
,ilo+eters but could not understand *hat it re$resented. In addition4 the 3anube 3elta
did not e#ist any+ore and also4 instead of the 6lac, Sea4 a huge $latfor+ laid to*ards
the &iddle "ast.
In that +o+ent4 the hologra$hic i+age disa$$eared as suddenly as it a$$eared.
'stonished4 I loo,ed at Ce!ar.
AThey even left us an Hinstruction boo,let4@ didn@t they<B he said laughing. AThe
$rocedure is si+ilar for all the other buttons and co++ands on the board4 but I
$articularly *anted you to see *hat could ha$$en *hen the red button *as touched.
'$$arently4 ho*ever4 there is a security syste+.
The research tea+ has identified a series of three co+$licated ste$s that need to be
co+$leted on the control des, so that the $ressing of the red button $roduces the
flood and the disaster you briefly *atched. The *ay Hthey@ teach us is very $ractical4 easy
and intuitive. 1e sus$ect these devices +aintain4 in a *ay that is totally un,no*n to us
so far4 the essential energetic balance of the tectonic area of :o+ania. Jou have -ust
seen the disaster that can ha$$en if this e5uilibriu+ is affected.B
'stounded4 I nodded. 1e then *ent further and to*ards the end of the roo+. There4 I
sa* so+e tall +etallic devices $laced on the sides of the roo+ behind the T-sha$ed
tables. They loo,ed li,e antennas as there *ere different +etallic branches *ith
co+$licated sha$es e+erging laterally fro+ the+. Ce!ar told +e that nobody *as
a*are of the use of those giant devices.
1e reached a very big s5uare that *as bordered by the floor +aterial and *as about
ten +eters a*ay fro+ the control des,. The side of the s5uare +easured three +eters
and its al+ost s+ooth surface *as golden yello*. In the +iddle4 there *as a s+all do+e
of about fifteen centi+eters high *ith a slot on to$. ' vessel li,e an ancient a+$hora4
about half a +eter high4 *as in front of the do+e.
AThe content of the a+$hora re$resents one of the strong $oints of the discovery.B
Ce!ar e#$lained.
APersonally4 I thin, this is *hat the venerable &assini *anted so +uch for hi+ and the
&asonic elite.B
The a+$hora had neither $atterns nor inscri$tions. It *as +ade of a s$ecial reddish
+etal and did not have handles. The elegant lid did not allo* the contents to be seen.
Ce!ar lifted it and then4 bending for*ard4 I could see a very fine *hite glo*ing dust
inside. Curiously4 the interior *alls *ere discretely lit by a blue light that e+$hasi!ed the
al+ost +agical flashes of the *hite dust.
A' sa+$le of it *as analy!ed4B e#$lained Ce!ar. AThe '+erican researchers *ere
$u!!led to discover that it re$resented an un,no*n crystalline structure of +onato+ic
gold. This is a derivative of gold *hich is bright *hite and the ato+s are $laced in a
t*o-di+ensional net*or, as o$$osed to co++on gold *hich is yello* and has ato+s
$laced in a three-di+ensional net*or,. The +onato+ic gold dust is very difficult to
obtain4 es$ecially in a very high $urity4 as is described in so+e ancient te#ts and the fe*
genuine alche+y references fro+ the &iddle "ast. Practically s$ea,ing4 +odern science
has not been able to obtain the e#traordinarily $ure +onato+ic gold dust. "ven so4
incredible thera$eutic effects4 es$ecially regarding regenerative ca$acity4 have been
noticed on living tissues. That is *hy there are still a fe* sources of infor+ation
concerning the technology for obtaining the +onato+ic gold. 'n '+erican scientist
told +e that 2'S' *as very interested in that and huge su+s of +oney had been
invested into researching it.B
I had never heard about +onato+ic gold u$ to that +o+ent and its use *as not very
clear to +e.
A6ut *hy are so+e $ersons so interested in this dust<B I as,ed Ce!ar. A3id you tell
Signore &assini about the e#istence of the gold dust<B
AThe venerable one ,ne* about it before entering here. I do not ,no* ho* and fro+
*here the &asonic elite had such sources of infor+ation4 but they surely heard about it
before this discovery. I +yself *ondered *hy Signore &assini *as so interested in
getting it. I tal,ed *ith both our scientists and the '+erican ones *ho see+ed to ,no*
so+ething about it.B
TC" I2T":I>: P7'2 >K TC" P:>0"CTI>2 :>>&
AThey told +e that4 in its $ure for+4 it strongly sti+ulated certain energetic flo*s and
e#changes at the cellular level and $articularly at the neuronal one. In other *ords4 it
$roduces a +uch accelerated re-uvenation $rocess. They said that4 theoretically4 one
could live in the sa+e $hysical body for thousands of years if one consu+ed a *ell
deter+ined 5uantity of that dust $eriodically. It is +ind-blo*ing and al+ost
unbelievable for the condition and +entality of the $resent individual4 but this e#$lains
+any enig+atical as$ects in hu+an,ind@s history4 as$ects about the incredible longevity
of so+e i+$ortant figures= and it also clarifies the hidden intentions of the &asonic
Sur$risingly4 +y tongue failed +e. I *as stic,ing fast and *aiting for further e#$lanations
fro+ Ce!ar.
A&odern technology does not allo* us to obtain the $urity of the +onato+ic gold dust
*hich is needed to start the general energetic $rocess of re-uvenating the body.
Kurther+ore4 the lab results of the sa+$le have sho*n that the gold ato+s lay in a flat
net*or, but are also co+bined *ith the ato+s of another ele+ent *hich is un,no*n on
"arth. This co+$licates the situation even +ore as *e cannot ,no* *hat other
characteristics the dust has besides the ones +entioned in the ancient te#ts that the
researchers totally ignore.B
Ce!ar told +e to ste$ on the surface of the s5uare and in front of the little do+e over
its +iddle.
AIf you thin, so+ething can further i+$ress you4 this *ill be one of the greatest
sur$rises you can have in this roo+4B he -o,ed.
I then *itnessed a huge hologra+ *ith +oving ele+ents $ro-ected fro+ the slot of the
do+e. I 5uic,ly understood these $ro-ections *ere +ain as$ects of the e#tre+ely
ancient $ast of hu+anity.
'lthough it *as a brief rendition of our ancient $ast4 it included infor+ation concerning
the hidden origin of &an,ind. I clearly reali!ed the +ista,e of 3ar*in@s theory of
evolution. Its funda+ental error *as not the enforced idea but the ignorance. Precise
ele+ents ha$$ened on "arth so long ago4 ele+ents that I sa* rendered in an
e#ce$tionally intelligent and $rofoundly intuitive synthesis. &y legs san, under +e *ith
e+otion and I ,neeled as I *atched the true i+ages of the +ost i+$ortant events in
&an@s history4 including its real origin *hich creates so +any dis$utes to this day.
Fnfortunately4 I *as not allo*ed to *rite in this boo, certain essential as$ects of our
$lanet@s $ast that I had *atched in a co+$act version. These events *ere rendered
e#actly the *ay they ha$$ened tens and hundreds of thousands of years before. This
*as the condition Ce!ar as,ed +e to ,ee$ in order to res$ect the ter+s of the to$
secret +utual agree+ent bet*een :o+ania and the Fnited States.
I honestly confess that4 according to +y -udg+ent4 ninety $ercent of *hat is officially
,no*n today on the history of hu+an,ind is fa,e and fabricated. It is truly unbelievable
that *hat is considered to have really ha$$ened is +ostly a lie. >n the other hand4 the
+yths and legends that fill the story boo,s4 considered by +ost $eo$le to be a $roduct
of bubbly i+agination4 are al+ost true in +any res$ects. This strange AinversionB has
caused +any $roble+s and dis$utes bet*een $eo$le throughout ti+e. The +a-ority of
archaeologists@ and researchers@ ideas and su$$ositions are *rong even though various
$roofs are so+eti+es so obvious that they should change their +isled o$inions. So+e
of their Afantasies4B such as the hilarious theory of the dinosaurs@ disa$$earance D%
+illion years ago or considering that the old continents of 'tlantis and 7e+uria are a
+yth4 are no* co+$letely shattered because I sa* very clearly4 then and there4 ho*
things really ha$$enedG 6ut for +any researchers4 it is $robably +ore co+fortable to
soundly Aslee$B instead of acce$ting the challenge of the un,no*n and ad+itting their
Kro+ ti+e to ti+e4 the hologra$hic $ro-ection held the i+age of the event *hen an
i+$ortant +o+ent in ti+e *as reached. In the bac,ground4 the +a$ of the s,y could be
seen and the $ositions of the +ain stars and constellations of that ti+e *ere +ar,ed.
Ce!ar e#$lained that the stars $roved to be a very si+$le +ethod of historical
deter+ination. 'll that the savants needed to do *as then overla$ the $ositions of
those stars on their actual ones and thus ascertain the $eriods of ti+e *hen those
events actually ha$$ened.
