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Brianna Sardina

Pay It Forward Media San Diego, CA 8!"## "#3
Production Intern
$a%gh& %nder'ri(i)eged chi)dren media 'rod%c&ion, *e&i&ion &o sa(e +edia!,i)m 'rod%c&ion in schoo)s
,i)med doc%men&aries on non-'ro-i& e(en&s and de)i(ered -ina) 'rod%c&s.
Script Supervisor
Commercia). Star Wars Pringles /achary 0sborne, Dir. Commercia), Comedy, 51
Scrambled eggs /achary 0sborne, *rod. Shor& ,i)m, Drama&ic Comedy, 2ed, 7D
Eleven White Roses 2ache) A)&erman, *rod. Shor& ,i)m, Drama, Sony
Frasier the Matchmaker 3re-crea&ion4 5ee 5%, #
AD $.6. Sho7 Scene, Comedy, 2ed #
Assassination of Jesse James 3re-crea&ion4 S&e(en 1e))er, Dir. +o(ie Scene, Drama, 2ed #
The ids Are Alright 3re-crea&ion4 ,ernando Soares, Dir. +o(ie Scene, Comedy, 2ed #
Americas It !irl 8arry, Dir. *rod 2ea)i&y $6, Com'e&i&ion 3c%rren&4
"reating #$tion " 5o%rdes Co)on Doc%men&ary, Drama
Pringles Star Wars /achary 0sborne, Dir. Commercia), Comedy, 51
+cDona)d9s% McFish &ites ,ernando Sares, Dir. Commercia), Comedy, 2ed #
American 8ea%&y 3re-crea&ion4 :esse *edrosa, Dir. Descri'&ion, ,orma&
Frasier the Matchmaker 3re-crea&ion4 +ar&in ;ese)o(, <di&or Scene, 2ed #
Erin &rockovich 3re-crea&ion4 /achary 0sborne, #
AD +o(ie Scene, Drama, 2ed #
!odfather 3re-crea&ion4 5ogan ;enderson, Dir +o(ie Scene, Drama, 2ed #
!ood'ill (unting 3re-crea&ion4 /achary 0sborne, Dir. +o(ie Scene, Drama, 2ed #
)e's Radio 3re-crea&ion4 +ar&in ;ese)o(, <di&or $.6. sho7 scene, Comedy, ;D
The A$artment 3re-crea&ion4 =eorge Carnero, *rod. Des. +o(ie Scene, 2omance, 2ed #
*nforgivin 3re-crea&ion4 2oyce :emerson, Dir. +o(ie Scene, Ac&ion, 2ed #
Frasier the Matchmaker 5ee 5%, #
AD $.6. Sho7 Scene, Comedy, 2<D 0ne
#rip $ E%ectric
2<D Camera Cer&i-ica&ion C)ass 8rad <rns>e, *ro-essor 2<D 0ne
T&e 'os "ne%es Fi%( Sc&oo% ;o))y7ood, CA 7!"#" - ?!"#3
Associate of Science+ Film
Concen&ra&ion. Scri'& S%'er(ising, <di&ing
'aw O--ice San Diego, CA 6!"# ?!"#
0'ened and c)osed -i)es, ran errands, >e'& o--ice c)ean @ organiAed
Software: +icroso-& Bord, ,ina) Dra-&, A(id, ,ina) C%& #@7, *o7er 'oin&, AdobeCS6
Equipment: S52 Cameras, 2ed Cer&i-ied, <C#, 5igh&ing!Changing )igh&s, D*hone
On-Set: Scri'& S%'er(ise, <di&ing, Cab)e Brang)ing, =@<
Other: S>e&ching, Singing, *iano!=%i&ar, *ho&ogra'hy, Eo%$%be edi&ing

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