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Unique Tuition Academy Student Feedback Evaluation Questionnaire

Pind Singrial Sector d- 13 !slamabad P"# $3$$-%3&3'($

Name:_______________________ Class________________________
Year of Study _______________________
Please give us your views so that Course quality can be improved. You are encouraged to be frank and constructive in your comments
Sr. No Question E)cellent *+,ood ,ood -isagree Any ot"er .emarks
1. The course objectives were clear.
2. The Course workload was manageable.
3. The Course was well organied !e.g. timely access to materials" notification of changes" etc.#
. The overall environment in the class was conducive to learning.
!. Classrooms were satisfactory.
". $re you satisfied weekly%sur&rise test'
#. $re you satisfied teachers manners'
$. $re you satisfied co(education'
%. The learning and teaching methods encouraged &artici&ation.
1&. )earning materials !)esson *lans" Course Notes etc.# were relevant and useful.
11. +deas and conce&ts were &resented clearly.
12. + understood the lectures.
13. The material was well designed and &resented.
1. The instructor was res&onsive to student needs and &roblems.
1!. ,ad the instructor been regular throughout the course'
1". The tutor dealt effectively with my &roblems.

1#. The material in the tutorials was useful.
1$. $re academy fee is reasonable'
1%. +s academic timing suitable'
2&. ,ow you feel before joining -.T.$ and after joining -.T.$'
21. $ny suggestions for im&roving education systems at -ni.ue Tuition $cademy'
Signature _________________
/ead o0 -e1artment 2omments3
Signature: __________________________ /ate: ______________

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