HarrodsWebTaskOscarSanchezRoldan PDF

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5) www.harrods.com
6) From Monday 30th June unti !aturday 1"th# Monday to !aturday# 10#00am $ "#00%m
&ctober 2014' the store o%ening hours wi be# !unday# 11#30am $ 6#00%m
() )es' you can.
") For e*am%e# !tam+ord ,ridge
-) For e*am%e# .atura history museum
10) !ince the deaths o+ /iana' 0rincess o+ 1aes' and /odi 2$Fayed' Mohamed 2$Fayed3s son'
two memorias commissioned by 2$Fayed ha4e been erected inside 5arrods to the cou%e. 6he
+irst' ocated at the base o+ the 7gy%tian 7scaator' was un4eied on 12 2%ri 1--"' consisting o+
%hotogra%hs o+ the two behind a %yramid$sha%ed dis%ay that hods a wine gass smudged with
i%stic8 +rom /iana3s ast dinner as we as what is described as an engagement ring /odi %urchased
the day be+ore they died.

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