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Secret Santa 2014

FoFOIS are running the Secret Santa event again this year. This is where the children have the
opportunity to visit the present room with their class during school time to buy presents for their
brothers, sisters, grandparents, friends, aunties and uncles etc. The cost this year will be 2.00 per
In order to plan for this event we would like to know numbers of gifts required. We also request
that presents are paid for in advance as this means we can concentrate on choosing and wrapping
presents on the day.
In order to facilitate the pressure on our shopping team, we are asking for the forms to be returned
earlier so that they may spend the half term break shopping. Therefore please return the attached
form and payment to the School Office by Thursday 23
October in an envelope clearly marked
Secret Santa with your childs name and class. Cheques can be made payable to Friends of Fair Oak
Infant School.
On the day that your child is taking part in this event please give them a named carrier bag to bring
into school to put their presents in.
1.10 1.50pm 1.50 2.30pm 2.30-3.10pm
Monday 1
December Italy Scotland China
Tuesday 2
December Greece Ireland America
Wednesday 3
December Spain England India
Thursday 4
December Denmark Wales Australia
Friday 5
December Germany Japan

If you are able help the children choose and wrap presents on any of these afternoons please email us
on or leave your contact details at the School Office. Please note
we can only accept help from parents who have been DBS (previously CRB) checked by FOIS. If you
would like to be DBS checked, then please contact Mr Peach in the office
Thank you for your support, and happy shopping children!
The Friends of Fair Oak Infant School Committee

Secret Santa 2014
Childs Name . Childs Class..
This form will be returned to your child on the day their class visits the present room so they (and our helpful
volunteers) know who they are buying for.

Name of person receiving a present Male (M) / Female (F) Age range
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 18-25 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __
__ 1825 __ 25-35 __ 35-55 __ 55+
Age if under 18: __

Please return this form and payment to the School Office by Thursday 23
October in an
envelope clearly marked with: Secret Santa, your childs name and their class. Cheques can be
made payable to Friends of Fair Oak Infant School.

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