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Mony Grade 9A Mr.

Jeff Humanities
September 3, 2014 1
Humanities Timeline Summative


1. Trade in Malacca
- Concept: Trade
- Guideline Questions: Why was it a good trading area? What did they
do when they got there? What did they share? How is that of any
- Aspects of Trade in Malacca: Human Geography (Shabandars,
people there, why it was convenient)
- Time period: 1400 1500
- Research question: How is the human geography of Malacca
important in terms of global trade?

2. Suleiman the Magnificent
- Concept: Power
- Guideline Questions: How did he bring the world together? What
did he do with his power? What were some of his achievements
that affected the world?
- Aspects of Suleiman the Magnificent: Achievements and how it
affected the emerging of the interconnected world.
- Time Period: Whole life time
- Research question: How did the achievements and
accomplishments of Suleiman the Magnificent affect the power of
the Ottoman Empire?

3. Use of gunpowder in the empires
- Concept: Globalization
- Guideline Questions: How did they use gunpowder to expand
empires? How was it used globally and what difference did it make
on the world?
- Aspects of Gunpowder Empires: Focusing on the Ottoman Empire
because it was one of the best military empires in the world at that
time (and explain why it was one of the best in the world).
- Time Period: The time frame of when they were at their highest
which was when Suleiman was ruling
- Research question: Why was the invention of gunpowder so
important? How was it used in empires such as the Ottoman
Empire and other empires around the world?

Mony Grade 9A Mr. Jeff Humanities
September 3, 2014 2

Summative Plan
What I am going to do What resources I will use Due Date
Find out why Malacca was
such a good trade location
(relating to Human
Blue Sheet that was given in class

September 10,

Find out what they shared
when they traded
Blue Sheet that was given in class

September 10,

Find basic and generic
information on Malacca
Blue Sheet that was given in class
September 10,

Mony Grade 9A Mr. Jeff Humanities
September 3, 2014 3

Find out how Malacca is
related to us today and
how it is still an important
trading route

September 10,

Write a two-paragraph
summary about trade in
Malacca, how it is related to
the concept and how it
influence global

September 11,

Find at least one photo
related to the topic and cite
the sources
September 11,


Find out how Suleiman the
Magnificent brought the
world together

The reading assignment that talks about
the three empires

September 11,

Find out about his The reading assignment that talks about September 11,
Mony Grade 9A Mr. Jeff Humanities
September 3, 2014 4
achievements and how his
power and
accomplishments affected
global convergence

the three empires


Write the two-paragraph
summary about Suleiman
the Magnificent, how it is
related to the concept, how
he brought the world
together, his
accomplishments, and how
all of this started global

September 12,

Find at least one photo
related to the topic and cite
the sources
September 12,


Find out about what
gunpowder is and how it
was used by empires
(gunpowder empires)
The reading assignment that talks about
the three empires
The pink, white and green sheet that was
given in class

September 12,

Find out about the Ottoman
empire and how they used
gunpowder to take over
more territory
The reading assignment that talks about
the three empires
The pink, white and green sheet that was
given in class
September 12,

Mony Grade 9A Mr. Jeff Humanities
September 3, 2014 5

Guidelines for the Paragraphs:

Paragraph 1 Summarize the topic in my own words and how the topic started
or influence global convergence

Paragraph 2 Relate the topic to the concept I have chosen

Write a two-paragraph
summary about gunpowder
empires (specifically the
ottoman empire), how it is
related to the concept, how
the empire used it to expand
its riches, why I choose to
do that empire and how it
started global convergence.

