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Name:_______________________________ Date:_______________ Period:_______

Giving Good Directions Quiz

1. Saying, Will you stand up? is a good direction. True False
2. You should tell them what you WANT them to do (not what you DONT want
them to do). True False
3. Give lots of information all at once for directions True False
4. Say the students name FIRST before giving a direction. True False
5. Talk in a firm but nice voice when giving directions True False
6. You should give a student a direction across the room from them.
True False

PRAISE 101 Quiz
7. When should you praise a student?

8. What are 2 other important things to remember about praise?

1. When should you use a precision request?

2. What do you say first when giving a precision request?

3. If a student follows directions immediately (this is step1 ), or after 1 reminder
(this is step 2), what should you do?

4. If a student goes past step #3 in class, what should you do? (there are 2 things)

Trackers Quiz
1. Who gets the tracker? Who reads the tracker?

2. When you and the student are filling out the tracker, and the student had
more than 1 reminder on one of the rules in class- what should you say after
they read that rule?

3. If a student doesnt earn their points on their tracker (after you finished filling
it out with them) you should:
a. Tell them it is ok and better luck next time.
b. Tell them they did ok in class but need to do better.
c. Tell them to put away their tracker and then ignore them and have a fun
time with students who did earn their points for free time.

Correction Procedure Quiz
1. You would use the correction procedure:
a. when a student is not following directions.
b. when a student gets an answer right on their assignment.
c. immediately after a student gets an answer wrong.
d. 10 to 20 minutes after a student gets an answer wrong.

2. Draw a line to match the word to the definition.
Model Have the student do it on their own.
Guide Show student how to do it by doing it with them.
Independent Do a starting over; start over at the beginning to make
sure that they can do it right by themselves.
Review/Re-teach Show the student how to do it, by doing it yourself!

When you are correcting make sure to keep it positive and fun!

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