The $roble+ *as that the ti+e $eriod covered by the hologra+s *as huge? several
hundreds of thousands of years. The "arth@s $recession cycle of 2%492( years brings the
constellations4 in their relative $osition to our $lanet4 to the sa+e s$ot at $eriods of
ti+e that are a +ulti$le of 2D4((( years each. The ,ey *as to follo* the hologra$hic
$ro-ection fro+ beginning to end and then calculate ho* +any A$latonic yearsB 8of
a$$ro#i+ately 2D4((( years each9 are thus +ar,ed out. Kor e#a+$le4 *e could dra* the
conclusion that the construction in the 6ucegi &ountains *as built about %(-%%4(((
years ago because the i+age of the reat allery and of the +ain roo+ *as $ro-ected4
*ith all the ob-ects inside as *e found the+4 having on the bac,ground the $osition of
the constellations to*ards the "arth. 'fter that4 the i+age a$$eared one +ore ti+e4 as
a guide4 re$resenting the $assing of t*o $recession $eriods of the e5uino#es.
The AlessonsB *ere easy and yet e#tre+ely u$setting due to their content. I sa* the
truth about the "gy$tian civili!ation and the *ay the big "gy$tian structures *ere built4
truth that is totally different fro+ the stu$idities clai+ed today by "gy$tologists. I sa*
*hat really ha$$ened during the 6ig Klood as *ell as the ger+s of the hu+an
civili!ation that follo*ed it and ho* they later $o$ulated "uro$e4 'sia and 'frica. I have
not been allo*ed to disclose these as$ects yet as they i+$ly realities +uch too
shoc,ing for the +entality4 ideas and ,no*ledge of the conte+$orary +an.
't first4 I thought that the hologra$hic $ro-ection *ould sho* only the $ast of
hu+an,ind4 starting fro+ its origins until the +o+ent that the construction in 6ucegi
*as +ade. I then sa* the $ro-ections $resenting the +ain historical as$ects of the
evolution of different races on our $lanet u$ to the Kifth Century '.3. That +eant either
that the giants *ho built the *hole structure inside the +ountain *ere good +asters of
accessing the ti+e cliches or N and this situation loo,s +ore $robable due to the huge
$eriod of ti+e covered by the hologra$hic $ro-ection N they +ysteriously Au$datedB
the source of hologra$hic infor+ation. '$$arently4 the last such u$date too, $lace
around %(( '.3. 2o one ,ne*4 ho*ever4 the reason *hy the historical infor+ation
sto$$ed at that ti+e.
I sa*4 in a dra+atic course of i+ages4 the life of 0esus and Cis crucifi#ion4 denied by
so+e even no*adays. I have to say that a lot of a+a!ing things ha$$ened then4 things
that are +uch +ore astonishing than *hat the os$els $resent. The $ro-ections also
revealed +any of the $ersons *ho attended the crucifi#ion of 0esus on the hill4 $eo$le
*ho *ere not fro+ that ti+e but *ho ca+e there fro+ other historical $eriods. Those
hu+an beings4 *ho had the sa+e clothes as the 0e*ish $resent there4 had totally
different features and that *as the reason *hy they *ere hiding their face under the
flo* of the clothes.
The hologra+ also se5uentially $resented the lives and s$iritual +issions of certain
e#ce$tional $ersons *ho truly $roved to $ossess a+a!ing divine gifts. These $ersons
*ere fro+ the ancient $ast. I thus sa* the deeds of great s$iritual refor+ers fro+ )8-
2(4((( years ago that *e ,no* nothing of. 6ac, then4 the social syste+ and the
distribution of $eo$le on the *hole $lanet *as totally different to *hat *e ,no* today.
'rchaeologists4 anthro$ologists and historians should strongly reconsider their ideas
and conce$tions about those ti+es.
There *ere so +any ele+ents that I *itnessed4 and they *ere $resented in such a
co+$act +anner that I surely *ould re5uire hundreds of $ages to give an a$$ro#i+ate
descri$tion. Still4 the hologra$hic $ro-ection lasted an hour and a half only. The t*o
officers *ho *ere $rotecting the roo+ and the si# soldiers *ho *ere standing at the
entrances of the tunnels *ere all astonished as they *atched the i+ages4 even if it *as
not the first ti+e they had *atched the+. 'fter the hologra+ disa$$eared4 I re+ained
still4 staring.
7ater4 Ce!ar told +e it *as ti+e to go bac, to the base as +y access ti+e to the
Pro-ection :oo+ had reached its li+it. I loo,ed straight ahead. The giant and al+ost
scary entrances of the three enig+atic tunnels in the +ountain *all *ere the only areas
left to e#$lore beyond the s5uare I *as still standing on. They *ere about t*enty
+eters a*ay. In front of each of the+4 at about si# or eight +eters a*ay4 other control
des,s could be seen. They *ere si+ilar to the one $laced in the +iddle of the hall but
s+aller than that.
I as,ed Ce!ar *hat *as the e#traordinary +ystery behind these three tunnels. Ce
e#$lained that he could not reveal too +uch concerning this as$ect. 1hat he did tell
+e *as that *hat they found out about the giant +ountain tunnels *as due to so+e
hologra$hic $ro-ections fro+ each tunnels@ control des,. The only as$ect he could
reveal *as that the three tunnels *ere heading to*ards three different areas on "arth
for thousands of ,ilo+eters.
The left one connected to "gy$t in a secret $lace under the sand. This *as ne#t to
Cairo on the i!a Plateau and *as located bet*een the S$hin# and the reat Pyra+id.
It has not been discovered yet.
The right one connected to a si+ilar structure inside of a +ountain $laced on the
Tibetan Plateau. This one *as s+aller though and not so co+$le#. Secondary
ra+ifications of the latter tunnel led to*ards an area under 6u!au4 close to the
Car$athians@ curve4 and then to*ards a subterranean asse+bly in Ira5 that is close to
6aghdad. The latter also had a secondary ra+ification that led to the obi Plateau in
'ccording to *hat Ce!ar told +e4 the third tunnel4 the one $laced in the +iddle of the
Pro-ection :oo+4 re$resents a *orld*ide secret that the F.S. *anted to ,ee$ strictly for
't that +o+ent4 neither Ce!ar nor eneral >badea ,ne* any ne* ele+ents of the
:o+anian-'+erican discussion. It *as4 ho*ever4 obvious that the Ae#changeB *as
advantageous for both sides. ;no*ing the &asons@ terrible $olitical influence and
Signore &assini@s relations *ith the $olitical structures of the t*o countries4 *e could
sus$ect that there *ould be a gradual atte+$t to Ata,e overB the control of the base by
factors that *ere e#terior to the interests of our govern+ent.
Ce!ar told +e that there are very i+$ortant $ersons in our $olitical and ad+inistrative
syste+ *ho4 5uite fortunately4 ,no* about the abo+inable $ractices of the &asons and
are strongly o$$osed to their influence4 es$ecially *ith regards to ta,ing over the great
discovery in the 6ucegi &ountains. Ce then told +e that the central tunnel leads
to*ards the interior and even beyond the crust of the "arth but *ould not give further
Ce!ar noticed that the hologra$hic i+ages corres$onding to the giant corridor fro+
inside the +ountain *ere al+ost unbelievable but4 at the sa+e ti+e4 they offered a
$ossible ans*er to the origin of the structure *e *ere in and of those *ho built it.
6efore leaving the roo+4 Ce!ar told +e that very secret and intense $re$arations for
certain e#$editions *ere on their *ay? first4 through the tunnel to*ards "gy$t4 then
to*ards Tibet and finally4 the big e#$edition inside of the "arth via the +iddle tunnel.
's a direct result of the bilateral :o+anian-'+erican discussions4 it *as decided to
for+ a tea+ of the best si#teen +en4 si# '+ericans and ten :o+anians. The leadershi$
*as assigned to Ce!ar *ho *as thus advanced to the ran, of colonel. Ce e#$lained that
the ran, *as i+$ortant4 es$ecially in regard to the tea+@s $sychological conte#t. The
de$arture *ould be at the end of Se$te+ber 2((3 as the $re$arations for the
e#$edition *ere co+$le#. Ce!ar did not tell +e anything about *hat *as in those
tunnels4 but their structure *as different fro+ that of the reat allery. Ce did not tell
+e anything about the *ay they *ould +ove through the tunnels4 ta,ing into
consideration the fact that thousands of ,ilo+eters *ere to be traversed. Kinally and
unfortunately4 he did not give +e any details about the hologra$hic i+ages that
corres$onded to every destination target. "ven so4 I still consider that the ele+ents
$resented here can lead us to thin, dee$ and to $re$are for the ti+es to co+e.
I have $ur$osefully and obviously o+itted certain s$ecific data that can lead to
identifying the +ountain area *here the big discovery *as +ade. ' year after +y visit to
that $lace4 I still vividly recall the over*hel+ing i+$ressions I had during those several
hours *hen I *as in that surreal environ+ent created by the secret construction inside
the 6ucegi &ountains. Ti+e@s ancient +ystery and the *isdo+ of those *ho +anaged
to control it hang over that $lace4 $atiently *aiting for tens of +illenniu+s to the
+o+ent *hen *e *ill find out the truthO
"PI7>F" P':T )
Jou have -ust read a rather a+a!ing tale that ends abru$tly for the reader. It begs the
reader to as, +any +ore 5uestions4 and this is e#actly ho* the original :o+anian
edition of the boo,4 entitled The "ne+y 1ithin4 ended. It resulted in a rash of
co++unications to the $ublisher fro+ retired :o+anian officials *ho validated different
$arts of the story *hich they ,ne* to be true. 3es$ite the re+ar,able nature of the
findings4 this story has re+ained largely unnoticed4 $articularly in '+erica save for those
*ith the highest of security clearances.