September 13,

Find at least one photo
related to the topic and cite
the sources
September 13,


Finalize everything and edit
the paragraph summaries

September 14,


Put the information onto the
timeline and upload it onto
September 15,

Mony Grade 9A Mr. Jeff Humanities
September 3, 2014 6
Research Notes:

Trade in Malacca

Background information
Modern Day
o Strait of Malacca
o Piracy?
o Sunda Strait
o Malacca Sultanate
o Entrepots
Olden Day
o Srivijava Empire
o Chola Empire
o Iskandar Shah
o Orang Laut
o Raja Tengah (Muhammad Shah)
o Undang-Undang Laut Melaka (Maritime Laws of Malacca)
o Four Shabandars
o Portuguese Invasion
o Spice Islands
o Facilities
o Tom Pires

Origins of Malacca
Some Malaysian people say that there was once a 14
century prince who
fled from a Japanese Army and left with a small group of people to find a
new refuge. They hopped around from place to place to search for a good
home to start a new life. Then, one day, during a hunt, the prince saw a
mouse deer kick his dog and was so intrigued and surprised that he
decided to build a city in that exact area. To find a name for his new city,
he asked his servant for the name of the tree he was standing under and
was told that the tree was called Melaka. This is how the amazing
entrepot of Malacca was created in 1400.
It was the perfect location because it linked India and China, and was in
the heart of global trade.

We know about Malacca because of a journalist named Tom Pires
o Portuguese
o Went to Malacca in the 16

Many countries in Afroeurasia came to trade. Then, many empires started
to trade.
o Majority of the traders got along with each other because of the
open-mind they receive once they got there.
o They had a common interest in trade.
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September 3, 2014 7
o In the beginning of the trade era, most of the traders were from
China and India.
o Soon enough, people from everywhere around the globe (except
for Europe because they didnt have the knowledge and maritime
technology to participate in over-seas trading) came to trade. It is
said that over 80 different languages were being used in the
country because there were so many different ethnic groups.
o The famous Zheng He traded in Malacca. He traded many goods
and built a strong friendship with Malacca.
o Traders must bring gifts for the sultans

Facilities and Conditions in Malacca
Malacca was ruled by sultans who were fair and treated everyone with
The trader post was safe from stealers
When the traders got to Malacca, they would each be assigned a
shabandar who will take them to a part in the city where they would feel
at home with their home food and people of the same ethnic. They can
also hang out at a caf, buy their favorite food around the city or exchange
information with other traders. This is how the exchange of information
started and how knowledge traveled around the world.
If you get into trouble, you have your community backing you up and you
can follow your own countries law.

There are four shahbandars in Malacca who are each from different
ethnic groups and were in charge of different areas and
traders/merchants. This helps the traders feel comfortable because they
have someone of the same ethnic guarding their backs.
They did many great things and offer many services
o They showed all of the goods to the Bemdara (the royal treasurer)
o Take care and are in charge of what goes in and out of the
o Dispatch and take care of the goods that are to be bought or sold
o Offer elephants to help with transporting the goods to the
warehouse were the goods will be protected and will be kept in
great condition. They also are in charge of them and make sure
that everything is in order.
o They provide the traders lodging (a comfortable place to stay)
o They offer protection services at agreeable prices.
o Most of the information of the shahbandars came from Tom Pires.

Modern Day Strait of Malacca
It is a waterway that connects the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.
Runs through the Indonesian island of Sumatra, Malaysia and southern
It is 800 km long and is 65 km in width. In the north of the strait, the
depth is around 200 meters, but in the south, it is only 37.
Mony Grade 9A Mr. Jeff Humanities
September 3, 2014 8
Named after the great country of Malacca (which was one of the most
important and significant Entrepots in history.
Because it is the shortest sea route between the Indian Ocean and the
South China Sea, it is one of the most popular and important trading
routes as of today.
Not long ago, the Arabs, Portuguese, the Dutch and the British controlled
There are oil zones in the strait and is one reason why it is a very
important trading route.
However, there is some piracy in the Strait of Malacca. In 2000, there
were 220 piracies and there were some shipwrecks dating back to the
1880s. This is because of the communication the ships had with each
other and is because the strait is very narrow and shallow. In 2006, there
were only 50 piracy attacks because the locals decided to step up their
game and increase security in the strait.

The End of Malaccas time
The Portuguese began to take over many countries in the east including
Then the Dutch took control of Malacca after a fierce battle. This battle left
the poor country in ruins and scarred it badly. However, for the next
century and a half, the butch began to rebuild the city and take control of
the Strait of Malacca.
After this, Malacca was handed over to the British and then once again to
the Dutch several times. It was also ruled by English East India from 1826.
Sadly, independence didnt come until 1957 when Malaysia had its first
Prime Minister.

