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What we seek, we are.

We are all Buddhas by

nature, temporarily obscured by adventitious
emotions and illusions. We only have to awaken
to that fact. All that we seek is available within.
And not just within ourselves but within each
other, each relationship, and encounter, each

Lets exploit our own innate natural resources for
a change, and give our exterior resources a rest.
This would truly be Mindful Environmentalism
and planetary stewardship. This world is my
body, all beings my heart-mind.
"The foolish man looks for happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his
feet." James Oppenheim

About Lama Surya Das

Lama Surya Das is one of the foremost Western Buddhist meditation teachers and
scholars. He has spent nearly forty years studying Zen, Vipassana, Yoga, and Tibetan
Buddhism with the great old masters of Asia. He is the author of the best-seller
"Awakening the Buddha Within" and a dozen other books, a spokesperson for
American Buddhism, the founder of the Dzogchen Center, and is affectionately called
"The American Lama" by the Dalai Lama.

Today, Lama Surya Das lectures, teaches and leads meditation retreats throughout the
world. For more information about attending a retreat or a public event appearance
please visit

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