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1. Linguistic Intelligence Word S!rt" The ability to use words effectively; effective use of spelling,
vocabulary, and grammar.
Examples in Everyday Life tal!ing, listening, reading "e.g., traffic signs, novels, poems#, writing "e.g.,
letters, e.mail, reports, poetry#
$. Logic!l M!t#e!tic!l Intelligence Nu$ers S!rt" the ability to wor! well with numbers and%or
to be adept at logic or reasoning.
Examples in Everyday Life balancing chec!boo!, understanding the national debt, understanding
&. S%!ti!l Intelligence Picture S!rt" The intelligence of pictures and images. The ability to
visuali'e pictures or ob(ects in one)s mind, to abstractly create in $ or & dimensional form.
Examples in Everyday Life arts * crafts, decorating your house, landscaping.
+. &odil'()inest#etic Intelligence &od' S!rt" The intelligence of the body or body parts "e.g.,
hands#, fine,motor coordination.
Examples in Everyday Life playing sports, dancing, wor!ing under the hood of a car, unscrewing a (ar
of mayonnaise.
-. Music!l Intelligence Music S!rt" The capacity to carry a tune, remember musical melodies,
have a good sense of rhythm, en(oy and appreciate music.
Examples in Everyday Life sing in a choir, play a musical instrument, en(oy music.
.. Inter%erson!l Intelligence Peo%le S!rt" The ability to understand and wor! with people.
Examples in Everyday Life listening to others, encouraging or understanding others, motivating
/. Intr!%erson!l Intelligence Sel* S!rt" The intelligence of self,understanding or self,!nowledge,
of !nowing who you are, of !nowing what you are good at and what you are not good at.
Examples in Everyday Life reflecting on one)s goals and beliefs.
0. N!tur!listic Intelligence N!ture S!rt" The ability to identify and%or a sensitivity to natural forms
"e.g., birds, flowers, trees, animals, clouds, geological formations#.
Examples in Everyday Life gardening, camping, supporting ecological causes.
Proposed 9
1. E+istenti!l Intelligence ,Li*e S!rt"- The intelligence concerned with ultimate life issues.
Examples in Everyday Life reflecting on the meaning of life, reflecting on religious or philosophical

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