Social Studies Lesson Plan

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Week 1

Lesson Title: Celebrations Around the World

Lesson Length: 45 minutes
Target Audience: 2
Instructional Objectives Content ! Technolog"#: $tudents %ill be able to identi&" and describe celebrations
'no%n around the %orld(
Corres)onding AL Course o& $tud" Objectives *ational $ubject Area $tandards# ! Technolog" $tandards:
Objective 2.3.1: List ways to document historical and current events.
4. Discuss celebrations in the United States and around the world.
Examples: Childrens Day in Japan, Veterans Day in the United tates, !astille Day in
"rance, Cinco de #ayo
in #exico, $ew %ear cele&rations in China
Objective 2.4.1: 'denti(y cele&rations in which your (amily participates.
Objective 2.4.2: 'denti(y cele&rations in communities and cities throu)hout *la&ama.
Grou) %or': $tudents %ill document celebrations in %hich their &amil" )artici)ates(
Comment on this lin' relating to celebrations in communities and cities throughout Alabama(
Web2uest activit" %eb3uest
4ome%or': holida"s5%or'sheet()d& &rom have&unteaching(com#
7iscuss grou) activit" aloud8 ta'e u) material &or grade(
Celebrations revie% game9 :eo)ard" $ocial $tudies())t
Grade students on )artici)ation &or voicethread(
6$L students %ill be )ut %ith a volunteer )artner and I %ill &urther assist them(
$)ecial *eeds students %ill %or' %ith an aide on %or' leveled &or their use(
Accelerated students %ill com)lete an" other %or' %hen &inished %ith in5class lesson(

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