If the above does not convince you that there is considerable veracity to the story4 I
invite you to do your o*n study and analysis of the di$lo+atic relations bet*een the
Fnited States and :o+ania. Jou *ill discover that the t*o countries have beco+e
$olitical allies *here they *ere not before. 2ot only has :o+ania beco+e a +e+ber
nation of 2'T> during this $eriod4 but their country *as chosen as the site for a +a-or
2'T> su++it in recent ti+es. 2one of this is a coincidence. :o+ania is no* center
stage in the +ost +ysterious of *ays. To the average citi!en of "arth4 ho*ever4 it goes
1hen the original version of this boo, *as $ublished in :o+ania4 the $ublisher *as
besieged *ith hundreds of $hone calls and e+ails as,ing for details about :adu. So+e
*ere retired +e+bers of the secret service *ho had been highly $laced and confir+ed
so+e of the events. 2e*s$a$ers also $ublished articles related to such. The details of
these are covered in :adu@s second boo,.
TC" TF22"7 F23": TC" II' SPCI2P
This $arty reaches the end of the tunnel *ithout incident and an occult cha+ber is
discovered. It is accurately described in +inute detail and includes the follo*ing? an
i++ense library full of tables *hich is the obvious $roduct of e#traterrestrial technology
and contains a AhistoryB of our o*n gala#y and the universe= an antigravity gliding
device= and a virtual re$lica of the enor+ous +achine found in the Pro-ection Call that is
ada$ted for hu+an use. Ce!ar describes the latter as a ti+e travel +achine that allo*s
the consciousness of the sub-ect to be $ro-ected in an ever e#isting ti+e di+ension and
gives full details of the true nature of ti+e and of the a,ashic records. Ce also s$ea,s of
his ti+e travel e#$eriences.
To*ards the end of Lolu+e III4 the author describes his atte+$ts to +a,e use of the
ti+e +achine. 'fter t*o consecutive failures4 he obtains a 5uic, $ro-ection into a secret
tunnel of the reat Pyra+id of Cheo$s. :adu suddenly reali!es that the scientific
co++unity does not have a clue about it *hen he is confronted *ith the vision of the
real +asters of the $yra+ids fro+ long forgotten ti+es.
:adu understands e#actly *hat I +ean *ith regard to the Aco+ic boo, s$hereB *hich
he ter+s as Atransference fro+ the +ystical to the +undane.B This is a challenge to
anyone *ho $enetrates the loftier s$heres of e#istence. Ce!ar is an obvious hel$ to hi+
in this regard4 and he has e+$hasi!ed to +e that he has only included a very s+all $art
of the discussions he has had *ith Ce!ar as *ell as other $eo$le. 1e are tal,ing about
the ti$ of an iceberg. 's :adu *rote to +e4 AKate gave +e the e#traordinary chance to
be integrated in a co+$le#ity of events and a+a!ing discoveries4 and this created an
al+ost incredible resonance for the ordinary +an.B
6esides the e#$loration of the tunnel to "gy$t4 he has also travelled through the second
tunnel and to*ards the center of the "arth. Ce returned fro+ this latest venture in
>ctober 2((8 and said that it *as an incontestable success. There *ere ne* discoveries
*hich he said *ould be hard for +e 8or others9 to i+agine. This +ight be included in a
$ossible fifth volu+e.
The incontestable success he referred to in this endeavor includes *hat he called a
Adi$lo+aticB connection *ith the beings fro+ the center of the "arth. Ce!ar4 he said4
*ill be leaving 3e$art+ent Iero and going to this ne*ly discovered locale to serve as
an Aa+bassador.B This saddens :adu greatly as he *ill no longer have his +entor *ith
hi+. There have also been significant changes in 3e$art+ent Iero.
In 2((94 a local television A'ntena )B briefly $resented these events. 'fter the sho*
they@ve received an anony+ous $hone threat. This is the call translated 8available at this
ti+e on youtube9?
The re$orter fro+ 'ntena ) ans*ers the $hone?
:e$orter? Cello4 good dayG
'nony+ous caller? 1e@re sending you a *arning? be very carefulG Sto$ tal,ing about the
6ucegi 8&ountains9G
:? 1ho are you<
'? This infor+ation +ust re+ain at the level of so+e structures and +ust not be +ade
$ublicG Jou@ve entered a dangerous ga+eG Jou are young4 you have fa+ilies...there are
enough sub-ects in this country to s$ea, aboutG
:? &ister4 *ho are you<
'? 3on@t *ish to ,no* be yourself intervie*ed by usG That@s all I@ve had to sayG
' confir+ation of the giants in :o+ania can be found in a ne*s$a$er called AThe
2e*s$a$erB? QThe tea+ at the ne*s$a$er is acco+$anied by researcher Lasile :udan4
*ho noted that theQ stories Qof $eo$le fro+ the village 6o!ioru about giants *ho lived
on those lands have concrete evidence? a ce+etery *ith s,eletons of giants. It *as
discovered by chance over 2( years ago4 *hen it *as decided in a village called Scaieni
to $lant a$$le trees. 3igging on a hill4 the villagers discovered huge s,eletons4
+easuring about 2.4( +eters4 even +ore.
3ragoi Ilie4 one of those *ho *or,ed in the a$$le orchard then ta,es us to the s$ot. 6y
the height *here trees *ere $lanted4 do*n to the stee$ slo$e on a street cho,ed *ith
+ud. >nce they arrived4 &ister Ilie sho*s us around the orchard? Q"very*here are the
to+bs of the giants. 1e *ere +a,ing holes4 to $lant sa$lings4 *hen *e found a hu+an
head4 as big as a $u+$,in. 2either one of us had ever seen anything li,e that. 1e *ere
all a+a!ed. 3igging further and *e found so+e bones of the feet4 as big as the *ine
sta,es. The dead one +ust have been very big.Q
&y $ersonal visit to :o+ania.
>n &arch ))
2()3 I s$ent 3 days in :o+ania and u$ in the 6ucegi &ountains.
Fnfortunately for +e the S$hin# and 6abele *ere not $ossible to get to but I *as able
to $ersonally verify a fe* things...
). 2ot only could I feel a strong energy there I also had a $hysical reaction to it= I
*as getting static shoc,s off of +any things *henever I *as close to the
2. 1hen I drove $ast the half *ay +ar, the silence *as deafening but there *as a
strange sound u$ there *hich I cannot e#$lain.
3. If I closed your eyes u$ there or close to there I could observe strange sha$es as
if I *as *atching the energy +ove in front of +e. Lery strangeG
4. >n +y return the infections I had in both ears *ere gone and a $ain in +y u$$er
ar+ 8*hich I had for a nu+ber of +onths9 very 5uic,ly started to heal.
%. I *as 8and at the ti+e of *riting still a+9 very4 very tired all the ti+e.
Tunnel to the S$hin#4 "gy$t
In si+ilar fashion to :o+ania4 the SI:' ground $enetrating radar *as de$loyed in "gy$t
as early as )9E84 +a$$ing an e#traordinary subterranean co+$le# beneath the "gy$tian
There is a duality in +any things and the S$hin# is no e#ce$tion. Peo$le tend to thin,
the S$hin# is only loo,ing to the stars but if you follo* the eyes on "arth you *ill find
that the S$hin# is also loo,ing directly to &ount ;ailash. The s$hin# is an i+$ortant
guardian to these tunnels and there is not one but T1> S$hin# connected to this.
% doorway radiating energy with 3 tunnels #y the 'i.a Shin"!
ortrayed on an ancient archment in /gyt
The tunnel *as not accessible at first fro+ the underground cha+bers in the great
$yra+id but the energy *as ,no*n about and accessed via the $yra+id.
Mount ,ailash! Ti#et
It is by 2 la,es *hich loo, li,e and re$resents the Sun and the &oon 8highly significantG9.
0a&e 1a&shastal +left- means 20a&e of the demon3. 0a&e Manasaro$ar
+right- means 2mind3.
It is a very religious $yra+id loo,ing +ountain to a nu+ber of religions but less than a
thousand go there each year. It is one of only a handful of +ountains in the 1orld you
cannot legally cli+b it and it is very difficult to get to. There is a certain secret society
that hold this $lace as one of vital i+$ortance. It is ru+ored that *hen the ice finally
+elts it *ill reveal TC" eye. This $lace alone is *orth a 7>T of researchG The 11II
er+an e#$edition to Tibet uncovered so+ething huge that Citler too, L":J seriously.
It *as fro+ this +o+ent that +ost of you ,no* about hollo* earth but it is far bigger
than that one storyG
%ccording to *induism! 0ord Shi$a! the destroyer of ignorance and illusion! resides
inside the summit where he sits in a state of eretual meditation with his wife 45r$at6.
4rof. /rnst Muldashe$ 4h.D. was #orn in 178( was a Bash&ortostan Doctor and Ti#et
/"lorer. *e was a rofessor and Director of the 1ussian /ye and 4lastic Surgery 9enter.
