Wilson Shinikki Word Resume

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Shinikki Wilson, CPhT

622 Dunwich Way Essex, Maryland 21221 443-310-6227

$e!is%ered &har"acy 'echnician, (%a%e o) Maryland, 2010 %o &resen%
*a%ional &'+, $e!is%ra%ion, 2011 %o &resen%
+urren% -#(# De!ree +andida%e in .ccu/a%ional 'hera/y
&ro)icien% co"/u%er skills0 da%a en%ry0 accura%ely %y/e 11 w/"
2nowled!e o) "edical %er"inolo!y and /har"aceu%ical %er"s
-ccura%ely /ull, /re/are and coun% /rescri/%ion or o3er-%he-coun%er dru!s )or orders
$econs%i%u%e oral and %o/ical sus/ensions )or dis/ensin!
&er)or" in3en%ory cycle coun%s and order dru!s %hrou!h %he co"/u%er )ro" ou%side 3endor
&ro3ide e))icien% cus%o"er ser3ice in a )as% /aced en3iron"en%
De%ail orien%ed, or!ani4ed, /ro)essional de"eanor, and carin! a%%i%ude
'5E +.MM6*7'8 +.99E:E .; ,-9'7M.$E +.6*'8 Essex +a"/us
A.A.S. Degree Program in Occupational Therapy -u!us% 2012 %o &resen%
'5E +-$.97*E +E*'E$ ,al%i"ore, Maryland
Graduate, Certified Pharmacy Technician Program 200<
MED7= (+5..9 'owson, Maryland
Graduate, Medical Office Administration Program 1<<7
+>( &5-$M-+8 ,al%i"ore, Maryland
Pharmacy Service Associate 2010 %o 2014
-ccura%ely in%er/re% and %y/e /rescri/%ion orders
(u?"i%%ed clai"s %o insurance co"/anies and o%her %hird /ar%y /ayers
&ulled "edica%ions0 )illed /rescri/%ion orders0 ran! sales a% re!is%ers
-nswered %ele/hone and assis%ed cus%o"ers0 direc%ed calls %o a//ro/ria%e /ersons as needed
Worked direc%ly wi%h /har"acis%s, insurance co"/anies, and doc%ors@ o))ices
M7D -'9-*'7+ +-$D7.>-(+69-$ -((.+7-'E( ,al%i"ore, Maryland
ront Des! "eceptionist 2007 %o 200A
$e!is%ered /a%ien%s )or a//oin%"en%s0 acce/%ed insurance and co-/ay"en%s
&re/ared and arran!ed a//oin%"en% char%s )or "edical assis%an%s and doc%ors
-nswered and direc%ed inco"in! calls0 ke/% a lo! o) all /ay"en%s and co-/ay"en%s
>eri)ied and u/da%ed /a%ien%s de"o!ra/hics
27DD 7*'E$*-'7.*-9 ,al%i"ore, MD
Customer Service Associate, Maryland Department of Transportation 2006 %o 2007
-nswered inco"in! cus%o"er ser3ice calls a% %he EB &ass hi!h 3olu"e call cen%er
M-$$7.'' 56*' >-99E8 7** 5un% >alley, MD
Administrative Assistant, #otel Sales $ Catering Department 2001 %o 2006
&er)or"ed "ul%i/le ad"inis%ra%i3e %asks )or %he sales and ca%erin! "ana!ers
2-7(E$ &E$M-*E*'E ,al%i"ore, MD
#ealth %nformation Assistant 2003 %o 2001
-nswered %ele/hones0 collec%ed and deli3ered char%s0 /er)or"ed )ilin! and o%her du%ies
"eferences Availa&le 'pon "e(uest

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