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Goblin Toboggan Rule Sheet v 0.

9 last
updated 10/08/14
Concept and design by Patic! "aino
#998 $lcala Pa!% &nit '180
San (iego% C$ 9)110
Special than!s to Tistan Rios
and ,i* (iCa*illo -o thei
-eedbac!% suppot and ideas.
) Ga*e /oads
0 Goblin Toboggan pa1ns% one
pe clan 2Red% 3hite% 4ange% 5ello1%
/lue% Geen6
0 Clan cads
1 7nstigato to!en 8 indicates
cuent playe
18 Round to!ens 29 pe type6 -o
*a!ing cad e:ects on the boad
1)0 "ischie- Cads
1)9 ;e<agon shaped tiles
)=0 Playes
90=00 "inutes -o shot ga*e boad 2depending on the nu*be o-
00=90 *inutes -o long ga*e boad
$ges 8>
The Si< Goblin Clans have gatheed -o the annual Toboggan ace to
dete*ine 1hich clan is *ost supeio and 1ill ule ove the othes.
3ith pide% po1e and gloy on the line these toboggan tea*s o-
tic!ste Goblins 2the playes6 1ill do 1hateve it ta!es to outun the
avalanche and coss the ?nish line ?st.
The ob@ective is -o the playes to get thei toboggan sa-ely acoss the
?nish line ?st.
Set-up: 2Shot boad sho1n% see appendi< -o long boad diaga*6
The biggest instigato in the goup is given the instigato to!en
and 1ill stat play. 216
Stating to the right o- the instigato and poceeding
countecloc!1ise % each playe selects a toboggan to!en and
places it in a space behind the stating line 2only one toboggan
pe space6. The playes then ta!es the coesponding clan cads
and place the* -ace up on the table in -ont o- the*. 2)6
ShuAe the 1)0 *ischie- cads and place the* in a pile -ace
do1n on the table. 296
Bo a shot ga*e shuAe the 88 un*a!ed tiles and place the* in
piles -ace do1n on the table. Bo a long ga*e shuAe in the
additional 9# tiles% *a!ed 1ith an CD.E 246
Fach playe da1s a hand o- thee *ischie- cads. 2#6
Fach playe da1s a hand o- thee he<agon tiles. 246
The 1idth o- the toboggan tac! depends on the nu*be o-
playes as noted belo1% and illustated on the boad. 206
Gu*be o-
3idth o- tac!
) 4
9 #
4 0
# '
0 '
The playe 1ith the instigato to!en plays ?st.
$ R4&G( poceeds as -ollo1s.
1. The 7nstigato plays a tile in the ight *ost space o- the
?st e*pty shaded o1 o- the boad% stating at the top.
). Play then continues to the le-t 1ith each playe adding
one tile to the o1% in ode 1o!ing -o* ight to le-t.
Fach playe *ay choose any tile -o* thei hand to play%
and *ay otate it to the position they choose% but they
cannot place it out o- ode. This otation continues until
the o1 is co*plete 2-o the nu*be o- playes as noted
above6. Players do not draw new tiles during this phase,
if a player must play two tiles in the round they must do
so from the three tiles in hand at the start of the round.
9. Stating 1ith the instigato% and continuing to the le-t%
each playe co*pletes thei toboggan *ove*ent phase.
4. $ll playes da1 4GF 216 *ischie- cad and then discad
to a hand siHe o- thee 296 i- necessay. I
#. $ll playes da1 enough tiles to have a -ull hand o- 9.
0. Stating 1ith the tun 1hee the 0
o1 is played on the
shot boad% and '
o1 is played on the long boad%
advance the avalanche tile as indicated by the avalanche
nu*bes located on the edge o- the boad.
On the short board the frst (-2) is an error and should be
a (-1).
'. Clea all to!ens% e<cept land*ine to!ens% -o* the boad.
8. Pass the instigato to!en one playe to the le-t.
I Playes *ay play any1hee -o* none to all o- thei *ischie- cads on
thei tun% but only da1 one cad at the end o- the ound.
Movement Phae:
$-te the ne1 o1 o- tiles is added% the instigato begins the
*ove*ent phase 1ith play passing aound to the le-t.
(uing each playes *ove*ent phase they *ove thei toboggan
one space. Tuning a !noc!ed do1n toboggan upight counts as a
*ove*ent. Toboggans can *ove one space to eithe o- the
ad@acent tiles on the sides o to the -ont

2blue ao1s6. $ toboggan
can only *ove to the t1o ad@acent tiles to the bac! i- thee ae no
othe options available

2ed ao1s6. $ toboggan *ay not Jdouble
bac!K to the pevious tile on the sa*e tun 2-o e<a*ple 1hen
sliding on ice6.
