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023A Marts Hall 701 Moore Ave. C3852
Department of East Asian Studies Lewisburg, PA 17837
Bucknell University Tel: 570-556-8881
1 Dent Drive Email:
Lewisburg, PA 17837 Personal Page:

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Jun 2013
M.A. in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
Thesis: Task-Based Extracurricular Activities in Chinese Teaching of Thailand Schools
Henan University of Science & Technology, Luoyang, Henan, China Jun 2010
B.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Minor in Chinese Literature
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA Aug 2013-Present
Elective courses: Method of Teaching English as a Second Language and Linguistic Analysis

Recitation I nstructor in Chinese Language Aug 2013-Present
Department of East Asian Studies, Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA
Courses: CHIN 101 Elementary Chinese Recitation I (Fall 2013, Fall 2014)
CHIN 102 Elementary Chinese Recitation II (Spring 2014)
CHIN 103 Intermediate Chinese Recitation I (Fall 2013)
CHIN 104 Intermediate Chinese Recitation II (Spring 2014)
Organized extracurricular cultural events, such as Chinese calligraphy, Spring Festival Gala
Selected, trained and supervised Chinese tutors

Mandarin Language I nstructor Jun-Aug 2013, Jun-Aug 2014
Princeton in Beijing Program (PiB) 2013/ 2014 Beijing, China
Courses: CHI 305C Intensive Third-Year Modern Chinese I (Advanced Heritage) (Summer 2014)
CHI 306C Intensive Third-Year Modern Chinese II (Advanced Heritage) (Summer 2014)
CHI 105C Intermediate Chinese I (Summer 2013)
CHI 107C Intermediate Chinese II (Summer 2013)
Conducted Chinese Tables, PiB cup soccer game, debate contest, and Chinese movie activities
Trained a PiB student who won the first prize in the Inter-University Speech Contest
Evaluations: 4.81/5 (Avg. 4.48); 4.82/5 (Avg. 4.52); 4.84/5 (Avg. 4.60); 4.96/5 (Avg. 4.71)

Chinese Language Lecturer Feb-Jun 2013
College of Chinese Language & Culture, Beijing Normal University Beijing, China
Courses: CHIN 102 Elementary Chinese Listening (Spring 2013)
CHIN 202 Intermedia Chinese Periodicals Reading (Fall 2012)
Participated in developing and compiling teaching textbook


Student Teacher Oct 2012-Jan 2013
Teaching Department of Chinese Language Center, The Open University of China Beijing, China
Developed Chinese Teaching Resources Project and created open Chinese e-courses on iTunes U

Substitute Chinese Lecturer Oct-Nov 2012
School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University Beijing, China
Course: CHIN 100 Elementary Integrated Chinese (October 2012)

Chinese Language Teacher Sep 2011-Sep 2012
Thailand Sunflower Trilingual School and Kindergarten Samut Sakhon, Thailand
Courses: Chinese Cultural Activity Course in Summer School (Summer 2012)
Chinese Language Courses (K1-12) (Sep 2011- Sep 2012)
Coached students to participate in Chinese Proficiency Competition and Chinese Speech Competitions

Chinese Tutor to Ambassador of Tonga Apr-Jun 2011
Chinese Program for Foreign Diplomats, Confucius Institute Headquarters Beijing, China

The Practical Skills of Utilizing Mobile Devices in Chinese Teaching Jul 2014
STARTALK Teachers Training Program, University of Vermont Burlington, VT

The Analysis on the Application of Mobile Apps in Chinese Language Learning May 2014
Chinese Language Teachers Association - Great New York 2014 Annual Conference & 12th New York
International Conference on Teaching Chinese, New York University New York, NY

The Effect of the Application of Mobile Devices in Chinese Vocabulary Teaching Nov 2014
The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages San Antonio, TX

Wu, Yueguang. (2013). Chapter 3. Wu, Chengnian (Ed.), Reading Newspaper, Learning ChineseAn
Intermediate Course of Chinese Periodicals (2th ed.). Beijing: Peking University Press.

Wu, Yueguang, & Mao, Aixia. (2008). Thoughts Inspired by Questions about Measuring Flow. China
Education Innovation Herald, 1, 169-170.

Research Interests
Chinese Language and Pedagogy, Second Language Acquisition, Instructional Technology

Academic Memberships
Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)
The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching (ISCLT)


Teaching Assistant Nov 2010, Aug 2011
Foreign Chinese Teachers Training Courses, Confucius Institute Headquarters Beijing, China

Volunteers of Conference Reception December 2010
The 5
Confucius Institute Conference, Confucius Institute Headquarters Beijing, China

Coordinator and Publicity Secretary May-Sep 2011
ExcellenceTraining Camp for Graduate Students Officers, Beijing Normal University Beijing, China

Director and Project Planner Apr-Jun 2008
Pioneer Cup Activities Design Contest, Henan University of Science & Technology Luoyang, China

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Best Teaching Performance, The First Training Program of the International Chinese Teacher for
University Student, Beijing International Chinese College Jan 2013
First Prize, Chinese Teaching Skill Competition, Beijing Normal University May 2011
Excellent Professional Graduate Comprehensive Scholarship, Beijing Normal University Oct 2011
Excellent Chinese Guidance Teachers, Chinese Bridge-Jewel King Chinese Proficiency Competition,
Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand Sep 2012

Henan University of Science & Technology, Luoyang, China
First Prize &Best Creativity Award, The 2
Pioneer Cup Activities Design Competition Jun 2008
Third Prize, The 6
Heluo Cup Essay Competition Jun 2008
Second and Third Prize Scholarship May 2007, May 2008

Language Skills
Native speaker of Mandarin (Proficient in Pinyin and GR, traditional and simplified Chinese characters)
Fluent in English, some knowledge of Spanish and Thai

Computer Skills
Proficient in Multimedia Editing, Web Design and E-courses Design, National Computer Rank Level 2
Skilled in Utilizing Instructional Technology and Electronic Teaching Platform

References and teaching portfolio available upon request

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