DDBA-8005 Technology Contingency Plan Template

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Technology Contingency Plan Template

After completion, print this out and place somewhere accessible in case of a technology failure.
Two Alternative Computers
Identify a minimum of two alternative computers that you could use at any time throughout the
semester other than the primary computer you plan to use normally.
Alternative Computer 1: Computer at my mothers home
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
ours: !"A
Alternative Computer #: Computer at wor$
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
ours: %:&' a.m. until (:'' p.m.
Technology Support Services
)sing the information availa*le in the +Course ,upport- lin$ in your courseroom, complete the
following for technology support services in case you are una*le to access your computer or the
.orld .ide .e* during a technology failure and the ,tudent ,upport /eam for all general
technical, financial, materials, and registrar0related in1uiries.
/echnical elp 2es$:
,tudent ,upport /eam:

Weekly Backup Schedule
5ac$up or save your course files wee$ly to an e6ternal drive 7recommended8, recorda*le C2 or
292, floppy dis$, or other data storage device. As a result, even in the event that you cannot
access your computer, you will continue to have access to important material. 2irections for
how to save a file are at the end of this document. Contact the ,tudent ,upport /eam if you need
assistance with this process.
:y *ac$up strategy is 7provide full details8:
Faculty Contact;.rite down the contact information for your <aculty :em*er
availa*le from the courseroom in the event you are una*le to access your computer or the
.orld .ide .e* during a technology failure.
Office ours 7if any8:
/ime =one:
Two Classmates Contact;.rite down the contact information for two classmates in
case you are una*le to access your computer or the .orld .ide .e* during a technology
failure. >our classmates can provide you with updated information on assignments.

Classmate 1:
/ime ?one:
Classmate #:
/ime ?one:

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