!obo""an that cannot move:
7- a toboggan cannot *ove this tun 2because it co*pletely is
bloc!ed by baicades% tees o othe and/o the edge o- the boad6
that playe *ay discad so*e o all o- thei *ischie- cads and then
da1 up to a -ull hand o- thee cads.
4nly ) Toboggans can occupy a tile at any ti*e. 7n a ) playe ga*e
the ) playes *ay not occupy the sa*e tile.
3hen *oving toboggans playes *ust obey the ules outlined in the
tile type section. 7- a legal *ove is not possible the toboggan is not
*oved on the given tun. 2e.g. a Goblin Toboggan is on a tile that is
suounded on all si< sides by tees and/o boad edges.6 7- on the
ne<t tun the toboggan still cannot *ove the playe *ay *ove it to
any ad@acent tile in a !noc!ed=do1n position.
# note about the e$"e o% the boar$: players may not moe a
goblin beyond the edges of the board, nor beyond the tiles that
hae been played. !f a goblin is at an edge and has not been moed
this turn it must still be moed in a legal manner if possible.
&noc'$o(n. Goblin Toboggans ae !noc!ed ove in seveal
cicu*stances descibed unde tile types and on cad te<t. 7- a
toboggan is !noc!ed ove lay the to!en on its side. 7t eLuies one
*ove*ent -o the toboggan to be tuned upight.
!ile !ype
Geen ao1s epesent a sa-e *ove
Red ao1s epesent a *ove 1hee the toboggan is !noc!ed
Red MKs epesent an invalid *ove
Plain)Sno(: These tiles have no special e:ect
*ce: 3hen a Toboggan *oves onto an ice tile it
i**ediately slides to any othe pe*issible
ad@acent tile e<cept the one it ca*e -o*.
o $ toboggan *ay slide acoss *oe than
one ad@acent ice tile in one tun.
o 7- no pe*issible tiles ae available the
Toboggan stops *ove*ent on the ice
o 7- a goblin toboggan is !noc!ed do1n
1hen *oving onto ice 2e.g. a-te -alling
o: o- a @u*p% o tipping ove a baie6 it
does continue to slide% but e*ains in a
!noc!ed do1n position.
o 3hen a toboggan slides into anothe
toboggan that toboggan is !noc!ed
!ree: These tiles ae bloc!ed. 3hile playes
*ay not land on a tee tile they *ay @u*p ove
the* using a @u*p tile.
+ump: 3hen a toboggan *oves onto a @u*p
tile thee is no i**ediate e:ect. 3hen *oving
o: o- a @u*p tile a playe *ay *ove one 4R t1o
spaces in the diection the @u*p -aces% o one
space in the othe available diections.
o $ toboggan *ay @u*p ove tees and
oc!es i- they ae in the space
i**ediately in -ont o- the @u*p.
o $ toboggan *ay @u*p ove baicades
including those in the landing space%
1ithout being !noc!ed do1n.
o 7- a toboggan lands on a oc! it is
!noc!ed do1n.
o $ playe *ay @u*p ove a tile that has
toboggans in it% even i- it is at the
occupancy li*itN ho1eve a toboggan
*ay not land in tile that has aleady
eached the occupancy li*it.
o 7- a playe @u*ps and lands on anothe
toboggan that toboggan is !noc!ed
Oran"e ,arrica$e$ tile: Toboggans *ay
ente and e<it oange baicaded tiles on any
side% ho1eve% cossing an oange baicade
causes the Goblin Toboggan to be !noc!ed
do1n. "he only e#$eption is that a toboggan
may %ump into a barri$aded tile using a %ump tile
from a barri$aded side without being &no$&ed
Stripe$ barrica$e tile: TobogganKs *ay not
coss a stiped baicade unless they use a @u*p
tile to @u*p ove it.
-oc' tile: Playes *ay *ove onto a oc! tile
-o* any side% but ae !noc!ed do1n 1hen doing
#valanche -ule:
$long the edge o- the boad ae avalanche indicato nu*bes% =1 o =).
The avalanche nu*be indicates ho1 *any o1s should be e*oved
by the avalanche stating -o* the top o- the hill.
The avalanche action ta!es place at the en$ o- the ound 1hee that
activating o1 1as placed.
Ro1 e*oval begins 1ith the ?st o1 o- tiles% the e*pty o12s6 a-te
the stat line ae ignoed.
$ny toboggans in the o12s6 that ae eli*inated by the avalanche ae
e*oved -o* the ace. The eli*inated toboggans ae placed in the
last available ?nish position 2-o e<a*ple the ?st eli*inated playe
gets 4
place in a -ou playe ga*e6. 7- t1o o *oe toboggans ae in
the sa*e o1 that is i*pacted by the avalanche the playe 1ith the
*ost *ischie- cads in thei hand is placed in the bette ?nishing
position. 7- the playes have the sa*e nu*be o- *ischie- cads they
tie and ?nish in the sa*e position.