)n his lifetime he had u#lished o$er 300 scientific aers and held :2 atents.
*e wrote 2Das Dritte %uge3 +su#se;uently #anned- a#out Samadhi ca$es on mount
,ailash. *e accomanied the 9hinese army in trying to enter the ca$e #ut the soldiers
were o$ercome with ainful headaches and some died of a heart attac& the further in
they went. This /<%9T0= M)11>1S what haened to the soldiers in 1omania when
they tried to get access inside the tunnel.
*e writes...
2)n literature there are lenty of temerature indications that the Sham#hala is in Ti#et!
the *imalayas and the surrounding area. Where is %gartha? 4ossi#ly in the area of the
/gytian yramids. 9onse;uently! the e"istence of two underground countries! the
Sham#hala and %gartha! are each art of the gene ool of humanity and ci$ili.ation.
)nformation ro$ided #y the Thule Society +/c&hart and *aushofer-! shows there is a
higher ci$ili.ation! coming from the 'o#i! from the *imalaya and di$ided into two
#ranches! the Sham#hala and %gartha. The former #eing the center of ower!
rotected #y un&nown forces and energy. >ne can assume that these laces are the
technogenic ci$ili.ation and gene ool of humanity-. )t seems that not only are there
underground centers in Ti#et and the *imalayas #ut these tunnels are widesread all
o$er the entire glo#e3.
*e #elie$es that some of our dar&est moments in ancient history were related to energy
and disco$ering the greatest of all sins@ what haens in the afterlife.
*e tal&s a lot a#out genes +DA% as we ha$e now disco$ered-. The imortant art of the
1omanian story is the DA% maniulation.
*e says this which mirrors the disco$ery...
2Sham#hala rotects life on /arthB The ad$anced underground tunnels guard the gene
ool of humanity. We will &now that we are not alone in the world! that we are
descendants of other #eings! that to ha$e good thoughts and a ure heart will mean
we will rogress and flourish3.
The er+an ATibet e#$editionB
1ilhel+ Kilchner *as a er+an e#$lorer born in )8EE. 'dolf Citler a*arded hi+ the
er+an 2ational Pri!e for 'rt and Science as an ac,no*ledge+ent of his achieve+ents
in e#$loration. It *as 'KT": he re$orted his incredible discoveries in Tibet about the
secret tunnel to 1ilhe+ II that he *as then tas,ed *ith organi!ing an e#$edition to
Wilhelm Cilchner 1(DD E 17:D
1hat they discovered at &ount ;ailash in Tibet lead to everything that ha$$ened in
R2ote? 1ilhel+ II4 er+an "+$eror= ;ing of Prussia4 said the follo*ing to*ards the end
of his life...
AThe "nglish ruling classes *ere QKree+asons thoroughly infected by 0udaQ. 1ilhel+
asserted that the Q6ritish $eo$le +ust be liberated fro+ 'ntichrist 0uda. 1e +ust drive
0uda out of "ngland -ust as he has been chased out of the Continent.Q Ce believed the
Kree+asons and 0e*s had caused the t*o *orld *ars4 ai+ing at a *orld 0e*ish e+$ire
*ith 6ritish and '+erican gold4 but that Q0uda/s $lan has been s+ashed to $ieces and
they the+selves s*e$t out of the "uro$ean ContinentGQ Continental "uro$e *as no*4
1ilhel+ *rote4 Qconsolidating and closing itself off fro+ 6ritish influences after the
eli+ination of the 6ritish and the 0e*sGQ The end result *ould be a QF.S. of "uro$eGQIn
a letter to his sister Princess &argaret in )94(4 1ilhel+ *rote? QThe hand of od is
creating a ne* *orld S *or,ing +iracles... 1e are beco+ing the F.S. of "uro$e under
er+an leadershi$4 a united "uro$ean Continent.Q Ce added? QThe 0e*s RareT being
thrust out of their nefarious $ositions in all countries4 *ho+ they have driven to hostility
for centuries.B
Miguel Serrano E 171D E 2007
&iguel Serrano 8born Se$te+ber )(4 )9)E= died Kebruary 284 2((99 is a retired Chilean
di$lo+at4 e#$lorer and author of $oetry4 boo,s on s$iritual 5uesting and esoteric
Citleris+. Serrano/s e#traordinarily forceful and anti-+odernist neo-nostic $hiloso$hy
elucidates the other*orldly origin of the Cy$erborean-descended 'ryans4 i+age-
bearers of the godhead4 and a global cons$iracy against the+ by an evil inferior god4
the 3e+iurge4 *orshi$$ed by the 0e*s4 lord of $lanet "arth4 s$a*ner of the $ri+itive
ho+inid stoc,s and all base +ateriality. Ce synthesi!es the Indian-Ledic and 2orse-
er+anic traditions4 both of *hich he regards as of ancient 'ryan-Cy$erborean
$rovenance. Serrano is es$ecially indebted to the 0ungian theory of collective racial
archety$es and follo*s Savitri 3evi in recogni!ing 'dolf Citler as an avatar *ho battled
against the de+onic +aterialistic hosts of the ;ali Juga.
&iguel +aintains that Citler did not die in er+any but travelled to 'ntarctica along
*ith the )2( sub+arines and cre* 8those )2( sub+arines did indeed e#ist and have
never been found9. In )94E &iguel Serrano headed to 'ntarctica and then in )9%3 he
travelled to &ount ;ailash to4 in his *ords... Afind the entrance to Mount ,ailashB.
Serrano acco+$anied the Chilean 'r+y and 2avy on their e#$edition to 'ntarctica in
)94E-48 as a -ournalist4 obscurely $ro+$ted by $o$ular s$eculations as to Citler/s
survival in 'ntarctica.
To Serrano4 India and the Tibetan +ountains see+ed a source of secret4 forgotten truth.
Serrano i++ersed hi+self in its s$iritual heritage. Ce sought out the secret Siddha
order of his Chilean +aster in the Ci+alayas4 the -ourney of *hich he describes in his
$oetic boo,? The Ser$ent of Paradise. 'ccording to the boo, although &ount ;ailas
8*here it had its seat9 *as inaccessible in ChinaUChinese-ad+inistered Tibet4 Serrano
clai+s he had discovered the QinnerQ as$ect of &ount ;ailas. Ce +et +any leading
Indian $ersonalities through his official $osition and $ersonal char+4 beco+ing close
friends *ith 2ehru4 Indira andhi4 and the 3alai 7a+a of Tibet.
Ce e#$lains there has been a vast historical cons$iracy to conceal the origins of evolved
hu+an,ind. There *ere e#tragalactic beings *ho founded the Kirst Cy$erborea4
Serrano states4 and the last docu+ents relating to the+ *ere destroyed along *ith the
'le#andrian 7ibrary.
&ada+e Celena Petrovna 6lavats,y
&ada+e Celena Petrovna 6lavats,y4 the fa+ous $sychic and occultist4 *ho founded the
secretive Theoso$hical Society during Citlers rule4 clai+ed to have had contact through
$sychic +eans *ith the 6rotherhood of &ahat+as 8a grou$ of ethereal beings *ho
$ur$orted to run the *orld fro+ their Tibetan head5uarters94 and that4 a+ong other
a+a!ing things4 they had revealed the true e+ergence of life on the earth. 1ithout
going into the sub-ect too dee$ly4 she *as told that there are seven A:oot :acesB of
beings destined to occu$y the earth4 and that *e $resent-day hu+ans are the Kifth such
:ace. 'fter us4 there are still t*o +ore yet to co+e. '$$arently4 the Si#th *ill evolve out
of us and go bac, to occu$y 7e+uria4 then the Seventh and final :oot :ace *ill leave
this $lanet altogether and start over again u$on another $lanet.
To co+$licate +atters even further4 each :oot :ace is said to be co+$osed of seven
Sub-:aces the descendants of a Sub-:ace of the Kourth :ace 8*ho *ere fully- hu+an
'tlanteans9 are alleged to be the 'ustralian 'borigines4 the Pa$uans S the CottentotsG
Saint-Jves d@'lveydre
'nother Krench +ystic investigator4 Saint-Jves d@'lveydre4 in )88D revealed in his boo,4
A&ission of IndiaB4 that 'gartha is a hidden land beneath the surface of the earth4 ruled
over by a blac, sovereign Pontiff4 called the 6rah+at+a. Ce goes on to say that the
real+ *as shifted underground around 342(( 6C4 at the beginning of the ;ali Juga 8or
olden 'ge9 and that 'gartha has ,no*n technology such as artificial lighting4
+echani!ed trans$ort4 and even air-travel4 far in advance of our o*n +odern
technology4 for +illenniaG Periodically4 'gartha sends e+issaries to the u$$er *orld4
about *hich it ,ee$s astonishingly *ell infor+ed. 'gartha also has huge libraries *hich
enshrine the *hole *isdo+ of the ages. &any great secrets lie there4 regarding +any
esoteric and s$iritual sub-ects4 including a+a!ing s,ills and abilities long-forgotten by
those *ho d*ell on the surface.
26? 0oscelyn od*in@s absorbing boo,? A'r,tos The Polar &ythB.
