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RELEASE DATE: October 8, 2014

SUBJECT: Wards o !"e#d s$ccess #eads to D%%% &at"oa# '#a(er o! t)e Wee* )oors
SOURCE: R(a Broo*s+&e,to, -ead Soccer Coac), /18+/01+/011
HERKIMER, NY Helping the Herkimer Generals womens soccer team remain undeeated against !III
competition last week with two game winners against No" # Hudson $alle% and &roome 'ommunit%
'ollege, reshman (eigha )ard was awarded N*'++ !III ,la%er o the )eek"
)ard, a orward or the Generals has led the oense accumulating a team-high ./ goals which is
ith 0est in the nation" It took three o those goals to deeat 0oth the $ikings 12-.3 and Hornets 1.-43,
impro5ing Herkimers national ranking this week to No" 6 in !III" )ard has scored in e5er% game or the
Generals 0ut one, netting two or more goals i5e times with a season-high our goals against North
7Its good to see someone like (eigha )ard getting the attention she deser5es,8 said Head
)omens 9occer 'oach R%an &rooks-Newton" 7&esides 0eing a great pla%er on the ield, shes an e5en
0etter person o it" I am not surprised at all with her success as she is an e:tremel% hard worker,
preparing 0etter than most or each game she pla%s in;8
Photo: Attached is an action and head shot of Teigha Ward.

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