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Glass & Metal

Glass & Metal

Specialty Finishes
Specialty Finishes
Amber Ferry

Buildings consume a significant amount of our

natural resources and have a wide range of
environmental impacts. These environmental
concerns are a key driver behind the sustainable
design movement. Various estimates indicate that
buildings use 30% of the raw materials consumed
in the United tates !"#$ %00&'.

Cradle to Cradle

$rchitect (illiam )c*onough and chemist

)ichael Braungart+ co,wrote the publication
Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make

The book e-plains the philosophy that advocates

eliminating waste by reusing non,to-ic materials
again and again in the manufacturing process.

Cradle to Cradle

The book e-plains that we are surrounded by

reusable .technical nutrients.

$ccording to )c*onough and Braungart+

.technical nutrients+. are materials that maintain
their integrity even after being used in several

Cradle to Cradle

Metal and glass are e-amples of /technical

nutrients+0 because they can be reused without
causing a negative impact on the environment.


1lass is an appropriate material for recycling and

conserving because glass is made from natural
materials such as sand and limestone.

*oes not harm the environment because it doesn2t

contain to-ic substances and can be recycled
repeatedly with no loss of purity or 3uality and is
durable because it is resistant to wear and tear.


Building with metal spares the destruction of

natural resources such as trees.

)etal also easily melts down enabling remolding+

reusing and recycling.

)etal is durable and re3uires less maintenance and

repairs !saves money'.

Examples of Metal & Glass
Examples of Metal & Glass
Specialty inishes:
Specialty inishes:

4&' )eltdown 1lass $rt 5 *esign

4&' )eltdown 1lass $rt 5 *esign

4%' cathain
4%' cathain

43' 6lu- *esign

43' 6lu- *esign

Meltdo!n Glass "rt & #esign

)eltdown is leading the trends with new products 5

constantly achieving new effects with glass.
We pride ourselves on the quality and beauty of every
piece of glass we create !ur wor" with colors and
unique artistic surface treatments set us apart from
other "iln#fired glass studios$

Meltdo!n Glass "rt & #esign

)eltdown offers an e-tensive product line for art

and architectural glass applications. This includes 3%
standard te-tures that can be cast in any glass
thickness+ over 70 cataloged color options+ and
numerous treatment options.

Meltdo!n Glass "rt & #esign

%!MM&'%(A) & *!S+(,A)(,-8 1lass curtain

walls+ fountains+ doors+ room dividers+ tabletops+
reception desks+ glass mural walls and signage.
9ustom commissioned glass sculptures and art
screens are also applications that can enhance
commercial and hospitality settings.

Meltdo!n Glass "rt & #esign

'&S,A.'A/,S0 ignage+ booth dividers+ doors+

windows+ decorative glass walls+ table tops+
fountains+ light sconces+ vases and ornamental

Meltdo!n Glass "rt & #esign

'&S(1&/,(A)0 Table tops+ room dividers+ privacy

windows+ works of art+ bathroom and kitchen
countertops+ sinks+ and shower enclosures.

Scathian $ Mil!a%kee& W'

9reates uni3ue pieces 5 finishes that bring out

the intrinsic beauty of recycled+ reused and
refurbished , glass+ metal 5 wood.


"ach piece is custom manufactured by local artisans

and displays uni3ue detailing to enhance any
commercial or residential space.


9reates custom mirrors and mirror finishes that

celebrate the poetry of abstraction through a hand
silvering process.


9ustom 6urniture.

Scathian Examples:
(lackthorn 'rish )%* +#o!nto!n,

*esigned custom finishes for Blackthorn , a :rish

#ub located on the corner of )ason and ;efferson
treet in the heart of downtown )ilwaukee.

l%x #esign $ Mil!a%kee& W'

6ormer ):$* students ;eremy hamrowic< 5 ;esse

)eyer designers began 6lu- *esign by recycling
found lumber 5 scrap metal 5 glass and turning it
into .organic. furniture.
For us2 its about change & growth to push the
boundaries of design & the materials we wor" in
&ssentially2 we3re in a constant state of flu45

l%x #esign $ Mil!a%kee& W'

6lu- *esign has a variety of pro=ects including8

>omes+ 9ondos 5 ?ofts@ Aestaurants+ Bightclubs+
5 Bars@ 9orporate Cffices+ ?obbies+ #oint,Cf,
#urchase *isplays 5 #ublic culptureDignage.

l%x #esign Examples:
Star*%cks +Water Street,

?ocated in )ilwaukeeEs Third (ard neighborhood

on (ater. 6lu- designed the elegant interior railing
and the interior 5 e-terior signage.

l%x #esign Examples:
Roots +(re!ers -ill,

Aoots Aestaurant 5 Aoots 9ellar (ine Bar in the

"ver,*eveloping Brewers >ill $rea of )ilwaukee+
opened 6ebruary %00F.

l%x #esign Examples:
.%cciria +(rady Street,

6lu- *esign built several interior fi-tures for this

new pi<<eria 5 bar on Brady treet in )ilwaukee.

l%x #esign Examples:
.i/o 0r*an Grill +1gden "/e.,

Vivo Urban 1rill is a contemporary eclectic

restaurant on Cgden $ve. in *owntown )ilwaukee.
6lu- designed the ?ower ?evel ?ighting #anels 5
#illars+ )ain ?evel Bar 9anopy 5 "-terior ign 5
Aailing ystems.

l%x #esign .ideo

.(e take great pride in our work. :f we make a

piece for someoneEs home that they en=oy 5 want to
pass down to their children as a family heirloom+
thatEs e-tremely flattering+. , ;eremy hamrowic<


Reso%rces in M2" ormat
Reso%rces in M2" ormat
Scathain. B.p.+ %0&%. (eb. )ar. %0&3. Khttp8DDwww.scathain.comDL.
Meltdown Glass. B.p.+(eb. )ar. %0&3.
Flu4 1esign %ustom. B.p.+ (eb. )ar. %0&3.
.The Benefits of )etal Aecycling.. B.p.+ (eb. )ar. %0&3. K
.Benefits of 1lass Aecycling.. B.p.+ (eb. )ar. %0&3.

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