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Quitting Facebook 8/27/14

UWRT 1103

-update my post saying,
Im quitting Facebook.
-no proposal for book
-language is speech
-like quitting a job
-goes to parties just to
leave unannounced
-missed out on things after
-people didnt reply to
-visit each person one by
one to talk about
Facebook, the pros and
-Eighteen weeks five
interviews a day
-free from Facebook

My Response:
-I dcompletely agree with
Erard about quitting
Facebook. I personally do
not frequently use social
media networks, especially
Facebook. I once visited
Facebook at least once a
day when I was too young
to have a cell phone. This
was my only contact with
my friends, outside of
school. Facebook for some
people is like a job, they
are constantly updating
and uploading I bet if
someone were to force
them to take a break from
Facebook it would be a
small relief at the same
token they would not know
what to do with their time.

Their Response:
-(Its unfortunate that I
cannot completely agree
with you because that was
not my thought exactly.)
-I can say that although
Facebook can be a bit of a
chore, it also can be a great
escape for some. I would
add that Facebook creates

Harris Clarkson

Inquiry Questions?
-Why would someone quit
-Social networking, why is
it good, or why is it bad?
-Is it better to have a
Facebook or not to have a

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