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CllenL LxecuLlve aL 2345 !3667894:;938<, San lranclsco, CA !anuary 2013 - resenL
Career growLh: SLarLed as an lnLern ln !anuary 2013 and was promoLed Lo AssoclaLed CllenL LxecuLlve ln May 2013, and
Lhen promoLed Lo CllenL LxecuLlve ln March 2014
CllenL relaLlons: Worklng wlLh cllenLs ranglng from large corporaLlons Lo sLarL-ups, lncludlng P, Llnkedln, alo AlLo
neLworks, laySLaLlon and ConLaLLa
Medla relaLlons: CeneraLlng and plLchlng sLory ldeas Lo local and naLlonal medla, schedullng and conducLlng medla and
analysL brleflngs, creaLlng and malnLalnlng medla llsLs
WrlLlng: urafLlng and edlLlng documenLs lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, press releases, medla alerLs, lACs, brleflng sheeLs,
and messaglng
Soclal medla: urafLlng and publlshlng conLenL for cllenL soclal medla channels and blogs, monlLorlng soclal medla channels
for engagemenL and lnLeracLlon
Awards: CreaLlng and malnLalnlng awards calendars, flagglng approprlaLe awards ln a Llmely manner, drafLlng submlsslons,
submlLLlng on Llme
LdlLorlal calendars: CreaLlng and malnLalnlng calendars Lo Lrack poLenLlal edlLorlal opporLunlLles
8eporLlng: 1racklng and analyzlng medla coverage and soclal medla meLrlcs for cllenL announcemenLs and pro[ecLs
LvenL plannlng: lannlng, promoLlng and execuLlng evenLs, organlzlng conference appearances, lncludlng PlMSS, 1CLA,
8SA, 8lack PaL and alo AlLo neLworks lgnlLe conference

AccounL LxecuLlve aL =3>>? =:8<58 ,7@>94 /5>:;938<, SanLa 8osa, CA !une 2011 - november 2012

ubllc 8elaLlons lnLern aL AB:8:C: -9<;B3 D -3BB:4E:, San Luls Cblspo, CA !anuary 2011 - March 2011

MarkeLlng lnLern for !:> ,3>? #58F< )3445B, San Luls Cblspo, CA AugusL 2010 - november 2010

ubllc 8elaLlons lnLern aL G H:I>:8 !3667894:;938<, SanLa 8osa, CA !une 2010 - AugusL 2010

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CounLer AgenL aL =5B;J /58;K:K!:B, San Luls Cblspo, CA !anuary 2009 - !anuary 2010

8arlsLa aL );:B@74L< !3MM55 !36I:8?, SanLa 8osa, CA uecember 2007 - AugusL 2008
AugusL 2006 - AugusL 2007

!:>9M3B89: ,3>?;54E894 );:;5 $89O5B<9;?, San Luls Cblspo, CA SepLember 2007 - !une 2011
8achelor of Sclence, !ournallsm ConcenLraLlon: ubllc 8elaLlons
AfflllaLlons: 8SSA member (2009-2011), 8SSA 1reasurer (2011), Week of Welcome CrlenLaLlon Leader (March 2009-SepLember 2009)
Awards: uean's LlsL (Sprlng 2010, WlnLer 2011)

)5893B !:I<;385 ,B3P54; WlnLer 2011
ubllc 8elaLlons ln Lhe Callfornla Wlne lndusLry: lmprovlng soclal medla use focuslng on lacebook and 1wlLLer
)(0,='%&0 #""/0 | sLephannmoore[ | (707) 849-3149 |

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