BT Maint-Cat Tpl-I 1 0

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Doc. No : T - 8.2.

4 - 01
Rev. No. : 1.0
Rev. Date : Oct 11, 2001
Page 1 of 3
Test Plan

Booth Tracker

Test Case ID: BT_Maint_Cat_1.0_I Project Code: BT
Module Id: Maint_Cat Module Name: Maintainence/Cateories
Proram/!ile Name: Cateor".#rm $cheduled Time: %0 Min

T&$T &N'I()NM&NT
)*eratin $"stem Windows 8, !econd "ddition, 4.10.2222"
Windows NT wo#$station !e#vice Pac$ %.0
Windows 2000 P#ofessiona&
$o#t+are/,ard+are (e-uirements (e#er (e-uirement De#inition Document
.ocation o# the e/ecuta0le 11Pc21c1BoothTracker
Product Descri*tion/Module Descri*tion
T'is is (sed fo# dis)&a* t'e +atego#ies of t'e )#od(cts t'at a#e so&d in t'e ,a#$et. -e#e we can
define co&o#s fo# catego#ies.
T"*e : .(nctiona&
T&$T C3$& D&$C(IPTI)N$
+o)*#ig't /&o0a& 1-!oft!*s. "&& #ig'ts #ese#ved
"cce)tance Testing !*ste, Testing 2nteg#ation Testing 3nit Testing
Doc. No : T - 8.2.4 - 01
Rev. No. : 1.0
Rev. Date : Oct 11, 2001
Page 2 of 3
Test Plan

Test Case and Test
&/*ected (esult 3ctual
Comments Closed
1 "dd a new catego#*
and save
1.2t s'o(&d get
)o)(&ated (nde# t'e
catego#* &ist in t'e
)#od(ct fo#,
2.2t s'o(&d get
)o)(&ated (nde# t'e
catego#* &ist in t'e
vendo# fo#,
-do- )ass 4
% Rena,e an e5isting
1.t'e #ena,ed
catego#* na,e
s'o(&d 0e dis)&a*ed
in t'e )#od(ct fo#,,
vendo# fo#,, 6ont'&*
#enta& 0oo$ings,
Dai&* #enta&
0oo$ings, De&ete
dai&*, de&ete 6ont'&*
and in t'e #e)o#ts
-do- )ass 4
7 +'ange t'e catego#*
co&o# of an 0oo$ed
)#od(ct t'en
2n t'e ,ont'&* #enta&
and dai&* #enta&
&a*o(t it s'o(&d 0e
dis)&a*ed wit' t'e
,odified co&o#.
7+'ec$ t'e catego#*
&egend co,0o 0o58
-do- )ass 4
2ss(e 9ist: :T ;6aint;+at;1.0;2
(emarks: Tested on Windows NT wo#$station !e#vice Pac$ %.0
Tested on Windows 2000 P#ofessiona&
Tested on Windows 8 !econd "ddition, 4.10.2222"
<"&& dates a#e in dd-,,-**** fo#,at
+o)*#ig't /&o0a& 1-!oft!*s. "&& #ig'ts #ese#ved
Doc. No : T - 8.2.4 - 01
Rev. No. : 1.0
Rev. Date : Oct 11, 2001
Page 3 of 3
Test Plan

Pre*ared 0": 3nil Pra0hu Date: %89:9%001
Tested 0": 3nil Pra0hu Date: %7989%001
(e;ie+ed B": Pradee* Date: 719109%001
3**ro;ed B": $achin Bhakta Date: %7989%001
+o)*#ig't /&o0a& 1-!oft!*s. "&& #ig'ts #ese#ved

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