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Activits dapprentissage en lien

avec luvre dart.

Thmatiques possibles :
Maison (architecture)
Norman Rockwell
Art critic
La chambre
Vincent Van Goh
La chambre de Van Gogh Arles
Pam !nalls
C" Twombl"
Blue Room
#rancis $acon
Three studies of figures on bed
%&war& $urne 'ones
Laus Veneris
Mar" Cassatt
Breakfast on Bed
(a chaise
Thomas Chippen&ale
(e portrait
Gusta)e Caillebotte
Self Portrait
Paul Ce*anne
Self portrait with Rose Background
%mil" Carr
Self portrait
#ri&s +halo
Self portrait
'acques (ouis ,a)i&
Self portrait
Giorio ,e Chirico
Paul Gauuin
Self portrait with halo
Mar" Cassatt
Self portrait
-rtemisia Gentileschi
Self portrait as a female martr
Sidney Goodman
Self portrait with Arm Raised
Norman Rockwell
Triple sel. portrait
Vincent Van Goh
Self portrait with bandaged ear
Gio)anni -ntonio Canaletto
The !ampo di Rialto
Pieter &e 0ooch
The !ourtard of a "ouse in #elft
Maurits Cornelis %scher
%&war& 0opper
"ouse b the Railroad
#ernan& (er
The cit
Ro" (ichtenstein
Temple of Apollo

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