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Quadring Cowley & Browns Primary School

Church End
Quadring nr Donington
PE11 4SQ
Tel: 01775 80!0
"a#: 01775 8117!
Headteacher: Mrs N S Wilkinson
cto!er "#14
Dear Parents $ %uardians
n &hursda' 1(th cto!er )ea*ers Class +ill !e going on a trip to the ,incolnshire -*iation
Heritage Centre at East .irk!'/ &his is part o0 our World War " pro1ect/ We +ill !e undertaking a
series o0 +orkshops relating to the )lit23 rationing clothing and the 4-5/ We +ill also ha*e the
opportunit' to go on a tour o0 the ,ancaster )o6!er and see it ta7i along the run+a'/
We +ill !e tra*elling !' coach lea*ing school at 8a6 pro6ptl' and returning !' the end o0 the
school da'/ -ll children +ill re9uire a packed lunch and drink/
School uni0or6 should !e +orn and please re6e6!er it is cto!er so coats +ill !e re9uired:
We are asking 0or a contri!ution o0 ;</## =>#p less than the cost " 'ears ago:? to co*er the price o0
the coach and entr' 0ee/ Please return the slip !elo+ together +ith 'our pa'6ent !' 5rida'
Monda' 13
@ours Sincerel'
Mr A .el+ick
)ea*ers Class &eacher
B gi*e per6ission 0or 6' childCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCto go on the )ea*ers
Class trip to the ,incolnshire Heritage -*iation Centre on &hursda' 1(
cto!er and enclose a
contri!ution o0 ;</
SignedCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC/parent $ guardian
Quadring Cowley & Browns Primary School
Church End
Quadring nr Donington
PE11 4SQ
Tel: 01775 80!0
"a#: 01775 8117!
Headteacher: Mrs N S Wilkinson

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