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On :di atas, pada hari (tgl)
Above: di atas
In : di dalam, dlm keadaan, pada
Under: di bawah, dlm keadaan
Over : di atas, di sebelah sana
At : di sekitar, pada pukul
To : menuju
From: dari
With: dengan

I went to the hospital .....Sunday
The doctor operated the patient
I graduated from Medical School
....17 January 1977
I get .....a bus .....7.00 to the campus
The patient was taken the
gynaecology ward ....2.00 am
She has suffered .....cancer for
5 years
The patient is .....danger
The doctor is very familiar
....the symptoms
The criminal is .......arrest
The students are studying
English .... the laboratory
Is your father .....home now?
Please, see me ....the campus

Ali is under the weather
The woman was ..... severe pain so
that she screamed out
The doctor came to see her .....half
past midnight
I am sorry that I cant visit you this
afternoon. I am ......duty
The nurse is not familiar .....this

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