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Human resource management

Task 1
1. Human Resource Management
Human resource management can be defined as the function with in an organization to focus on the
welfare of the employees and management. This comprises of recruitment, management and
dealing with the people in an organization. This can be for hiring, compensation, wellness and
benefits of the employees. In function is sometimes done by line managers.
2. Key Functions of Human Resource Management [1]
a) Recruitment and Selection:-
a part that an employee being hired or repositioned in a company
Recruitment can be defined as recognizing a position in an organization to employee someone in
order fulfill the needs of it.
Selection is the step by step procedure to choose the right candidate that is suitable enough to fill
the required position.
When doing these an organization should take care of some key questions in order to carry on with
o What do we want from the position?
o How can we attract the right candidate?
o How can we identify the right candidate?
o How can we know we got it right?
o Who all should be involved in the process?
b) Redundancy: -
an employee is given proper security when the company needs fewer amounts of resources or
retirements. This is usually occurring when an organization does not require the position or the
organization itself is going to shutdown.
c) Industrial and employee relations:-
this is a major clause of organization status to be maintained in the industry. From the research done
on this, it is widely accepted that if the employee has commitment on the organization due to attitude
of organization towards its employees through considerable payment or over payment to motivate
them. This is industrially called in several ways like the psychological contracts or by the loyalty of
the employee to the organization. The interaction between the individuals is a major part in
organizational performance and productivity.
d) Record keeping of personal data:-
keeping details of each and every employee including their work history and present status. This
helps the organization to decide and allot the employee to categorize to a specific segment for the
ultimate utilization of the workforce. Proper allotment of the people with their skills and knowledge on
an area gives excellent outcome in the overall performance.
e) Employee benefits and compensation:-
the organization offers to the employee on situations. This is the security an organization gives to the
employee for them to retain. Employees will be more confident to work with security of their job and
other benefits that are available for them. This is sometimes goes competitive in order to retain
talented and experienced employees to avoid them going to another companies.
f) Confidential advice to internal customers' about
problems at work: -
this allow the employee to have a communication with the organization in order to deal with the
problems they are facing in the work place. The organization also enquire the welfares of the
employees so that they should feel themselves that they are also on the eyes of the organization on
considerations. Negligence is the most negative part of human dissatisfaction.
g) Carrier development of employees:-
individual development of employee develops and organization. The organizations must be always
prepared with the rapid change of the environment. So they always allow employees to attain as
much knowledge as they can in order to develop the company performance and standards. This
improves individual performance that is the backbone of the organizational overall performance.
Organizations always conduct seminars and tests in order to maintain their position in the market.
h) Competency monitoring (mapping):-
work efficiency rating of employees. Organizations always monitor the efficiency of the employees in
order to understand the outcome of their productivity. This helps the organization to understand on
which all segments they should improve in order to maintain its stability.
i) Time and motion study:-
time and minimal motion gives more efficient and more productive organization. This technique is
implemented in many of the organization for better productivity of organization. Time and motion
study is how a work is to be done on a given period of time with reduced effective motion of work for
attaining high efficiency outputs.
j) Performance appraisal: -
this deals with the contribution of the employee to the organization. This is the process of obtaining,
analyzing and recording of information of the employee in order to understand the contribution of
each employee in an organization.
3. Trends and Influences of Human Resource
A business operation is mainly focused on the following major influences.
a) Demographics: -
it can be defined as the characteristics of structure and size of population
e.g.: - age, work class.
b) Diversity: -
it can be defined as the difference between the people in population
e.g.: - race, gender, sexual orientation. Disability, geographic origin
c) Skills and qualifications: -
These are not only about knowledge of an individual, but also the ability of the individual in the
organization as an employee.
e.g.: - .rewards, community investments.
d) Individual responses:-
the employee attitudes of different geographical locations.
e.g.: - geographical spread, occupational structure, generational difference.
e) Framework:-
creating a framework for human capital.
f) Structure: -
this enhances individual developments and acquiring targets. Can be incorporate with human
resource strategies.
g) Training: -
this develops high level of work of individuals. Training gives more precise to the working
environment and the employees get better knowledge and working attitudes with the environment
they are coping with.
4 Strategic human resource management model [2]
From the above Human Resource model we understand that an environmental analysis should be
initiated. Then the company has to take care of the mission and goals. This is depended by
analyzing the strengths and culture of the organization. Then analyse the strategies adopted by the
organization. Choose a number of Human Resource strategies like planning, attracting, placing,
developing, evaluating,
, rewarding and maintaining human resources. This is done using Human Resource tactical plans
and Human Resource systems

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