Activity Prepphye1352

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Physical Education

Unit Preparation Guide

UNIT or ACTIVITY: __Volleyball _____________________
Students Name: ________aco! "cleod ________________
#IST$%Y or &AC'G%$UN( $) T#E ACTIVITY $% SP$%T:
On February 9, 1895, in Holyoke, Massachusetts, William G. Moran, a !M"# $hysical
e%ucation %irector, create% a ne& ame calle% Mintonette as a $astime to be $laye%
in%oors an% by any number o' $layers. (he ame took some o' its characteristics 'rom
tennis an% han%ball. (he 'irst rules, &ritten %o&n by William G Moran, calle% 'or a net
) 't ) in hih, a *5+5, 't court, an% any number o' $layers. # match &as com$ose% o'
nine innins &ith three ser-es 'or each team in each innin, an% no limit to the number o'
ball contacts 'or each team be'ore sen%in the ball to the o$$onents. court. /n case o' a
ser-in error, a secon% try &as allo&e%. Hittin the ball into the net &as consi%ere% a 'oul
e0ce$t in the case o' the 'irst1try ser-e. #'ter an obser-er, #l're% Halstea%, notice% the
-olleyin nature o' the ame at its 'irst e0hibition match in 189), $laye% at the
/nternational !M"# (rainin 2chool the ame 3uickly became kno&n as -olleyball
Volleyball rules &ere slihtly mo%i'ie% by the /nternational !M"# (rainin 2chool an%
the ame s$rea% aroun% the country to -arious !M"#s. (he rules e-ol-e% o-er time4 in
the 5hili$$ines by 191), the skill an% $o&er o' the set an% s$ike ha% been intro%uce%, an%
'our years later a 6three hits6 rule an% a rule aainst hittin 'rom the back ro& &ere
establishe%. /n 1917, the ame &as chane% 'rom *1 to 15 $oints.
Goo% s$ortsmanshi$ 8ust like any other s$orts.
When &e $lay -olleyball there are the normal in8uries that can occur &hich is rollin
ankles. 9ot like the other s$orts &e.-e $laye% this s$ort %oesn.t ha-e a $a%%le so you
%on.t ha-e to &orry about that. (here is the chance that you can et hit in the 'ace &ith
the ball so you al&ays ha-e to &atch out.
# net, the court si:e is 59 'eet lon an% ;, 'eet &i%e. # reulation si:e ball.
<ach team consists o' si0 $layers. (o et $lay starte%, # $layer 'rom the ser-in team hits
the ball so it $asses o-er the net on a course such that it &ill lan% in the o$$osin team=s
court. (he o$$osin team must use a combination o' no more than three contacts &ith the
-olleyball to return the ball to the o$$onent=s si%e o' the net. (hese contacts usually
consist 'irst o' the bum$ or $ass. !ou can only score on the ser-e an% the ame is usually
to *5 &in by *. (he $layer can not touch the ball t&ice. /' it hits the line its in.
(he court is ), 'eet lon an% ;, 'eet &i%e. (he net s$lits the court in hal'.
1>Ho& &i%e is the court?
#. *,
@. ;,
". ),
A. 5,
*> Ho& lon is the court?
#. ;,
@. ),
". 5,
A. B,
;> Ao you ha-e to &in by *?
#. yes
@. no
B> Whats a normal ame $laye% to?
5> "an you only score on the 2er-e?
@. 9o
1> @
*> @
;> #
B> @
5> #

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