Dayalan Resume Edited - 28022014

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Personal Particulars
Name Dayalan s/o Muralidharan
Gender Male
Date of Birth 06
December 1990
Country of Birth Singaore
Marital Status Single
!anguage "ritten #nglish and $amil
!anguage So%en #nglish &Nati'e( and $amil
)ostal *ddress +,/9+9 Dandenong -oad . Mal'ern #ast . /0C 11+2
$elehone Nos3 461+,15,6,92 &6)(
#7mail *ddress dayalanmuralidharan28gmail3com
Educational Qualifications
Name of school attended (in
chronological order)
(School/Institution and Country)
Year of
Year of
Monash 9ni'ersity &Caulfield(7
501+ 7 Bachelor of Business &1,06(
Monash College 7 *ustralia 5015 5011 Diloma in Business&Business(
Singaore )olytechnic 7 Singaore 500: 5010 Diloma in #lectrical ; #lectronic
&)o<er ; Business Ma=or(
S$3 >oseh?s 0nstitution 7
5001 5006 Secondary #ducation
S$3 Stehen@s )rimary School 7
199: 5005 )rimary #ducation
!onash "niersity (Caulfield Cam#us) $ %achelor of %usiness (&'())
Year direct entry)
Comleted 9nits
MAB 5151 C Mar%eting -esearch Methods
MAB 1+61 C Mar%eting Communication
MAB 1+:1 C Sales Management and Negotiation
/CM 1001 C /isual Communication &M*D*(
Currently #nrolled 9nits
MAB 1151 C Mar%eting )lanning and 0mlementation
MAB 1211 C 0nternational Mar%eting
MAB 1,,1 C Digital Mar%eting
B0$ 1015 C "ebsite *uthoring & Baculty of 0nformation $echnology(
G)* 53200. "*M 6:3:1+
!onash College (Clayton Cam#us) + ,i#loma in %usiness (%usiness) *)(-
Comleted 9nits
MCD 5010 C *ccounting 1
MCD 5050 C Microeconomics
MCD 50+0 C Management 1D Managing eole and organiEations
MCD 5020 C Mar%eting 1D $heory ; )ractice
MCD 50:0 C Business !a<
MCD 50,0 C Business Statistics
MCD 5110 C Mar%eting 5D Buyer Beha'ior
MCD 5010 C Managerial Communication
MCD 5110 C Bunctions ; $heir *lications
G)* 531++. "*M 6+3555
Singa#ore Polytechnic. ,i#loma in Electrical / Electronic Engineering
(%usiness / Po0er !a1or)
-elated modules in otion comleted
Business to Business Mar%eting
Selling ; Sales Management
Bundamentals of Mar%eting
Communication S%ills for Sales ; Mar%eting
)o<er distribution ; #lect Ser'ices
)o<er System *nalysis
)o<er Generation ; $ransmission
)o<er #lectronics ; Dri'es
St2Jose#h3s Institution. 4CE 567 Leel7s
1 * grades and 1 B grade out of 6 sub=ects
St 2Ste#hen3s Primary School. PSLE
+ * grades
Personal %ac8ground Information
o National Ser'ice 7 &Ferationally -eady Date 59
May 5015(
o #ffecti'e communication s%ills. good ublic relations s%ills. articulate and fluent
o "ell7organiEed. discilined and efficient in comleting tas%s
o #nthusiastic. outgoing and otimistic character
o *l<ays eager to learn and self7imro'e
Co+Curricular 9ctiities
Student3s "nion in Singa#ore Polytechnic (*((- $ *((:)
Guarter Master in Student?s 9nion Committee
0n'ol'ed in e'ents committee
#Huiment ; */ systems in7charge
St2 Jose#h3s Institution !ilitary %and in St2 Jose#h3s Institution (*((& $ *(())
)romoted u till Staff Sergeant
)ie Ma=or. Section !eader in7charge of trainings
#Icellent latform to honor leadershi and communication s%ills esecially <ith band
0n'ol'ed in eIchange rograms in *ustralia and Malaysia
Class Committee in St2 Jose#h3s Institution (*((& $ *(())
Ser'ed as class Secretary ; $reasurer. dealing <ith daily administrati'e asects such as
assisting tutors and eers <ith the smooth flo< of lessons and safe %eeing of class funds3
90ards / 9chieements
Singa#ore 9rmed ;orces
S*B Best Combat 9nit *<ard 75015
St2 Jose#h3s Institution !ilitary %and in St2 Jose#h3s Institution (*((& $ *(())
Certificate of Distinction
Singaore Jouth Besti'al Marching *ssessment in 5006. &Distinction(
Singaore Boy?s Brigade )ies ; Drums Besti'al in 5006. &Sil'er(
Class Committee in St2 Jose#h3s Institution (*((& $ *(())
Certificate of Ser'ice
<o==ies / Interests
Playing the Great Highland Bagpipes
Modern Art- Geometrics
9c>uired S8ills / Professional ,eelo#ment
Languages: Native flency in !nglish and Tamil
IT skills: Microsoft "ffice# Ado$e %esign C&' ()llstrator * Photoshop+# Ado$e %ream,eaver C&'
(html# C&&+
Teamwork Skills: A definite team player# ,ith an optimistic and enthsiastic approach to,ards
&erved in the &ingapore Armed .orce/ ,hich fostered a team-$ilding environment-
0orked in corporate environments ,here relationship management and interpersonal
skills ,ere developed-
Leadership Skills: &erved as Commander for a team of Commandos# ,here leadership skills
,ere essential for the smooth rnning of operations-
Main (&A.+ 1eadership responsi$ilities2
&itational a,areness at all times
!nsring standards dring training and tasks
Attention to detail at any task at hand
1eading throgh e3emplary condct and teachings
Empowered Learner Trained: Be An !mpo,ered 1earner condcted $y 1earning &tyles Centre
Basic Theatre Trained: Basic Theatre 0orkshop condcted $y Triple 4 Media 4isions Pte 1td
Swimming Trained: !lementary &,imming Corse (level ))+ condcted $y &ingapore &ports Concil
Outward Bound Trained: "t,ard Bond Corse condcted $y "t,ard Bond &ingapore
Home Visit Trained: Commanders Preparatory Corse condcted $y e1C Pte 1td
Law Enforcement Trained: 1egislation * !nforcement Corse condcted $y Military Police Training
Installation Protection Securit! Trained: )nstallation Protection * &ecrity Corse condcted $y
&A. )nfantry 5egiment
"ommando Small#$nit Leader Trained: '6
Commando &mall-7nit 1eader Corse condcted $y
&pecial "perations Tactical Centre
%ir&orne Trained: 869 Basic Air$orne Corse condcted $y &pecial "perations Tactical Centre
Preious ?or8 E@#erience
In chronological order (Position
Year of
Year of Leaing
Commando Bighter C Singaore *rmed forces
&)romoted to ran%7 5
&*ointment7 *ssault Detachment Sergeant(
-eferee7 !ieutenant -andall $ailford. &*ssault
Detachment Commander( C 9on reHuest

5010 5015
Systems $echnician C 0nfocom ; Security
Systems )te !td

Singaore7&0ndustrial $raining )rogramme(
5009 5009
Bield<or% *ssistant &art time( C -esearch )lus
)te !td
Singaore &)art7$ime(
5009 5010
Customer Ser'ice *gent 7 )iEEa 6ut Singaore
)te !td
Singaore &)art7$ime(
500: 500,
Sales reresentati'e 7 6ealth<ise )te !td
Singaore &Bree !ance(
-eferee 7Shanmugam #lango'an
6/)D 462 96:1 9992
5006 500:

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