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First Job

When I obtained my first job it was in Statesville, North Carolina. This is a small town where
everyone knows everyone and almost all of the traditional families there are Christian. They visit and
participate in the church every Sunday and Wednesday as they believe they should. This small town in
North Carolina is located in what is called, The Bible Belt. This simply means that if you live here and
do not believe in the Christian God or have another religion you are looked down on and are almost
shunned when the people around you that grew up here find out. Religion is a complicated subject with
good and bad attributes. There are many different religions in different cultures so therefore you could
see how people would choose to argue about this. Some people have religion take over their entire
lives, and let their faith consume them when I acquired my first job I was nervous about the religion
aspect. I was joining into a small mom and pop caf/diner who strongly relied on God and Christianity,
while I had been raised by an atheist and an ex-catholic who did not speak much of religion. Before I lost
my cousin Raymond I believed in a Christian God but I wanted to learn more about the Christianity
religion/ I went to church a couple times but once I lost my cousin that changed greatly.

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