On the short board the frst (-2) is an error and should be a (-1).
Michie% .ar$:
Goblin Toboggan contains 1)0 cads that playes can use to alte the
ga*e in thei -avo. Fach cad contains te<t that e<plains its e:ects
and any ules that goven its use. Cads co*e in t1o *ain -o*s. those
that can be played at any ti*e% and those that can only be played
duing the uses tun in the *ove*ent phase. Bo a -ull list o- cad
types see the appendi<.
/n$ 0ame:
The ga*e ends 1hen all toboggans have eithe ?nished the ace by
cossing the ?nish line o though eli*ination by the avalanche. The
?nishing places o- the Goblin Toboggans ae dete*ined by the ode in
1hich they coss the ?nish line% beginning 1ith ?st place. 7- the
avalanche cushes a toboggan it is placed in the 1ost un?lled ?nishing
place. The playe 1hose toboggan cosses the ?nish line ?st% o the
last suviving playe% is the 1inne o- the ga*e.
Players may $hoose to play multiple rounds for high s$ore. !n that
instan$e award ' points for a frst pla$e fnish, ( points for 2
, ) points
for *
, * points for )
, 2 points for (
and 1 point for '
. "ra$& s$ores
a$ross multiple rounds. "he frst player to 11 points wins.
.ommon !erm
&noc'e$ 2o(n: 3hen a toboggan encountes cetain obstacles 2see
tile section6 slid into by anothe toboggan% o @u*ped onto by anothe
toboggan% it is !noc!ed do1n 2the pa1n is laid on its side6. Qnoc!ed
do1n toboggans *ust use a *ove*ent action to tun upight.
-oun$: $ ound is descibed in detail on page 9. 7t begins 1ith tile
place*ent and concludes 1ith e*oval o- any te*poay to!ens -o*
the boad.
Movement Phae: $ playes *ove*ent phase consists o- the ti*e
duing 1hich that playe is able to *ove thei toboggan. 7t begins 1hen
the pevious playe has co*pleted thei *ove*ent and ends 1hen the
playe indicates that they have ?nished thei *ove*ent phase. Playes
*ay play J*ove*ent phaseK cads be-oe o a-te they *ove thei
toboggan% but only duing thei o1n *ove*ent phase.
Michie% .ar$ 3it:
.ar$ !itle: phase of play+ cad ules o- play. 2Luantity o- this cad6.
,i" #ir: ,ny "imeN Tun any tile into a Single ,u*p Tile -o the
e*ainde o- this ound. 5ou *ust indicate the diection o- the @u*p
1hen the cad is played. "ay be played at any ti*e. "a! the tile using
a @u*p to!en. ())
,omb: ,ny time+ 5ou *ust discad anothe cad -o* you hand in
ode to play J/o*b.K Tun any unoccupied tile upside do1n. The space
is no1 inactive and cannot be cossed% enteed% o *odi?ed in any 1ay.
,otche$ Plan: ,ny "ime+ Play this cad to cause any one playe 2you
*ay select yousel-6 to discad thei 1hole hand o- cads o tiles and
da1 an eLual nu*be o- ne1 ones. (*)
,ump in the -oa$: ,ny "imeN Tun any unoccupied tile into a oc! tile
-o the e*ainde o- this ound. "ay be played at any ti*e. "a! the
tile using a oc! to!en. ())
.am-no(-4a"e: ,ny "imeN $llo1s a playe to *ove thei toboggan
onto a space that is aleady at its occupancy li*it. (*)
2eperate Meaure: -oement PhaseN $llo1s a playe to eplace
any unoccupied tile 1ith one ando*ly da1n -o* the pile. ShuAe the
eplaced tile bac! into the da1 pile. (*)
5reh Po($er: ,ny "imeN Tun any tile into a Plain Sno1 Tile -o the
e*ainde o- this ound. "ay be played at any ti*e. "a! the tile use a
sno1 to!en. ())
6an$bra'e: ,ny "ime+ Play this cad to *ove last in this ound. 7-
anothe handba!e is played in the sa*e ound% the ?nal playe to play
a handba!e cad *oves last% 1ith othe playe2s6 1ho played a
handba!e cad *oving in evese ode o- ho1 the cads 1ee played.
*ce$ Over: ,ny "ime+ Tun any unoccupied tile into an 7ce Tile -o the
e*ainde o- this ound. "a! the tile 1ith an ice to!en. ())
*7m 8p9: -oement PhaseN $llo1s a playe to tun thei !noc!ed do1n
toboggan upight as a -ee *ove*ent action. (.)
3an$mine: -oement Phase+ 3hen *oving o: o- a tile play this cad
to leave a land*ine on that space 2*a!ed 1ith a land*ine to!en6. The
ne<t playe to *ove onto that space is !noc!ed do1n% and the
land*ine is e*oved. (*)
Me !oo9: ,ny "imeN $llo1s a playe to instantly copy the e:ect o- a
cad played by anothe playe as i- they too had played that cad. (.)