Cis boo, bears a great rese+blance to 6ul*er-7ytton@s boo, AThe Co+ing :aceB4 *hich
also tells of an underground *orld of high-tech beings $ossessed of that +ysterious
ALrilB force4 so ,eenly sought by the 2a!is in 1orld 1ar II4 and *ho *ill one day e+erge
fro+ their subterranean real+ to ta,e over the surfaceG Saint-Jves insists that such a day
really is co+ing4 and that *e *ill be totally defenseless against these su$er-beings4 *ho
*ill beco+e the true *orld-rulers. 2or is he the only one to insist that this is trueG &any
other authors4 +ystics and investigators have atte+$ted to solve this *hole +ystery4
*ith varying degrees of success or failure. Co*ever4 +ost generally agree that 'gharta
and Sha+bhala see+ to be closely connected4 either as being one and the sa+e $lace4
or as t*o totally o$$osed real+s4 one of light and goodness the other of dar,ness and
The er+an SS A'hnenerbeB Pro-ect to Tibet
It should co+e as no sur$rise that so+e of those stirred to action by the Sha+bhala
+yth *ere +e+bers of the 2a!i $artyNin $articular4 those *or,ing under :eichsfVhrer
Ceinrich Ci++ler in a branch of the SS called the 'hnenerbe4 *hich served as the
organi!ation@s Q'ncestral CeritageQ office. The 'hnenerbe *as Ci++ler@s $et $ro-ect4
established to trace the heritage of the Q+aster raceQ bac, to its origins. It *as to this
end that4 in )9384 five SS officers *ere sent on an e#$edition to Tibet.
The +ain $layers in the SS e#$edition *ere "rnst SchWfer4 a fa+ous e#$lorer and
!oologist *ho served as the e#$edition@s leader4 and 6runo 6erger4 *ho served as the
tea+@s anthro$ologist. Fnli,e +any in the 'hnenerbe4 SchWfer *as a res$ected scientist4
and it re+ains unclear *hether his allegiance to the SS *as ideological or4 as he later
clai+ed4 +erely o$$ortunistic.
3es$ite scant evidence that the 2a!is -ourneyed to Tibet in search of Sha+bhala itself4
the Qer+an Tibet "#$editionQ *as $receded by t*o Tibetan e#$editions led by a +an
*ho +ost certainly *as? 2icholas :oerich4 once a *orld-fa+ous $ainter and reno*ned
+ystic *ho lent his na+e to a +a-or international treaty4 *as no+inated for the 2obel
Peace Pri!e three ti+es4 and $layed a behind-the-scenes role in the :oosevelt
ad+inistration. :oerich rose to fa+e at the beginning of the t*entieth century in his
native :ussia *here4 in addition to his $ainting $ractice4 he designed sets and costu+es
for the theater4 +ost notably for the 6allets :usses@s staging of Stravins,y@s 7e Sacre du
Printe+$s. Ce *as also involved in &osco*@s flourishing occult +ove+ent4 *hich
orbited around CP6@s Theoso$hical teachings. It *as through his involve+ent in the
construction of a Theoso$hical-6uddhist Te+$le in &osco* in )9(9 that he +et 'gvan
3or-iev4 a +a-or $layer in :ussian-Tibetan relations and tutor to the thirteenth 3alai
7a+a. 3or-iev@s fascination *ith the location of Sha+bhala *ould ins$ire :oerich@s e$ic
6y the ti+e :oerich +oved to 2e* Jor, City in )92(4 he had develo$ed a co+$le#
syste+ of beliefs surrounding Sha+bhala4 *hich he concluded *as located in the
Ci+alayas. Kor :oerich4 Sha+bhala *as lin,ed not only to the +yth of the Coly rail but
literally connected to the 'ltay &ountains in Central 'sia via a series of underground
tunnels that -oined it to 6elovod@e4 the Q7and of 1hite 1atersQ fro+ Siberian
:oerich referred to his $ro-ect of bringing about the eschatological $ro$hecies laid
do*n in the ;alacha,ra Tantra as the Qreat Plan.Q Ce believed that it *as his calling to
found a $an-6uddhist state4 *hich *ould unite areas of :ussia4 &ongolia4 and China
*ith Tibet4 and *hose creation *ould finally su++on the ar+ies of Sha+bhala fro+
their +ountain stronghold.
2icholas :oerich had $o*erful and influential friends and t*o of the+N7ouis 7. Corch4
a successful 1all Street currency bro,er4 and Cenry '. 1allace4 Kran,lin 3. :oosevelt@s
secretary of agriculture and4 later4 his vice $residentN*ould res$ectively fund :oerich@s
t*o lengthy e#$editions in the Kar "ast.
The e#act details of *hat occurred on these e#$editions re+ain so+e*hat cloudy4 as
:oerich4 ever secretive about his geo$olitical sche+ing4 $referred to +aintain in $ublic
the $ersona of an artist4 scholar4 and guru. Co*ever4 his actions *ere $ublic enough to
garner the attention of at least a half-do!en govern+ents that *ere convinced that he
*as a covert $olitical o$erative.
I don/t ,no* the location for this one but do ,no* that in 2((3 the shield $rotecting it
activated and sent the '+ericans into a s$in because it activated at the sa+e ti+e they
activated the one in :o+ania. Sadda+ had already s$ent over one hundred +illion
dollars on e#cavations and reconstructing ancient 6abylon. Sadda+ believed he *as in
the reincarnation of 2ebuchadne!!er and he ,ne* about the three *ise +en co+ing
bac, through a gate*ay but *ith an e#tra 4th $erson co+ing through *ith the+.
Sadda+ had a lot of ancient artifacts fro+ above ground but hadn/t at that ti+e found
the tunnel belo*. This *as in 2((34 shortly before the invasion.
'+ong the &ongolian tribes of Inner &ongolia4Q *rote the 6ritish e#$lorer T. 1il,ins4
Qthere are traditions about tunnels and subterranean *orlds *hich sound as fantastic as
anything in +odern novels. >ne legendNif it be thatNsays that the tunnels lead to a
subterranean *orld of 'ntediluvian descent so+e*here in a recess of 'fghanistan4 or in
the region of the Cindu ;ush. It is Shangri-la *here science and the arts4 never
threatened by *orld *ars4 develo$ $eacefully4 a+ong a race of vast ,no*ledge. It is
even given a na+e? 'gharti.
The Two 4illars and their imortance to our history
The t*o $illars $lay an i+$ortant $art in our history and the story of the *ise +en and a
$erson co+ing through after the+ *ere recorded +uch earlier still. To a certain
secret society this $art of our history is e#tre+ely i+$ortant to their rituals. Cere are a
selection of tablets etc fro+ the Su+erian4 'ssyrian and ',,adian $eriods...

AoteB The dress and hat relates to the Fatican
Same scene! two comletely different eraGs in history.
KI7& APro+ethusB vs 6ucegi
It is incredible ho* +uch the fil+ Pro+ethus and the secrets of 6ucegi have in co++on
and yet unless you ,no* about this infor+ation you only see the fil+. They li,e to hide
things in $lain sight4 to reveal truths in s+all stages. They do this so *hen you co+e
across so+ething real the $ublic can say Ayou -ust sa* that in the fil+B. This infor+ation
is starting to slo*ly co+e out but it *as found 6"K>:" the fil+.
1hat are these si+ilarities?
X Tunnels in fil+ and 6ucegi< Tic,
X S$hin# above the tunnels in the fil+ and also above the tunnels in 6ucegi< Tic,
X S$hin#/s al+ost an e#act +atch in loo,s< Tic,
X iant seats and tables in fil+ and 6ucegi< Tic,
X Pro-ection roo+ in fil+ and at 6ucegi< Tic,
X Kil+ is about 32' and 6ucegi tal,s about 32'< Tic,
There is a huge correlation bet*een the fil+ and these tunnels. The reat Klood4 tal,ed
about in nearly all religions and ancient te#ts4 say si+ilar things. This event *as not a
natural event4 of this I a+ sure.
>ne of the things +entioned in the boo, is -oint ar+ies around the 1orld guarding the
entrance to the tunnel. In 0uly 2()( a helico$ter crashed in the 6ucegi +ountains ,illing
all D )S1%/0) soldiers. The bodies *ere 2>T found.
I first sa* the re$orts that the bodies *ere not recovered on several "F ne*s sites but
once I started discussing it the stories changed to Aall bodies found at sceneB. The
stories had changed bet*een first finding the+ and then going bac, to the+.
Than,fully I could still find one ne*s source that I hadn/t tal,ed about *hich still sho*ed
*hat I first read...
>ne *onders t*o i+$ortant 5uestions about this?
). 1hy *ere IS:'"7I solders in a helico$ter in :o+ania<
2. Co* can they find the helico$ter but not find a single body<
's I have already said *hen I first found this "L":J ne*s story said the bodies *ere
+issing but it is only after this started to be lea,ed that the cover-u$ began.
>ther 2otes?
Church*ard set off to 6ur+a4 ar+ed *ith introductory letters fro+ the Indian $riests4 in
the fond ho$e of finding +ore of the tablets. Sadly4 he *as rebuffed by the 6uddhist
$riests there4 *ho told hi+ to go bac, to India and A's, those thieves *ho stole the+
to sho* the+ to youGB. Indian religious te#ts hold +any truths about our real history.
