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Comparing Gender Equality (Nordic States B)

Sweden USA
Employment is equally eligible for men and
women. 79% of women are paid in
employment. Senior management for women
has reached 12.9%.
Employment is equally eligible for men and
women. Almost 40% of wives make more
money than their husbands.
Education is equally eligible for men and
women. When it comes to Sweden, girls
generally have better grades than boys. 44%
of all women in school have their doctoral
Schools and education is equally eligible for
men and women. Women make up almost
60% of U.S. college students.
Men and women have equal eligibility to enlist
into the military. In 1998, there were 352
female officers present.
Women are in each branch of military in the
U.S. Currently, women serve in 95% of all
army occupations.
Voting is equally eligible for men and women.
The only requirements that exist are:
Must be a Swedish citizen.
Must be at least 18 years old.
At some point must've been registered
as a Swedish citizen.
Both men and women are allowed to vote. in
2008, 56% of the women who voted, chose
Obama. 61.5% of males who voted, chose
Politics are equally eligible for men and
women. 45% of women in Riksdag are
involved in political empowerment.
Men and women are equally eligible to run for
president or enter in politics. Hillary Clinton
was the secretary of state, U.S senator, and
first lady of the United States.

During my research i found that both the U.S and Sweden have similar gender equality
and rules relating to employment, education, military, voting, and politics. Also, i found a similar
pattern with women having higher education rate, along with a high employment rate in both
areas. Both countries have similar voting laws regarding the requirements for a person to vote in
their country. In Sweden, you must be a Swedish citizen, You must be 18 years old, and you
must be registered as a Swedish citizen. In the U.S, you must be a U.S citizen, you must be 18
years old, and you must be a U.S citizen. Both areas are mirrored images to each other when it
comes to gender equality.

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