Timeline of Malacca
1403 First trade with China
1405 Sent people on missions to china to strengthen their friendship
1409 Zheng He arrived in Malacca
1411 They accompany Zheng He to go to China
1447 Siams launch their attack on Malacca but did not pass Malaccas
forces and was defeated.

Paragraph Summaries for Trade in Malacca

Long time ago in the 14
century, there was a prince who was fleeing
from a Japanese army. He left with a small group of supporters and followers to
find a new refuge to start a new life. They hopped around from place to place to
search for a good place to call home. One day in the year 1900, the prince saw a
mouse deer kick his dog into the river and was so intrigued and surprised at the
bravery of the little creature, that he decided to build a city right there on the
spot. He decided to name the city Malacca after the Melaka tree he was
standing under. The location of the city was perfect because it was in the heart of
global trade. As the years went by, Malacca developed more and more. In fact, in
1403 they made their first trade with China and created a very strong friendship.
The famous Zheng He also came to trade with them in 1409. As you can see, even
Mony Grade 9A Mr. Jeff Humanities
September 3, 2014 9
after a few years, Malacca began to become one of the most important and
significant entrepots in the world. At first, most of the traders were from India
and China, mostly because it was easy to get Malacca and because they had a
strong relationship with each other. However, very soon many countries around
the world, excluding Europe, came to trade with each other thus starting the era
of global convergence. As a matter of fact, it is said that because so many
merchants came to trade in Malacca, over 80 different languages were being
used throughout the country. Unfortunately, this beautiful country lasted only
until 1501 before it was attacked by Portugal. At first, the Malaccan rulers were
not worried and were over confident in their forces. But, this proved to be a fatal
mistake. Thankfully, in 1957, Malacca gained independence when they had their
very first prime minister. As of today, the Strait of Malacca is still a popular
trading route because it the shortest and most convenient waterway that
connects the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. It also runs through many
different countries like Southern Thailand and Malaysia. Sadly, ut is said that
there are many piracies and shipwrecks in the strait because of how narrow and
shallow it is. In fact, in the year 2000, there were 220 piracies. Actually, the strait
is only 800 km long, 65 km wide and is only 200 meters deep in the northern end
and 37 meters in the southern end. It is also very important because it has a lot
of oil that they can sell or trade to the other countries. Ultimately, Malacca was
one of the most significant entrepots in the world and made a huge impact on
global convergence because when people traded, they also traded information
and other goods. These exchanges helped push the global convergence to an
even higher level.

One of the main reasons why Malacca was one of the most popular
trading posts is because of the human geography they had there. This includes all
of the services, security and officers. Before the Portuguese took over, the
country was ruled by sultans who were fair and treated everyone with equality.
However, the traders who came to the country were required to give the sultans
gifts as a sign of respect before they could start buying and selling goods. Also,
one of the most interesting parts of Malacca is that when the traders got to there,
they would each be assigned one of four shahbandars. Shahbandars are people
who are in charge of different areas of the trading society. They also are in
charge of what goes in and out of the warehouses, dispatching and taking care of
the goods, providing the traders with proper lodging, offering elephants to help
unload and load the goods, and offering protection services at agreeable prices.
Surprisingly, each shahbandar is from a different ethnic. Also, once the traders
arrive, they would be taken by their shahbandar to an area in the country where
they can find their native people, native food and other goods. They would also
have their community and country laws backing them up if they should ever get
into trouble. All of these fair conditions are the reasons why Malacca was the
most popular entrepot. This topic also relates to the concept of trade because
this country was famous for it. It was the main thing you would do if you were to
go there. Clearly, traders from all over the world came to trade their goods such
as cloth, spices, native decorations and more. This proves that trade was obvious
in everything they did.

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This shows the elephants transporting the goods from one place to another and
shows a shahbandar sitting on the top of it.

