Lesson Planconcert Choir

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Lesson Plan

Wednesday, May 30 Concert Choir

Rationale- For students to have another perspective of their performance by listening
and watching the recorded video of the concert. Students will evaluate their performance
based on the rubric critique given. Students are to observe how they performed well and
how they did not perform well as well as how they can improve for the future.

MU.O.CMI.1.14 Demonstrate proper ensemble singing characteristics, e.g.,
balance, blend, etc.
MU.O.CMI.1.15 Develops personal productivity through practice habits.
MU.O.CMI.2.12 Develop criteria for quality choral performances.
MU.O.CMI.2.13 Evaluate various types of choral literature
MU.O.CMII.1.12 Refine characteristics of ensemble singing, e.g., balance, blend
and styles.
MU.O.CII.2.12 Evaluate live and recorded performances of themselves and

Lesson Development:

1. Students will critically listen to their performance two times while critiquing
their concert based upon the concert critique form (20 minutes).

2. Students will discuss their concert critique with the class (20 minutes).
Students will be asked to explain their favorite and least favorite song performed
and why.
Individual students will discuss how they thought their personal performance
went and how they can improve.
According to the video, individual students will be asked to explain their choirs
a. Facial Expressions
b. Body Language
c. Body Movement
The class as a whole will discuss how their voices blended together.
a. Did individuals stick out?
b. Were certain sections louder or softer than the rest of the group?
c. Volume
Ask students to give their comments on if the choirs diction as a whole was
a. Finals Consonants
b. Were they clear and concise?
Ask students to describe in detail the tone of the choir as a whole and their
individual section.
a. Use descriptive words such as rich, dark, bright, nasal, breathy, ect.
b. Was the tone bad or good?
c. What needs work?
d. How can we improve?
Ask students if they think they were performing all the dynamic and stylistic changes in
every piece?
a. Crescendos, decrescendos, accents?
b. Were the dynamics well portrayed or not? Why?
Ask the students if the choir was in tune as a whole? Why/ Why not?
a. On key? Flat? Sharp?
b. Was each section in tune with eachother? Why/ why not?
c. What caused us to not be in tune? Why?

Lesson Summary- Students then listen to the recording and watch their performance
and evaluate it. Students will write specific suggestions for improving their performance.
Student will evaluate what they thought went well and what did not.

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