Mine9: ,nytimeN S1itch all o- you cads o all o- you tiles 1ith an
opponent o- you choosing. Playes cannot s1ap cads o tiles that
have been played. Cads *ay only be s1apped -o cads% and tiles -o
tiles. (()
Mi1-up: ,ny "ime+ 3hen playing this cad choose JcadsK o JtilesK and
Jle-tK o Jight.K $ll playes *ust then pass thei entie hand o- the
chosen ite* in the chosen diection. Playes cannot play any cads o
tiles be-oe co*pleting the declaed pass. (*)
-anac': -oement PhaseN (a1 the top 9 cads o 9 tiles and !eep
any t1o. 5ou *ust still discad do1n to a hand siHe o- 9 at the end o-
this ound. (*)
-/+/.!9: ,ny "imeN Play this cad at any ti*e to cancel anothe
playeKs cad. (()
-eject9 Me !oo: ,nytime+ Play this cad at any ti*e to cancel anothe
playeKs cad 4R play this cad at any ti*e to copy the e:ect o- a cad
played by anothe playe as i- you too had played that cad. (*)
-oc'et ,ooter: -oement PhaseN $llo1s a playe to *ove thei
toboggan t1ice this tun. IPlayes cannot use speed bust to undo a
pevious *ove*ent -o* this ound. Roc!et booste 2)
6 actions
cannot be used to tun a !noc!ed do1n toboggan upight. (()
Shove: -oement phase+ "ove an opponent on you tile o an
ad@acent tile one space. 5ou *ay *ove !noc!ed do1n toboggans% but
all othe aspects o- the *ove *ust be legal. $ll tile e:ects ae -ollo1ed
as no*al. (()
Sno(ball: ,nytimeN $llo1s a playe to !noc! do1n any toboggan on
the boad. That toboggan *ust use its ne<t action to tun upight. (.)
Sno( !unnel: -oement Phase. 3hen *oving you toboggan play
this cad to *ove ove baicades o onto oc!s as i- they 1ee not
thee. Can only be used to *ove onto one oc! o coss one baicade.
Cannot be used to *ove onto tee tiles. (()
Stra%e: -oement PhaseN $llo1s a playe to *ove thei toboggan one
space to eithe side in thei o1 as a -ee action. F:ects -o*
baicades% @u*ps% ice and oc!s ae ignoed% but tess cannot be
cossed. (*)
S:*P/9: ,ny time+ Ta!e one cad o one tile at ando* -o* anothe
playe. ())
S(itcheroo: -oement PhaseN $llo1s a playe to s1ap any t1o
unoccupied tiles aleady on the boad. (*)
S(itcher-!(iter: -oement PhaseN $llo1s a playe to s1ap any t1o
unoccupied tiles aleady on the boad. O- -oement PhaseN $llo1s a
playe to otate any tile aleady on the boad. (*)
!ree 6u""er: -oement PhaseN $llo1s a playe to *ove thei
toboggan onto a tee tile as i- it 1ee a plain sno1 tile. The toboggan is
then *oved o: o- that tile on its ne<t *ove*ent action as i- the tee
tile 1ee still a plain sno1 tile. ())
!ree o% Stri%e: ,ny "imeN Tun any unoccupied tile into a Tee Tile -o
the e*ainde o- this ound. "a! the tile using a tee to!en. ())
!remor: ,ny "imeN Causes all upight toboggans to be !noc!ed do1n.
!(iter: -oement PhaseN $llo1s a playe to otate any tile aleady on
the boad. (()

3on"-,oar$ 2ia"ram:
0eneral u""etion relate$ to art an$ $ei"n.
Ceate one boad that seves as both the long and shot boad by
putting a 1ate*a! style ?nish line on the long boad at the
shot boad distance% and si*ila avalanche *a!ings. This 1ould
allo1 playes to choose long o shot ga*es% 1hile only pinting
one side o- one boad.
$dd i*ages o- the Goblin Toboggans to the *ischie- cads and
playe cads.
o $n idea 1ould be to ceate a -ou *e*be goblin tea* -o
each clan. The tea* 1ould include a dive% bo*badie%
*echanic/enginee and spell=caste. Fach goblin type
1ould be -eatued on cads that *ost apply to thei aea o-
specialty 8 bo*badie tho1s bo*bs% land*ines and
sno1balls% spell=caste *anipulates the boad% *echanic
adds oc!et boostes etc. Fach clan could also have a Rag
to epesent the* in addition to thei na*e.
Ceate visual 2sy*bol6 epesentations o- the *ischie- cad
actions to include on the cads so that they ae less te<t
dependent allo1ing younge and not native Fnglish spea!es an
inceased access to the ga*e.

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