STORY. Blogger, 2011. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

Suleiman the Magnificent

Background Information:
Ottoman Empire
Siege of Vienna
Canonical Law (Kanus)
Hungary Attack
Safavid War
Indian Ocean Campaigns
Golden Age of Ottoman Empire
Military expeditions
Maritime territory
Cultural Achievements

Personal Information:
Lived from 1494 1566 but ruled the ottoman empire from 1530 to 1566
Only son of Sultan Selim 1
Learned many things as a child such as literature, science, history and
Knew 6 languages: Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Serbian, Chagatai Turkish,
Farsi and Urdu
Had two wives

Ottoman Empire:
Became governor during the reign of his grandfather
Became sultan in 1520 and first started with campaigns against the
Christian power in Europe and the Mediterranean.
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Successfully took over the military forces in Hungary in 1526 by using
gunpowder weapons such as cannon and guns. But this didnt last for long
and soon there was war between the Ottoman Empire and the military in
Hungary. Thankfully, after the war between 1543 and 1562, they stopped
fighting and signed a treaty instead.
Took over the Island of Phodes
In 1534 1535 he took control over the Erzurum in Asia Minor. He also
finished the goals of his father.
They had strong maritime military too and were able to take control of
many bays and ocean areas.
o In 1538, he kicked out some Portuguese out of the coast of Yemen
o Wanted to take over a lot more maritime territory because his
father didnt do it and he wanted to become like Alexander the
Wanted to take over Vienna in 1529 and was persistent. He failed this
time but he tried again to take it over in 1532. Then in 1541, the two
empires fought again. All of their fights were intense and told everyone in
Europe to beware of the Ottoman Empire.
He wanted to defeat the Safavid Empire since it was his greatest rival. It
was one of the most powerful and successful empires aside from his
empire. So he wanted to take the throne and over though Shah Tanmasp
(who was the ruler at the time)
o After attacking Austria, he went to Persia in 1534. But the shah
didnt want to fight and retreated
o Again, he tried from 1553-1554, but the shah retreated again
o He went to the heart of the city and the shah finally decided to sign
a treaty that will signal peace with the Ottoman Empire
Ruler of the Golden Era of the Ottoman Empire
Built many large religious buildings to show off the wealth and power of
the country
Created many allies
o Created allies with the French King who was obviously glad to
have a powerful ally at their side.
Often called the most powerful state in the western world because of the
things he did.

Suleiman The Law Giver:
In turkey, he was known as kanuni (The law giver)
o He made all of the ottoman soldiers pay for food and/or property
that they took when they were in enemy territory.
o Reformed tax system by eliminating extra taxes. He also made sure
that the tax was different depending on a persons income. Made
sure that all of the people followed the law (including the rich and
o Created many schools for education
o Released Egyptian and Iranian captured prisoners by his father
o Did his best to stop the corruption in his empire

Important Achievements:
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Made his empire good at arts by training them to be goldsmiths and more.
Built famous and important mosques such as the Suleymaniye Mosque in
Made medicine important in his empire and made a lot of his citizens
learn how to use it
Taking over all of the territories and doubled the size of his empire

