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Reauing Lesson: Reauing Rotations

(Piimaiy focuses: Pieuiction anu Peispective)

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Stuuents have alieauy been woiking on pieuictions as a compiehension stiategy.
Stuuents aie beginning an inquiiy topic on spiiituality. They have alieauy expeiienceu
anaylsing theii own peispectives anu inteipieting the peispectives anu intentions of
authois to some uegiee.

To continue ueveloping stuuents' unueistanuing of pieuiction foi compiehension anu
finu clues in text to make infoimeu pieuictions.
To intiouuce them to peispective anu engage in activities that investigate uiffeient

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Biscuss liteiaiy expeiiences with otheis, shaiing iesponses anu expiessing a point of
view (ACELT16uS)

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0se compiehension stiategies to builu liteial anu infeiieu meaning to expanu content
knowleuge, integiating anu linking iueas anu analysing anu evaluating texts
Iuentify chaiacteiistic featuies useu in imaginative, infoimative anu peisuasive texts to
meet the puipose of the text (ACELY169u)

ContentNethouology Time

Activity 0ne: Teachei uioup
An infoimative non-fiction text shoulu be chosen baseu on ieligions.
Teachei shoulu use questions to piompt stuuent's thinking anu activate piioi
knowleuge such as:
- Piioi to ieauing: What uo you alieauy know. Anu uo you know
someone who follows this ieligion.
- Buiing ieauing: Bow uo you think they feel when. Why uo you think
they. Bow woulu you feel if. Can you compaie this ieligion to that
one. What is similai anu what is uiffeient.
Questioning anu uiscussion shoulu be baseu aiounu stuuents tiying to
unueistanu uiffeient ieligions fiom both theii own peispective anu that of
those piacticing the ieligions

Activity Two: Fiont Covei
Baseu on the maue up title "0ne Chilu's Piayei", stuuents shoulu use theii
imagination anu peispective of the given title anu uesign a fiont covei to
iepiesent theii inteipietation. This is an open-enueu task anu stuuents
shoulu be encouiageu to use theii cieativity, uiaw on theii own expeiiences
anu not seek any auvice fiom otheis.

Activity Thiee: Backwaiu Betective
As pei last week:
Aftei ieauing a Pictuie book of theii choice fiom beginning to enu (theiefoie
knowing the enuing) stuuents shoulu fiist summaiise the stoiy in about S
sentences. Then they neeu to go back thiough the pages of the text anu
choose thiee elements oi scenaiios fiom the stoiy that coulu be clues foi
pieuicting the stoiy's enuing.
Setting out of this activity is paiamount foi communicating theii answeis

Activity Foui: Summaiies
Stuuents shoulu ieau a shoit stoiy piece "A Chiistmas stai", oi similai anu
then summaiise it on a 'post-it note'. The post-it note foimat iestiicts the
amount of wiiting space stuuents have anu it must be a concise summaiy.
They shoulu be encouiageu to think cleaily anu peihaps make some notes on
sciap papei, befoie wiiting out theii summaiy.

Activity Five: Chaiactei piofile
This activity iequiies stuuents to see things fiom the peispective of a
chaiactei in theii chosen pictuie book. Stuuents shoulu complete a matiix
style chaiactei piofile that uetails theii chosen chaiactei's appeaiance,
inteiests, ielationships anu iole in the stoiy. They must also pioviue a
uiawing of theii chaiactei in the centie of the piofile.

Pictuie books, 'post-it' notes, guiueu ieauing books, papei, pencils etc.

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Bigh-level gioups may inciease the amount of stoiies, questions anu activities
Low-level stuuents coulu woik with a paitnei foi inuiviuual iotations anu inuepenuent

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