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Katrina Richardson
Marygrove College


Many people in the State of Michigan and other states may not know much about politics.
It is a lot to learn and understand the social welfare and the socioeconomic aspects of our society.
In order to accomplish this learning process of finding out about our government, we need to
first of all find out who our own district legislators are and what they do for us in our
communities such as: what committees that they serve on, what bills do they propose, and what
boundaries are there for our districts.
Serving the 4
House district in Detroit Michigan is Representative Rose Mary Robinson,
and serving the State Senator district 01 is Coleman A. Young II. They both serve this
community in order for the people to have better living conditions.
Rose Mary Robinson is a Democratic member who was first elected to chamber in 2012
and started in office January 1, 2013- present; her term ends January 1, 2015. Robinson is
serving her first term representing Michigans 4
district which includes Hamtramck and only
portions of Detroit. She is a former attorney for the American Federation of the State, County,
and Municipal Employees Union Council. In 1970, Robinson was one of the first women to be
elected to Wayne County Commission. In 2009, she served as a member of the Detroit Charter
Revision Commission and then was elected to the Michigan House of Representatives.
Robinson attended Wayne State University law school, where she received her law degree. She
lives here in Detroit and has six children (
Rose Mary Robinson has the responsibility introducing bills and dealing with a variety of
issues. At the point of introduction, the bill is given a number and then made available on
Robinsons website. There are 23 Standing House Committees, and the Appropriations
Committees are divided into sub-committees where the bills with monetary implications are
assigned to have a discussion regarding the bill, analysis, and then revision in order for it to be
presented to the full committee for action to take place (
Robinson served on the following committees at the beginning of the 2013 legislative
session: oversight committee which is a standing committee of the Michigan House of
Representatives; there are 8 members in the committee and 33 of the standing which are assigned
by the speaker of the house. These committees are appointed at the beginning of each two year
legislative sessions. Another committee is the financial liability reform committee which
consists of 11 members and is a standing committee of the Michigan House of Representatives.

Robinson is the chair person who has the primary responsibility to consider legislation
The State Representative Rose Mary Robinson is trying to introduce a bill regarding
police officers to join consortiums to manage records and reports that are public, but time
consuming to have access. This mid-Michigan network plans to have a large expansion that will
soon allow police officers from Detroit to the Upper Peninsula to see other agencies reports from
their squad cars (

Proposed Bills
Rose Mary Robinson votes no on Education Achievement Authority (EAA). She thinks
that its outrageous to expand EAA when it is failing our children in Detroit
( Another bill that she proposed was the Auto No Faults bill which she
thinks that Detroit having their own auto no fault reform package would save Michigan residents
money, and prevent residents from committing fraud from the insurance industry
Robinson is passionate about rebuilding our economy by creating good-paying jobs.
Michigan works organization strives to help the Michigan residents have access to the job
seekers services.


Senator Coleman A. Young II, who is 30 years old, currently serves as district 01 senate
in Detroit Michigan, and minority caucus chair person. He is a democratic member that
graduated from Charter Academy High School as the class valedictorian and was recognized by
the California State assembly ( After transferring from Azusa Pacific
University, he attended Wayne State University and was a member on the football team, and two
of Colemans majors were Communications and Pastoring. He had professional working
experience in the city of Detroit as an intern for council research, analysis division, and for
subway restaurants. Coleman also had the experience to host the Young Effect which is a
Detroit live call-in talk show concerning current affairs, community advocacy, and sports
Coleman Young served on the following committees at the beginning of the 2013
legislative session: Education, energy and technology, local government & elections (vice-chair),
outdoor recreation & tourism (vice-chair), and reforms, recruiting & reinventing where he was
vice-chair person as well.


Senator Coleman Young authorized Natural Resources Commission to manage the taking
of game. He introduced a law that would ensure that decisions affecting the taking of species
(fish) and wildlife are made using principles of sound scientific fish and wildlife management, to
provide free fishing, hunting, and trapping licenses for active members of the military, also he
wants to provide the appropriations for fisheries management activities that is necessary for rapid
response, prevention, control and elimination of aquatic invasive species ( ).
Proposed Bill
Senator Coleman Young is drafting a bill to require Detroit Chief of Police certification.
He wants the Detroit police chief to be a certified police officer since he is an important part of
the city who protects the citizens of Detroit. This proposed bill was made shortly after the
discovery that the current Chief, James Craig does not have his certification
(; however, Chief Craig planned to become certified and the everything
needed shouldve been processed by now.
Colemans passionate issue regards tax breaks for oil and gas companies. He thinks that
it is outrageous to give tax breaks to oil companies that are already rich. He feels that while the
citizens of Detroit are struggling in the economy by funding the most basic services in the state
for fixing Michigans crumbling potholes, education, and making city investments, the
Republicans insist on giving away our tax dollars to the wealthy oil and gas companies
( In Detroit based on the recent Marathon debate with the oil companies,
people already know that once these companies get our money they dont own up to their

promises; and for the citizens of Detroit to see the effect of foreign oil and gas companies to have
better representation in the state than Michigan citizens is degrading.

Detroit is the part of the city that is within a line that begins at the intersection of the
Delta River which is the city limits of Detroit, and the southern city limits of Grosse Pointe Park
( 2014). The east side of Detroit portions of the city includes the near
west side, the inner suburbs of River Rouge, Harper Woods, Ecorse, the downriver communities
of Lincoln Park and Wyandotte as well as the upscale Grosse Pointe Suburbs (
House of Representative Rose Mary Robinson and Senator Coleman A. Young II, both
are compensated the same base salary of 71,685 per year along with a 10,800 yearly expense
allowance (
This assignment has given me a lot more knowledge about my legislators, who are State
Representative Rose Mary Robinson and State Senator Coleman A. Young. It is imperative for
them to serve our communities with good intentions in helping the citizens have better

neighborhoods. These two legislators have to come into our communities and see what issues
we have as well as get feedback from the people in order to address any issues. Then the
legislators have to introduce the legislation and vote on it before it is sent to the house floor for

The legislators for my district have issues that they need to address regarding social
welfare and socioeconomic portions in our communities. There are processes that they need to
go through in order to achieve their goals in making sure the issues are fulfilled. We the people
need to make sure that we learn as much as possible about our government and their policies, so
we can all have good living environments.


Authorized natural resources commission to manage the taking of game {2014}. Retrieved from
Expanding failed experiment weakens public education {2014}. Retrieved from
Coleman A. Young II {2014}. Retrieved from
Michigan Senator drafting bill to require detroit chief police certification {2014}. Retrieved
Michigans 13
congressional district {2014}. Retrieved from
Rose Mary Robinson {2014}. Retrieved from
Rose Mary Robinson {2014}. Retrieved from

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