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H&R Block - T&E report process review/refresher

MANUAL reports (prepared using the Excel based T&E form)

Use only the current version of the Excel based form (attached)
Manual Expense
Report Form 201...
Complete the form using Excel whenever possible (try to avoid handwritten forms when possible)
Enter all re!uired information on the form"
#$ %ept &% ' this tells us what %ept &% (or %istrict) is going to be charged for the expense(s)
($ )ro*ect &% ' (leave blan+)
,$ -ssociate.s name and Employee &% number
/$ 0ignature of the person submitting the expenses
1$ %ate the form was prepared
2$ 3ailing address of associate (street4 apt or suite4 city4 state4 5ip)
6$ &ndicate if a new address or not
7$ Enter wor+ e8mail address4 if applicable
&nput the individual expenses on the form4 by date$ &ndicate area traveled to
&nput mileage9distance traveled and the Excel form will calculate the payout amount at a rate of $1# cents per mile (for
mileage incurred on #9#9(:## or thereafter)$ ;ate on #(9,#9(:#: and prior is $1: cents9mile$
&nput other incidental expenses (food4 supplies or other expenses as appropriate) individually$ %o not combine receipts
into one total ' input the amount of each individual purchase$ Use an additional form if necessary$
-mounts due to the associate calculate automatically in the yellow 0ummary section on the right hand side of the
)rovide a <= account for any 3isc Expenses that don.t fit into one of the categories listed$ &f you do not +now what <=
account to use for 3isc Expenses4 leave blan+ and -ccounting will input the proper account for you$
=ist meals and entertainment detail9explanations in the section below the input amounts (showing purpose and
attendees4 as appropriate)
>riginal receipts are re!uired on all purchases of ?(1 or more$ @e prefer receipts on all items4 if they are available4 but
they must be provided on purchases of ?(1 or more$ &f you have lost a receipt4 please list it on the form in the bottom
Tape all receipts to an 7 A x ## sheet of paper$ &f receipt is 7 A x ## in si5e4 it can be stapled to the report$ @hen
possible4 try to organi5e receipts in order4 so that they correspond to what is listed on the report$
The report 3U0T be approved9signed by the next level supervisor (in most cases4 the %>C or the %3)$ The approver
should also provide their printed name4 title and date of the approval in the lower right section of the form$
The T&E report and all associated receipts (original receipts please) should be mailed to"
H&R Block
Attn: Expense Reports !
"loor #o$th
%ne H&R Block &'(
)'ns's *it( M% +,-./
&f the T&E report contains 3&=E-<E EB)EC0E >C=D4 it can be faxed to us at 0-+10/,1xxxx for processing$ Eowever the
T&E report must be complete (all re!uired information must be provided4 approvals obtained4 %ept &% noted4 be legible4 etc)
for processing$
-ny reports that are incomplete4 missing receipts or missing approvals will be returned for revision$
Fuestions can be directed via e8mail to" Expense;eportsGhrbloc+$com

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