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Clarice Ajero

Stroke affects everyboy iffere!tly" a! it is iffic#lt to say $o% &#c$ of a recovery is 'ossible. A stroke
ca! i&'air a 'erso!(s ability to 'erfor& aily f#!ctio!s" %$ic$ &ay affect t$eir )#ality of life. *$e!
stroke strikes" yo# %ill be take! to ER %$ere f#rt$er scree!i!+ tests %ill be carrie o#t. ,o# s$o#l t$e!
be take! to a! ac#te stroke #!it" %$ic$ $as a ra!+e of trai!e 'rofessio!als %$o are e-'erie!ce i! stroke
care. ,o# s$o#l $ave a series of &eical tests at $os'ital as soo! as 'ossible to s$o% %$ere t$e stroke is"
$o% serio#s it is" a! %$at ca#se it. T$e soo!er t$ese tests are carrie o#t t$e better" beca#se so&e
treat&e!t is o!ly effective if +ive! %it$i! a s$ort 'erio of ti&e after a stroke. ,o# are likely to $ave to
stay i! $os'ital for at least a s$ort ti&e. .ays of stay e'e! o! t$e severity of yo#r sy&'to&s. ,o# are
likely to s'e! so&e ti&e i! a s'ecialist stroke #!it or a re$abilitatio! %ar" %$ere yo#r stroke care tea&
%ill create a care 'la! base o! yo#r !ees a! %ill set o#t t$e best &eicatio! a! treat&e!t for yo#.
I believe t$at it is better to $ave a! or+a!i/e Stroke syste& beca#se &ore 'atie!ts are bei!+ ra'ily
assesse a! tria+e to $os'itals for e&er+e!cy t$era'ies t$#s $avi!+ a +oo elivery of care. 0o%ever" it
is !ot very e-iste!t i! 1$ili''i!e $os'itals. Eve! i! ot$er co#!tries" fe% $os'itals are certifie to eliver
e-'eitio#s assess&e!t a! ra'i" e-'ert care for eliveri!+ i!trave!o#s t$ro&bolytics for ac#te isc$e&ic
stroke $o#rs fro& sy&'to& o!set" or to treat ac#te ca#ses of cerebral $e&orr$a+e. 1ost2stroke isability
%o#l also be re#ce" %$ic$ %o#l i&'rove t$e )#ality of life t$#s res#lti!+ i! a &ore efficie!t #se of
$ealt$care reso#rces" %$ic$ re#ces t$e fi!a!cial b#re! o! 'atie!ts a! t$eir fa&ilies" a! +over!&e!ts.

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