Paragraph Summaries for Suleiman the Magnificent

Suleiman the Magnificent was born in 1494 and was the only son of
Sultan Selim the first. As a child, he learned many subjects such as literature,
science, history and warfare. He was also able to speak 6 languages fluently the
languages were: Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Serbian, Chagatai Turkish, Farsi and
Urdu. Then, he became sultan in 1520 when his father died and first started with
campaigns against the Christian power in Europe and the Mediterranean. From
there, he began to take over a lot of land and sea territory. For example, in 1526
he successfully took over Hungary, but this didnt last long because sure enough
the two empires began to fight again from 1543 to 1562. Thankfully, the
Ottoman Empire was well prepared and fought hard finally securing the peace
between the two empires with a treaty. He also expanded his maritime territory
by kicking some Portuguese out of the coast of Yemen in 1538. This proves that
not only did he have the power to take over land territories but he also had the
power and weapons to expand his maritime empire. However, taking over
Hungary was not the only accomplishment that Suleiman did. He also attacked
Austria, and Vienna multiple times (in 1529, 1532 and 1541). But, his biggest
success was fighting his rival empire, the Safavid Empire. They were also the
most powerful and wealthy empire just like his. He wanted to eliminate this and
therefore attacked it in 1534 after attacking Austria. However, Shah Tanmasp
(the ruler of the Safavid Empire at the time) did not want to fight and retreated.
Again, Suleiman tried in 1553-1554 but as usual the Shah ran away. Finally,
Suleiman was sick and tired of the chasing so he went straight to the heart of the
empire and got the Shah to sign a treaty signaling peace between the two
empires. Because Suleiman conquered all of this land, he was able to bring the
world together with his power and influence global convergence greatly. He
made sure that every country was equal and fair. Also, one can clearly tell that he
helped spread knowledge and technology as he conquered more and more land.
He created many allies like the French King. Not only did he do all of these things,
but he also created a strong empire that was talented in art, architecture and
literature. He was also a very fair man who made great changes to his empires
law system. As you can see, Suleiman the Magnificent was a great leader who did
many things to impact global convergence and change his empire for the better.
He truly deserves the title of Suleiman the Magnificent.

The topic of Suleiman the Magnificent also relates to the concept power
because of many reasons. First of all, with the power he had, he was able to take
control of more and more empires such as the Safavid Empire. He then got more
power and used it to make his empire more developed. Second of all, using his
power he was able to create a lot of famous mosques such as the Suleymaniye
Mosque in Istanbul. These beautiful buildings showcased his wealth and power.
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Last of all, using his power, he changed the laws in his empire so that it would
become better and more effective. Without his power, no one would listen to him
or would pay any attention to what he is saying. This would make the empire fall
apart and would spell disaster for everyone. It is clear that power plays a major
role in this topic because everything he does he has to do with power so that he
can gain more of it to further develop his empire.


This is a photo of Suleiman the Magnificent.

Source: "Suleiman the Magnificent." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Sept.
2014. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

Use of gunpowder in Empires (specifically the Ottoman Empire when Suleiman
the Magnificent was ruling)

Background Information:
Oghuz Turks
Suleiman the Magnificent
Land attacks
Maritime attacks
Land Territory
Ocean Territory
Military expeditions
Safavid Empire

The start of the Ottoman Empire
It was founded by Oghuz Turks and is a Turkish empire
One of the most powerful in the world at the time.
o Their military forces were undefeatable because they had the
weapons, the money and the experience. They also have a lot of
practice with fighting since other empires surrounded their
Mony Grade 9A Mr. Jeff Humanities
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empire. It was like a landlocked empire. This give a lot of
experience for the younger fighters and made them experts in war
and military tactics.
It is a gunpowder empire and used gunpowder for the longest time out of
the three major empires.

Took over Hungary in 1526
War between the Hungary Empire and the Ottoman Empire in 1543
1562. After the war, Hungary signed a treaty
Took over the Island of Phodes
In 1534 1535 he took control over the Erzurum in Asia Minor.
They had strong maritime military too and were able to take control of
many bays and ocean areas.
o In 1538, he kicked out some Portuguese out of the coast of Yemen
o Wanted to take over a lot more maritime territory because his
father didnt do it and he wanted to become like Alexander the
Wanted to take over Vienna in 1529. He failed this time but he tried again
to take it over in 1532. Then in 1541, the two empires fought again. All of
their fights were intense and told everyone in Europe to beware of the
Ottoman Empire.
He wanted to defeat the Safavid Empire since it was his greatest rival. It
was one of the most powerful and successful empires aside from his
empire. So he wanted to take the throne and over though Shah Tanmasp
(who was the ruler at the time)
o After attacking Austria, he went to Persia in 1534. But the shah
didnt want to fight and retreated
o Again, he tried from 1553-1554, but the shah retreated again
o He went to the heart of the city and the shah finally decided to sign
a treaty that will signal peace with the Ottoman Empire

Weapons used:
Metal canons
Gunpowder weapons such as heavy guns
Explosion devices

Ottoman Empire Talents:
Good at art, literature (poems etc.) and architecture

The end of the Ottoman Empire:
The Ottoman Empire died when Suleiman died because there was no one
there to lead them. They were all so used to having a great leader do all of
the work for them but when he passed away, so did the culture and more.
They then started to destroy themselves internally with corruption and
jealously. This lead to the destruction of the ever-great Ottoman Empire.

