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The Groups of the Revolution 8-2.


Revolutionary War Flag. 2003. Web. 17 June 2014.
The events surrounding the American Revolution changed British colonists into American
citizens. You should be able to compare the views of different groups of South Carolinians
during the American Revolution. These groups include the Patriots, Tories / Loyalists, women,
enslaved and free Africans, and Native Americans.
Patriots supported the Continental Congress decision to become independent. Lowcountry
South Carolina Patriots created a provisional government that was controlled by the wealthy
white landowners. Patriots fought against the British in both militias and partisan groups.

Not all South Carolinians agreed with the idea of becoming independent. Loyalists (also known
as Tories) continued to support the King and fought on his behalf. There were as many Loyalists
as there were Patriots in South Carolina and most of them were from the Upcountry (also
known as backcountry). At the end of the war, many Loyalists voluntarily left South Carolina
while many others were forced out.
1. Why do you think most of the Patriots were from the
Revolutionary War Patriot Soldier. 2011. Web. 17 June 2014.

Some women, whether Patriot or Loyalist, ran plantations and farms while their men were
away. Other women were messengers and nurses during the war.
While many slaves continued to work in the fields, many were in the military. After first refusing
to do so, militias began add large numbers of slaves for additional manpower but did not allow
them to be soldiers. However, African Americans did fight against the British with partisan
bands. Other slaves fought on the side of the British due to the King promising them freedom at
the end of the war.
Native Americans didnt want to fight, but when Americans attacked them they joined with the
British. The British also promised the return of western lands to the natives.

2. Why do you think so many people in the Upcountry
remained loyal to the British?
British Soldier. 2013. Historial Art Prints. Web. 17 June 2014.
3. Do you think that the Native Americans made the right decision in
becoming allies with Britain?
Native Americans and the Revolutionary War. N.d. Web. 17 June 2014.

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