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Silvette Mayorqun Santos

INGL 3232
Mary-Jane wants to be legal
Almost every plant on earth has benefits for humans. As long as human has live on the planet
they had used plants to cure and treat medical diseases, decoration, and recreation and ultimately
produce bio-fuels (renewable energy). So theres a controversial plant that is an actual trending
popular topic which its called: marijuana or Mary-Jane. This plant its really popular on young
students or even adults. On these days almost everywhere you can found someone smoking a pot
of Mary-Jane like the call it. People know that, they just ignore it or dont talk about it.
Being on university opened your mind at whole different levels of perspective. If you answer
me about this when I was younger I would say that is a bad for us, thats a bad drug that makes
you addictive to that substance. But that was what actually I learned on school. I wasnt so open
minded and I actually didnt understand so many things that are directly link with marihuana
decriminalization, legalization and medication.
But when you read about it you can expand your knowledge and take a stand for yourself
thinking critically. I approve the legalization, decriminalization and medicalization of Cannabis
sativa and Cannabis indica but with REGULATIONS. That include that people have to respects
public places and child would not have access for it. Legalization means that we remove all
penalties for cannabis possession and use by adults.
Economically this plant has a huge potential. Analyzing crimes, economy and health
improves relates to cannabis sativa you can actually see how successful have been this projects
on places like Uruguay or even Colorado is after legalization. Its because it is a huge impact on
the economy. Because of the diversities uses that it have.
People need to LEARN, study and read a bit more about the consequences before say NO to
something. You cant refuse something if you havent read about it both sides of the penny. So
its true that like everything it has a not so good site, but as I said with regulations like they do
with alcohol you can actually have control of it.

Legalization implies that it used wouldnt have been deviled like actually are. History of
alcohol was similar because at the star they prohibited but they notice that prohibition its not the
correct way of treat a problem. You need to attack the problems individually. Its true that it can
cause psychological dependence. But common!!... A LOT OF THINGS these days because
addiction, this problem its psychological you cant penalize a person for not being mentally well
putting them into jail. It cost $80,000 a year to maintain a prisoner on PR and the economy its
on crisis. This government need to rethink a little bit more about cuts on budget and establish
some priorities.

It is used actually to treat many diseases like cancer (chemotherapy), chronic pain,
Schizophrenia. A study on European Journal of Cancer found the demonstration of superiority
of the anti-emetic efficacy of cannabinoids compared with conventional drugs and placebo.
Negative side on 2 studies with 21 rhesus monkeys (most similar from humans) , they were
exposed to different doses of active marihuana smoke. Some were administered delta-9-
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC; .69 mg/kg iv), and others were exposed to smoke of inactive
marihuana. Findings indicate that exposure to THC at doses commensurate with those used by
human marihuana smokers can produce permanent alterations in brain function and structure of
I approve this not because any religious or personal, its political. Personally I dont like
marihuana, but I do not have any problems with people who use this. But I cannot tolerate
someone smoking by my side and throwing the smoke on my face. I considered this a fault of
respect. Its really annoying listen some people reason to legalize it but their reasons are very
superficial, you can notice they say that because they used ir or someone say that to them.
Cannabis sativa: Effects on brain function and ultrastructure in rhesus monkeys.
Heath, Robert G.; Fitzjarrell, A. T.; Fontana, Charles J.; Garey, R. E.
Biological Psychiatry, Vol 15(5), Oct 1980, 657-690.

L.M.Q. and DA SILVEIRA, D.X. (2008), Therapeutic use of Cannabis sativa on chemotherapy-
induced nausea and vomiting among cancer patients: systematic review and meta-analysis.
European Journal of Cancer Care, 17: 431443. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2354.2008.00917.x

Martn-Snchez, E., Furukawa, T. A., Taylor, J. and Martin, J. L. R. (2009), Systematic Review
and Meta-analysis of Cannabis Treatment for Chronic Pain. Pain Medicine, 10: 13531368.
doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2009.00703.x
Schizophr Bull (2012) 38 (2): 316-330. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbq079 First published online: July
25, 2010
A THESIS statement!Outside sources: Interviews, articles, newsanything that will support
your thesis.Logical argumentWhy do you feel that way about it? Are your reasons personal,
religious, political? (This is basically your conclusion)Again, I KNOW this debate has been done
before but think: Have YOU written about it?

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