Mony Grade 9A Mr. Jeff Humanities
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Paragraph Summaries for Gunpowder Empires (Ottoman Empire)
Empires that use or abuse gunpowder weapons to take control of other
empires are called Gunpowder Empires. They use the powerful and deadly
weapons to fight against other empires to win over territories or riches. This is
exactly what the Ottoman Empire did to expand its territory and become such a
powerful empire. The Ottoman Empire was a Turkish Empire that was founded
by Oghuz Turks. At that time, the Empire was one of the most powerful in the
world at the time. Their military forces were undefeatable because they had the
weapons, the money and the experience. They also have a lot of practice with
fighting since they were surround by other empires that were also very
powerful. It was like a landlocked empire. This gave a lot of experience for the
younger fighters and made them experts in war and military tactics. As the years
and centuries went on, the empire began to grow and grow until it reached its
peek when Suleiman the Magnificent ruled. During this time period, the empire
took over many different empires. One of the most significant empires that they
took over was the Safavid Empire because it was equally as powerful and
wealthy. To win this fight in 1534, 1553 and 1554, the empire used many
gunpowder weapons such as metal canons, heavy guns, firecrackers, explosion
devices and other deadly gunpowder artillery. With the experience and weapons
they had, they were able to win many fights and conquer a lot of land. This then
brought them to the top of the food chain with all of the power. As you can see,
the gunpowder weapons brought a lot of power to the empire and made it even
more powerful than it already was. Sadly, the empire died when Suleiman died
because they lost the culture and many things started to get out of hand such as
internal corruption and jealously.

This topic of gunpowder empires relates to the concept of globalization
because of many different reasons. One reason is that when gunpowder was
invented, empires all around the world gradually started to use them since they
were easy to use, didnt require a lot of money to train the army, and was very
effective. They also started to use it because it could wipe out a larger amount of
people with the flick of a wrist and this proved to be very useful for them.
Another reason is that when the Ottoman Empire started to fight using the
weapons, other empires copied them and started to use it too. Sure enough, the
whole world has heard about these amazing weapons that can kill in seconds.
This clearly shows that gunpowder empires were global and impacted the whole
world drastically because of the way it changed global convergence. At this point
in time, the world is starting to use one kind of weapon and is bring it together.


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This is a photo of a famous mosque that Suleiman the Magnificent built to
showcase the craftsmanship, wealth and power his empire has.

Source: "Ottoman Architecture." Ottoman Empire 20th Century. N.p., n.d. Web. 15
Sept. 2014.

Works Cited

Hays, Jeffrey. "SULEYMAN THE MAGNIFICENT." Home. N.p., 2013. Web. 15
Sept. 2014.

IST. "FACTBOX - Malacca Strait Is a Strategic 'chokepoint'" | Reuters. N.p., 04 Mar.
2010. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

"Malaysia / Malacca / History: Where It All Began." Malaysia / Malacca / History:
Where It All Began. N.p., 2006. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

"Melaka History." - Official State Government Portal. N.p., 27 Sept. 2013. Web. 15
Sept. 2014.

Potter, Robert. "The Importance of the Straits of Malacca." EInternational
Relations. N.p., 7 Sept. 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

"Strait of Malacca". Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica Online.
Encyclopdia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 15 Sep. 2014

"Sleyman I." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.
Encyclopdia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 15 Sep. 2014.

Szczepanski, Kallie. "A Magnificent Monarch: Suleiman the Magnificent of the
Ottoman Empire." About. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

"U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and
Analysis." The South China Sea Is an Important World Energy Trade Route.
N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

"The Mad Monarchist: Monarch Profile: Suleiman the Magnificent." The Mad
Monarchist: Monarch Profile: Suleiman the Magnificent. N.p., 25 Mar. 2010. Web.
15 Sept. 2014.

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