The SI:' radar *as de$loyed in "gy$t as early as )9E84 +a$$ing an e#traordinary
subterranean co+$le# beneath the "gy$tian $yra+ids. 'rrange+ents4 +ade *ith
President Sadat of "gy$t4 resulted in three decades of to$ secret e#cavations to
$enetrate the syste+.
't a recent +eeting in 'ustralia4 one of the ,ey scientists on the i!a $ro-ect4 3r. 0i+
Curta,4 sho*ed fil+ footage of *or, in $rogress called4 CC'&6":S >K TC" 3""P4 due
to be released at the end of the century. 's of yet4 it has still not been released
The fil+ reveals the discovery of a vast +egalithic +etro$olis4 thousands of years old4
reaching several levels belo* the i!a $lateau. 1hile the rest of the 2u-'ge s$eculates
about a hidden cha+ber under the left $a* of the S$hin#4 the legendary QCity >f The
odsQ4 lays s$ra*led beneath.
Co+$lete *ith hydraulic underground *ater*ays4 the fil+ sho*s +assive cha+bers4 the
$ro$ortions of our largest cathedrals4 *ith enor+ous statues4 the si!e of the Lalley of
the 2ile4 carved in-situ. :esearchers4 ris,ing their lives *ith lights and ca+eras4 carefully
negotiated rubber dinghies across subterranean rivers and ,ilo+eter-*ide la,es4 to
$enetrate sealed cha+bers beyond. 'lready4 re+ar,able caches of records and artifacts
have been found.
The :oo+s under the i!a S$hin#
This tunnel has no connection *ith the old egy$tian civili!ation nor *ith the $yra+ids or
the S$hin#. It It is e#tre+ely old4 +ore than 3(4((( years older than the "gy$tian
civili!ation but *as constructed later than the cha+bers in 6ucegi.
's they arrived at the entrance to the cha+ber Ce!ar touched a triangle and the gate
silently started to slide to*ards the left. In front of the+ *as a roo+ t*ice the si!e of the
hologra$hic $ro-ection roo+ in 6ucegi.
The cha+bers inside the roo+ under the S$hin#. The hologra$hic i+ages fro+ the
$ro-ection roo+ in :o+ania *ere only an overvie* of the history and earth and +an.
This tunnel and cha+ber are not directly connected to the tunnels under the S$hin# but
a tunnel had started to be dug to*ards it but then suddenly changes direction.
There *as an agree+ent *ith the "gy$tian overn+ent4 a $rivate intervention4 *hich
deter+ined the collaboration of "gy$tian officials. "verything too, $lace in such secrecy
that not even the custodian of the Cairo &useu+ *as given access to enter the tunnel.
1hat they found at the botto+ of the tunnel $roved beyond doubt *as that this tunnel
going do*n to*ards the cha+ber *as not +ade by the giants. They *ere different
AJes4 they/re different= both fro+ us and fro+ this +ysterious civili!ation *hose
re$resentatives see+ed to be giants. Those *ho had access to the $yra+id and dug
the tunnel are of re$tilian ty$e. 1e found the s,eleton of one of the+ in the tunnelB.
There *as silence in the roo+.
AThe i+$lications are +uch +ore co+$le#. There *as obviously4 for so+e reason4 a
battle in the tunnel at a certain +o+ent. >ne of these beings involved *as ,illed and
left there. The tunnel *as sealed and its entrance hidden in a very co+$licated *ay in
the structure of the $yra+id. The lab dating sho*s4 *ith a relatively s+all +argin of
error4 the $eriod bet*een 8%((-9((( 6.6.B
Fniversal 'rchive
In one roo+4 a very large roo+4 there *ere shelves stac, *ith ro* u$on ro* of so+e
ty$e of +etal tablets. Prag+atically s$ea,ing4 they are very valuable infor+ation
de$ositories containing infor+ation fro+ different ti+es of the history of our $lanet as
*ell as the universe itself.
A>,ay4 but ho* can you read the infor+ation they contain<B I as,ed 7ieutenant 2icoara.
A1e didn/t understand ho* it *as $ossible either. 7ogically there should have been a
device that AreadsB the encry$ted infor+ation4 but *e didn/t discover anything until4 by
+ista,e4 one of the +e+bers of the e#$edition $ressed vertically on one of the +etal
tablets. Then4 at a level of the ground in front of the tablet4 a hologra+ *as suddenly
$ro-ected. The hologra+ *as 5uite high and dis$layed a corner of s$ace. It *as
dyna+ic and sho*ed a te+$oral $rocess of rotation of a star cloud. I don/t ,no* ho*
they acco+$lished this. It *as as if they fil+ed for a very long ti+e through a very slo*
$rocess and then $layed bac, the i+age at high s$eed. 1e all stayed and *atched it
for about t*o hours but the hologra+ didn/t see+ to be close to an end. The
'+ericans needed +ore than one year to release the infor+ation fro+ a single tablet.
1e could s$end hundreds4 +aybe thousands of years *atching.B
I *as then ta,en into a different cha+ber *hich revealed a t*o +eter high crystal.
Perfectly carved4 its ti$ sha$ed li,e a $yra+id *ith several faces. The crystal *as so $ure
I could al+ost see through it to the stone *all behind it.
'fter I recovered fro+ +y astonish+ent I loo,ed *ith 5uestioning eyes at Ce!ar *ho
*as loo,ing at +e and s+iled.
AI left this discovery for the end on $ur$ose. Jou should ,no* that I didn/t ,no* about
the crystal either. It *as only after I connected it to the other +achine that a uni5ue
s$ace-ti+e distortion *as activated.B
AIt/s a device that can $ro-ect you in ti+e4 into the future or the $ast. It is your
consciousness that is $ro-ected4 not your body4 your body stays here. Jou can/t act or
$ersonally integrate *ith that ti+e $eriodB.
I s*allo*ed hard. 2ervous4 I finally as,ed the 5uestion that had been on +y +ind for a
long ti+e but *hich I lac,ed the courage to as,4 even if I had enough $roof to give
+yself an ans*er.
ATell +e4 those *ho built all this... did they co+e fro+ outer s$ace<B
Kor a fe* +o+ents both *ere silent. "verything see+ed fro!en in ti+e. Ce!ar then
ans*ered clearly4 loo,ing straight into +y eyes
AI can tell you that they are a very advanced civili!ation *ho *anted to hel$ +an,ind
very +uch. 'ny*ay4 during those i++e+orial ti+es4 the $o$ulations of our $lanet *ere
very different fro+ the ones of our days and the geological structure of the $lanet *as
also very different. 6ac, then4 the $roble+ *as addressed in a co+$letely different
A3id they co+e fro+ an un,no*n solar syste+< 're they the ones *ho collaborate *ith
+odern overn+ent<B
A2o4 not even by far. The difference bet*een the+ and the e#traterrestrial civili!ations
*ith *hich the '+ericans have concluded a ,ind of agree+ent is about the sa+e as the
difference bet*een ho+o sa$iens and ho+o erectus. 1hat/s even +ore troubling is
that they/re not fro+ our gala#y but fro+ a gala#y *hich is very far a*ay.B
A1ait a +inute4B I said in a hurry. ACo* do you ,no* all this< I ,ne* that they left no
$roof of their origin or as$ect.B
AIt/s true= but +ean*hile4 *e/ve discovered this device.B said Ce!ar4 sho*ing +e the
$edestal on *hich a se+i-trans$arent cylinder *as $laced.
I *as astonished and couldn/t understand anything.
A>,ay but... I ,no* it/s a re$lica of the great cylinder in the $ro-ection cha+ber.B
AIt/s true. T*o years ago *e didn/t ,no* the $ur$ose of the huge cylinder in the
$ro-ection cha+ber. 6ut this one *as built for our height. 7et/s call it a ti+e travel
AI/ll tell you about so+e of the ti+e $ro-ections I acco+$lished *ith the hel$ of this
device *hich is based on a very advanced technology.B
The 0esus years
AI sa* hi+ s$ea,ing to the cro*d4 he usually $referred to stay in front of $eo$le and to
see everybody4 es$ecially *hen there *ere +any $eo$le $resent. The i+$ression *as
over*hel+ing4 I/ve never seen anything si+ilar. 1hat the 6ible relates is only a $ale
i+age of the *ay he +anifested. 's far as I ,no*4 his attitude *as never described nor
*as the $heno+enal radiation he s$read over $eo$le.
's a $erson4 0esus *asn/t tall. I don/t thin, he *as higher than ).E( +eters and this is
*hy4 +any ti+es4 he *asn/t visible in the cro*d. 7i,e all +odest $eo$le4 he *ore a very
long shirt do*n to his an,les4 +ade of a rather rough cloth. It *as o$en u$ to the chest
and so+eti+es it *as tied around the *aist *ith a girdle of the sa+e +aterial. The
sleeves *ere very large and a bit above the *rists. Fnderneath he so+eti+es *ore
another shirt *hich *as thinner and *hite. Cis dar, bro*n hair fell over his shoulders
and he *ore a beard.
