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ChessBase 10 Printout, Microsoft , 10/10/2014 1

mikekoplitz 1680
pl7 1946 pla10.10.2014
1.Nf3 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.d4 I hate queen
pawn openings. Sam and I have played
so many games against each other he
knows how to force me into something I
dislike. Nc6 4.Bg5 of course I lot the
ability to move c4 because of the knight
at c3 e6 5.e4 dxe4 6.Nxe4 Be7
I also dislike closed games. So my e4
and response was to open up the game
7.Nxf6+ Bxf6 8.Bxf6 Qxf6 9.Bb5 Bd7
10.0-0 0-0-0 Sam throws down the
gantlet. Now it is a question of whose
attack gets there first. 11.c3 a6 12.Be2
g5 13.b4 g4 14.Nd2 h5 15.b5
I got there first.
Nb8 16.bxa6 Nxa6 17.Bxa6 bxa6
opening the queen knight file is the key to
18.Qe2 Attacking the a pawn. I expected
Sam to move Kb7 after which I would
have moved a rook to b1 check. Qf5
19.Qxa6+ I have done this more times
than Sam. He overlooked the hanging a
pawn which ends he game quickly.
Usually I make that mistake when playing
Sam. The open b file is the key to winning
and getting there first. Kb8 20.Rab1+
The only way to stop the mate is to
sacrifice the queen and the bishop and
white whould still have the ability to move
the remaining rook to b1 and mate the
king. The attack was simple. Not every
win has to be spectacular. Even though I
wish I could that.

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