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Double spaced, Times New Roman 12.
Due in class on October 28
For this paper, you are going to think about two concepts: the hero and society. You will
present a reflection on The Count of Monte-Cristo and/or Les Misrables. You do not have to
include the two novels, but if you do it is very acceptable that your argument relies more
heavily on one of them.

This time there is no template for this exercise, but keep in mind that your paper should be a
discussion involving two points of views, and that you will end with the position that you
want to defend.
The length of the paper requires you to be very synthetic: you have space for two, maybe
three examples.

The format is as follows:

Introduction (see paper 1)
----------------- (line break)
Part 1: argument 1
----------------- (line break)
Part 2: argument 2
----------------- (line break)

Please indent your paragraphs inch.
Include a title that gives an indication of your argument your reader needs to know what
you are going to argue in the body of the paper. Include your two concepts in the title
(society/hero)+ the title of the novel(s) that you will talk about.
Write down the number of words in your paper.

On Friday, Oct 24
: send an electronic copy of your paper to your reviewer. They will
review it with Track changes and send it back to you no later than Sunday, oct 26
(you will
do the same for them).

Tuesday, Oct 28
: Paper due in class. Print the final version of your paper (without track
changes). Print the original version of your paper with your partners comments (with track
changes). Staple the final version on top of the original one and bring them both to class.

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