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Rural Village Receives First Computers During

Dedication Ceremony
Imagine taking a computer class in high school, but never touching a
computer. An unthinkable scenario for many people; however for the
children and even adults in the rural farming community of Afamanaso,
this is their reality. Computer classes are required in the school
curriculum, but teachers are forced to sketch a picture of a computer on
the chalk board, and explain only through words how to move a mouse
and how to operate a keyboard.
lanting !echnology International "!I#, a $%&based non&pro't
organi(ation, partnered with the community in hopes of providing
students and community members the tools necessary to gain valuable
computer skills and advancements in education. !I provided the
'nancial resources and Afamanaso community members came together to
volunteer their labor and time to build an Information and Communication
!echnology Center. )!his computer lab will be monumental in preparing
students for higher education,* said lanting !echnology International co&
founder, Andrea apitto. )$nfortunately, many kids in rural villages like
Afamanaso lag behind their peers because they+ve never seen a computer
when they enter high school.*
!he village+s newly constructed IC! Center will be celebrating the gift of
,- donated laptop computers. .e invite you to a dedication ceremony,
which will take place at the IC! Center on !hursday, /ebruary 01
, 2--1.
DATE: February 19th !""9
T#$E: 9 am % &oon
VE&'E: A(amanaso Community )chool *ard
Volta Region +hana
Changing the technological landscape of Africa, one village at a time.
Contact3 4elissa ayne, !I 4edia

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