I also noticed that he didn/t loo, li,e the churches re$resentations of Christ. Cis body
*asn/t very vigorous but rather thin. Cis nose *as *ider to*ards the nostrils. Jou could
i++ediately notice the high forehead and the *ell sha$ed eyebro*s. 6ut4 +ost
i+$ressive *ere his eyes. I can say that they *ere the e#traordinary +agnet of his being
for anyone *ho ca+e closer to tal, to hi+.
Ce s$o,e rarely but in a very condensed fashion that *as full of substance.
6et*een others4 I *itnessed the $arable of the so*er. 'ctually4 0esus s$o,e +ore about
it and even in t*o stages. 3o you *ant +e to tell you by *hat circu+stances he *as
ins$ired to tell this $arable<B
I 5uic,ly nodded.
A' *o+en *ho I su$$ose *as a noble4 had co+e to hi+. She co+$lained that one of
her sons4 ta,ing advantage of his status at the :oyal court4 did +any evil deeds and the
$oor *o+an suffered because of this al+ost all of the ti+e. >nly her daughter hel$ed
her and stayed beside her4 but she *asn/t a believer. The *o+an couldn/t understand
*here she *ent *rong because she regally visited the te+$le4 brought sacrifices and
$rayed for her sons4 but they led very disordered lives. I sa* 0esus loo, at that *o+an
silently for a very long ti+e. Then he as,ed her if she had co+e *ith any of her sons or
at least *ith her daughter. The *o+an had co+e alone *ithout telling anyone.
Then4 0esus started to give her advice4 telling her that her $rayers *ere +ore valuable
than the violent fights she had al+ost daily in her fa+ily and that it *as better to sto$
the+. The *o+an loo,ed at hi+ troubled because she hasn/t +entioned anything
about this and then started to cry. Fnderstanding that the $erson in front of her *as
+uch +ore than she had i+agined. 'fter*ards4 she +ade a sign and a servant ca+e
and brought a sac, of flour and a sac, *ith food4 as a gift fro+ her. I believe that *as
the +o+ent of divine ins$iration *hich triggered in 0esus the i+$ulse to tell the
$arable of the so*er. Kirst4 I sa* hi+ loo,ing at the sac, of flour and then4 -udging by
the *ay he loo,ed4 he got ready to tal,. I understood that he already ,ne* the course of
the story. Ce started telling the $arable4 but soon a grou$ of :o+an solders on
horsebac, ca+e. I reali!ed that 0esus ,ne* their leader. They *ithdre* fro+ the cro*d
to tal, and I sa* that the :o+an sho*ed 0esus so+e $a$ers *ith a seal. 6ecause it *as
already dus,4 the $eo$le started to s$read and didn/t *ait for 0esus to return and
continue the $arable.
>nly long after*ards4 I thin, t*o or three *ee,s later and in a co+$letely different
$lace4 *hen only those close to hi+ and a fe* other $ersons *ere $resent4 *as he
re+inded of that $arable *hich he had begun and *as as,ed to continue.
0esus said that he ,ne* very *ell *hat he *anted to say4 and it *as not for the +any but
for the fe*. Ce added that the fact that $eo$le has scattered *ithout *aiting for hi+ to
return and continue the story. This has de$rived the+ of its hidden but $recious
content. In a *ay4 he underlined that *hat ha$$ened then *as -ust li,e *hat he *as
about to say in his $arable.
2obody s$o,e in those +o+ents and his $resence4 standing li,e that4 *as so +a-estic
and dignified that I sa* that everyone $resent had bo*ed their heads4 loo,ing at the
ground. I noticed this e#traordinary effect several ti+es *hen 0esus s$o,e to the $eo$le
and es$ecially during his +e+orable $reaching on the stairs of the huge te+$le after
this so called entrance into 0erusale+.
'ctually4 things *ere +ore co+$licated bac, then. Cis entrance to the to*n too, $lace
over four days because +any events ha$$ened *hich are not described in the 6ible.
So+e of these as$ects are too delicate to tal, about. 1hat I/+ trying to tell you is that4
at a certain ti+e4 favorable circu+stances *ere created and a grou$ of $eo$le as,ed
0esus to tal, about *hat ha$$ens after death. In those +o+ents4 0esus *as descending
the ste$s of the te+$le. Ce *as acco+$anied by t*o young *o+en and four of his
+ain disci$les. I sa* hi+ sto$ and turn a bit to the right *here several $ersons stood.
Then a fe* bi!arre things ha$$ened.
This section of events is not described nor re+e+bered in any te#t. It see+s that a
strange /forgetting/ of ti+e has covered those *ho *ere there. I sa* 0esus suddenly
loo, tot he right to*ards a s+all grou$ of $eo$le. >ut of that grou$ a strange +an
ca+e out. It *as a +an *ho see+ed to have blond hair and a very negligent as$ect. Ce
loo,ed very e+otional and unsure of hi+self4 al*ays loo,ing to his sides.
0esus +ade a fe* ste$s to*ards hi+ a fe* *ords *hich also left +e astonished4 Ce told
the +an that /he hadn/t chosen the right ti+e to do *hat he *anted to do/ and that
/those that sent hi+ *ould understand/. Ce then added so+ething a+a!ing by telling
hi+ to return i++ediately *here he ca+e fro+ because there *as a +alfunction and he
*as in great danger. The +an loo,ed 0esus in the eyes for a fe* +o+ents= then
suddenly see+ to soften and had convulsions. In a lo* voice they e#changed a fe*
*ords that I couldn/t hear.
I++ediately after*ards4 0esus *ithdre* a+ong the $eo$le and then t*o things
ha$$ened si+ultaneously *hich I still can/t e#$lain. ' short4 threatening and very
$o*erful roar *as heard all over the settle+ent= and al+ost i++ediately +any $eo$le
started gathering in front of the te+$le at the base of the stairs4 as,ing insistently for
0esus to tal, to the+.
I as,ed Ce!ar AJou didn/t finish telling +e about 0esus s$ea,ing to his disci$les on the
AJou/re right but I *anted to give you an overvie* of the situation first as *ell as so+e
concrete facts. There is too +uch to tell you *hich is *hy I/ll only s$ecify so+e as$ects.
Shortly after all this *as discovered the '+ericans decided that the Latican should be
contacted and should see the re$orts only containing to the life of 0esus. 1e assu+ed
that the Latican +ight fully ignore this infor+ation because there *as no concrete
evidence4 only so+e *ritten re$orts.
The '+ericans decided to ad+it this to t*o or three cardinals as *itnesses to this
device seeing as the Po$e already ,ne* about the initial discovery in :o+ania. >ur
sur$rise *as the Latican ans*ered 5uic,ly through a s$ecial courier that they had ,no*n
about these as$ects for +any years. They even offered the '+ericans a su++ary of
0esus/ life as a +eans of verification of the re$orts. So+e re$resentatives of the Latican
*ere sent for discussions. >n their return the eneral confessed that he sa* the Latican
docu+ents and it verifies *hat *e have uncovered.
C!ar carried on *here he left off.
A1hat I didn/t tell you about the for first gathering on the hill *as that there *ere also
three *o+en beside Christ and I ,ne* e#actly *ho one of these *o+en *ere. I ,no*
this is going to be a very controversial sub-ect and I/+ sure that the Latican records and
this ,no*ledge *ould cause huge $roble+s and da+age to the Christian church.
Things *ere $resented in a *rong *ay4 consciously4 fro+ the very beginning and +ost
*ritten evidence has been destroyed even though so+e evidence has been discovered
recently. The historical truth is co+$letely different4 at least fro+ this $oint of vie*.
Fnfortunately4 this is a funda+ental direction *hich4 once changed4 couldn/t be
changed again *ithout causing great da+age to the Christian church.
I/+ referring to a certain essential truth of the life of 0esus *hich fe* ,no* and fe*er
can $rove. That event ha$$ened shortly after the crucifi#ion of Christ.
Kor e#a+$le4 he *as not hel$ed by anyone to carry the *ooden log on his bac, u$ to
the hill *here +any $eo$le *ere crucified. There *as an atte+$t to do so4 a *o+an and
a +an at the base of the hill4 but they *ere brutally sent a*ay.
Kurther+ore in the beginning there *eren/t +any $eo$le on the *ay to his crucifi#ion.
It/s true that they tried to ,ill Christ and here the intervention of the :o+an solders *as
co++endable. The +adness of the cro*d ho*ever4 truly started only after one of the
solders *as al+ost ,illed by a roc, that struc, hi+ in the head. In a fe* +inutes there
*as a fren!y. There *as a lot of dust and then Christ fell to his ,nees4 head do*n4
brought do*n by the *eight of the log he *as carrying. Several solders on horsebac,
arrived and reestablished order to a certain degree. Those *ho stood on both sides of
the road *ere thro*ing stones and +any other ob-ects4 both at 0esus and at the
solders. &any +en *ere beaten and *ounded. >nly after the actual crucifi#ion did
things start to settle do*n slightly.
's far as I ,no*4 there is no account4 not even an a$$ro#i+ate one4 about the events
that follo*ed his death on the cross. In general4 te#ts have only described facts and
characters +any of *ho+ do not coincide e#actly *ith the ones +entioned in the
os$els but not other very i+$ortant $heno+ena that too, $lace in that short
I +ust ad+it that the $heno+ena that ha$$ened in those +o+ents *ere truly
frightening and *ould sha,e the conce$tions and ,no*ledge of our current society.
