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Section 5 Lesson 2: Relationship Types

1Recognize and give examples of a one-to-one relationship
2Recognize and give examples of a one-to-many relationship
3Recognize and give examples of a many-to-many relationship
4Recognize redundant relationships and remove them from the ERD
Identify the vocabulary word for each definition below.
A relationship where each record in able A can be related to
one! and only one! record in able "! and each record in able "
relates to one! and only one! record in able A.
A relationship where a single record in able A can be related to
one or more records in able "! but a single record in able "
can only be related to one record in able A.
A relationship in which many records in one table match many
records in another table
#nnecessarily repetitive
Try It / Solve It
$. Identify the relationship types of the statements below
ype %tatement
A snowboard instructor may instruct one or more
A bicycle may be owned by a child
&lassroom crayons may be used by students in a classroom
A passport belongs to a person
A female elephant gives birth to an elephant
'. (rovide two examples for each relationship type.
Relationship ype Example
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3. Draw an entity relationship diagram to represent the following1
1. Each &2#" must be assigned to one and only one DE(AR*E3
2. Each DE(AR*E3 may be responsible for one or more &2#"s
3. Each %#DE3 may 4oin one or more &2#"s
4. Each &2#" may be composed of one or more %#DE3s
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