Those *ho *itnessed it could $ut no *ords into e#$laining *hat they *ere *itnessing.
It *as dus,4 shortly after 0esus *as re+oved fro+ the cross. I sa* very dar, clouds
gathering very 5uic,ly in the s,y and concentrate above the hill4 descending very lo*
and only a fe* do!en +eters above $eo$les heads. I also sa* lightening and
threatening stor+s that *ere higher than the others.
I then sa* the signs of a terrible earth5ua,e and I understood *hy those hu+an beings
*ere running *ith no a$$arent $ur$ose4 being caught in $anic. So+e crossed colla$sed
on the ground together *ith the crucified +en. >n the o$$osite side4 a +assive
landslide occurred *hich $ractically tore the s+all hill fro+ a third of its base4 +a,ing it
loo, li,e a straight *all.
In the dar,ness caused by the earth5ua,e4 slo*ly co+ing out of the violent clouds4 t*o
giant discs a$$eared in the s,y. Their edges *ere +ar,ed by so+e inter+ittent
signalling lights *hich *ere orange and blue in color. Those lights see+ed to go around
those giant discs. ' fe* seconds after*ards4 over the hill and above the nearby to*n4
huge cones of intense light *ere $ro-ected at certain intervals and lit everything
underneath the+ u$ to the s+allest detail.
>ne of the dics re+ained above the hill *hile the other headed slo*ly for the to*n. 't
first I sa* ho* the +en re+ained $araly!ed4 loo,ing u$ at the t*o a$$aritions. Then
they started screa+ing= and -udging by the loo,s on their faces and the fact that they
*ere covering their ears *ith their hands4 the t*o discs *ere e+itting terrible sounds
that coincided *ith the $ro-ection of the giant cones of light.
I recovered 5uic,ly fro+ the +e+ories *hich had flooded +y +ind and as,ed Ce!ar4
very interested4 to tell +e *hat *as that ultra secret ele+ent in 0esus@s life that *asn@t
$resented by the Christian church.
AI@ve *itnessed the official +eeting of *hat could4 at that ti+e4 +ean the +anage+ent
of the e+erging Christian church. >ut of everything that ha$$ened at that council4
*hich lasted for several days4 it@s only *orth telling you that the co+$etition bet*een
those *ho voted for the restrictive vie* of *o+en and even for bla+ing the+ and those
*ho *anted to ,ee$ traditions *as 5uite tight. 's usual4 it *as a $rocess of
+ani$ulation. I sa* al+ost in detail the i+$ortant years of 0esus@s s$iritual +ission4 and I
can tell you that he never $reached about *o+en in the +anner that the Christian
church does today - on the contrary.B
I noticed that Ce!ar *as very serious and at the sa+e ti+e very deter+ined.
A1hen I first sa* 0esus a+ong Cis disci$les on that hill4 one of the three *o+en *as
near Ci+. She had a s$ecial $ersonality and glo*. She *as the youngest and +ost
beautiful of the+. I intuitively ,ne* that she *as the one called &ary &agdalene in the
os$els. 'nd at the sa+e ti+e4 I@ve reali!ed that a+ong the subtle threads of causal
lin,s4 there *as a very $o*erful connection bet*een her and Christ. I@ve also $erceived
the fact that so+e of the disci$les *ere not co+$letely in agree+ent *ith that
relationshi$ because they so+eho* felt left aside. >nly t*o of the+ didn@t share that
o$inion *hich undoubtedly ca+e fro+ a vain $erce$tion of reality. Kro+ other
$ro-ections or a,ashic Hre*inds4@ I@ve had the chance to find out that 0esus and &ary
&agdalene *ere together al+ost all the ti+e. >nly *hen Christ s$o,e to the cro*ds or
to $eo$le in $rivate *ere they not together. 6ut4 in the evening4 I often sa* the+
*ithdra* alone4 -ust the t*o of the+. Fsually4 she *as the first to receive the initiation
fro+ Ci+ and I *as a+a!ed to see that both the disci$les and +any of Cis follo*ers
$racticed certain +ethods of $urification and $reservation of body health4 es$ecially on
river shores *here they had *ater at their dis$osal. I often sa* &ary &agdalene guiding
the $eo$le in these si+$le +ethods and +any ca+e to her to as, for her hel$ *hen
0esus *as busy *ith others. I ,no* these are radical as$ects *hich seriously contradict
*hat the Christian church +aintains4 but nevertheless4 they +ust be su$$orted bravely
because they re$resent the $ure historical truth.B
"ven if I *as astonished *ith *hat Ce!ar told +e4 I *as at the sa+e ti+e ha$$y that the
truth had not led to re-ection in +y +ind. >n the contrary4 I felt a sort of a release and
inner freedo+ at the thought that +an@s soul is thus +ade *hole again. >n the other
hand4 I *as a*are that4 no*adays4 this truth has only a slight chance to be acce$ted and
understood accordingly. The ditches of threats4 $unish+ents and da+nation have been
dug too dee$ly in $eo$le@s +inds during this current $eriod of ti+e. 2evertheless4 the
$ersonal choice is essential4 and therefore it is funda+ental for the truth to be ,no*n
entirely. Correct -udge+ent4 s$iritual co++on sense and $ure faith are4 in +y o$inion4
virtues that can hel$ +odern +an a lot in +a,ing $ertinent choices so as not to be
sto$$ed by the difficult obstacles of fanaticis+ or conce$tual thic,-headedness.
A1hen I *as $ro-ected near that grou$4 0esus slo*ly raised Cis eyes to*ards +e4
loo,ing u$4B Ce!ar continued. A>f course4 it *as -ust +y consciousness4 but Ce felt +y
subtle $resence and reacted accordingly. "ven though Ce continued to s$ea, to the
others4 I heard Cis voice in +y +ind at the sa+e ti+e clearly telling +e it *as very good
that I *as there and that +y future investigations *ould create a co+$le# chain of
successive causalities that *ould greatly hel$ those *ho *ould have the $o*er to
understand. "ven for +e4 that *as an e#traordinary e#$erience. The only +o+ent I
couldn@t gras$ in +y ti+e $ro-ections during that $eriod *as that of the
HTransfiguration.@ It *as the sa+e ,ind of ti+e bloc,ing *hich I have s$o,en about
before but couldn@t overco+e.B
Ce!ar suddenly fell silent. I felt that4 even though there *as still +uch to be told4 he
$referred not to tell +e any +ore at this ti+e. I ,ne* that a certain ste$ by ste$
a$$roach *as al*ays necessary in order to +a,e $ossible the correct assi+ilation of the
ele+ents of the story. 6esides4 the +o+ent of our de$arture *as close and *e had not
sle$t. 1e *ere tired4 but I still *anted very +uch to try for +yself the sensation of ti+e
travel and connect to the +ysterious installation.
I sa* Ce!ar s+iling slightly.
AI told you I *as going to $ro$ose this very s$ecial e#$erience to you. In your current
condition4 ho*ever4 it@s $ossible that you *on@t acco+$lish it. 7et@s see N it@s only u$ to
you4B he added4 $ointing +e to sit do*n on the $latfor+ of the cylinder.
1hat I have sho*n here is -ust a tiny fraction of the research I have found but to discuss
the others *ould +ean o$ening u$ a huge can of *or+s. &uch of the confir+ations I
cannot reveal here are in ancient te#ts4 tablets4 scrolls and dra*ings.
There *ere +ore4 greater things revealed in the other boo,s relating to this infor+ation.
Things that +ost $eo$le *ill not be able to digest or believe but *ould +a,e absolute
sense if any dee$ research into our $ast and history *ere underta,en.
There are reasons *hy the history *e are taught is so condensed and very good reasons
*hy the Su+erians es$ecially are never s$o,en about.
I *ould li,e to offer a train of thought...
In the last one hundred years the vocabulary of all languages has gro*n ra$idly. 1e
have had to create +any ne* *ords as the 1orld $rogresses.
1hen the 6ible *as *ritten the vocabulary *as +uch s+aller than it is no*. There *ere
not the *ords to describe *hat they *ere *itnessing because those *ords4 and the
understanding of the *ords4 did not e#ist.
To really understand *hat the *ords +ean you have to thin, using the *ords they had
then and not the *ords *e have no*. The $aintings had to be conveyed in a *ay that
$eo$le of that ti+e $eriod *ould understand.
The +ost stri,ing thing for +e is other religious boo,s all tal, of si+ilar things but use
the *ords of that language4 of that ti+e4 to try to describe *hat they are seeing. The
si+ilarities bet*een these te#ts are re+ar,able.
Peo$le of this age try to intero$erate the *ords of old differently to the real +eaning. '
tru+$et and flying chariot4 as e#a+$les4 are not literal but an inter$retation of ob-ects
using the only *ords they had for it bac, then. 6ac, then there *e no *ords for
air$lane4 FK>4 helico$ter etc to e#$lain a vehicle flying in the air so they could use the
only *ord they ,ne* at that ti+e to e#$lain *hat they *ere seeing= a flying chariot.
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