Resume Update

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Anayah M.

112 Masters Drive Bloomington, Illinois 61705 773.844.5202
OBJECTIVE: !o se"ure t#e $ull time %D &atient '""ess (e). )osition *it#in 'vo"ate BroMenn +os)ital, *#ere I
"an utilize m, "ommuni"ation, organization, an leaers#i) s-ills.
'nti"i)ate .rauation/ De"em0er 2015 Illinois State University, Bloomington/1ormal, I2
Ma3or4 5ommuni"ation 6tuies4 7rganizational an 2eaers#i)
1ovem0er 2012 8 'ugust 2014 #al$reens Dr%$ Store 5#i"ago, I2
Pharmacy Technician
'"te as a liaison 0et*een )atients an )#arma"ist to insure $ast ,et 9ualit, "ustomer servi"e.
Bille insuran"e an ot#er t#ir )art, "om)anies $or mei"al su))lies an )res"ri)tions.
!,)e, $ille, an sol )res"ri)tion an non/)res"ri)tion mei"ations to )atients.
'ns*ere an )la"e "alls to insuran"e "om)anies as *ell as o"tor:s o$$i"es on a )er )atient 0asis.
7rganize )res"ri)tions in orer o$ rug "lass an im)ortan"e.
Ma, 2012 8 &resent ISU Colle$e o& B%siness Co'(%ter )a* Bloomington, I2
Lab Monitor
(esolve all te"#ni"al i$$i"ulties o$ t#e la0 guest, an ans*er an, 9uestions.
Maintain all la0 e9ui)ment an )er$orm ne"essar, u)ates as neee.
Monitor all a"tivit, *it#in t#e la0 to ensure )ro)er usage o$ e9ui)ment.
;ul, 2011 8 ;anuar, 2012 A&ni In+. Bloomington, I2
Customer Service Sales Rep.
'ssiste *it# resolving 0illing is"re)an"ies an ans*ere 9uestions $or "ustomers.
'"tivate ne* <erizon #ome servi"e an )romote ot#er 0ene$i"ial )rou"ts to "ustomers.
6uggeste "ustom 0unling )a"-ages to ensure t#e 0est )ri"es $or t#e servi"es 0eing )rovie.
Ma, 2011 8 Ma, 2012 #en,y-s Bloomington, I2
Food Sales Customer Service Rep.
=or-e ire"tl, *it# "ustomers to insure 9ualit, servi"e an great tasting $oo *it# minimal *ait.
Built ra))ort *it# "ustomers to "reate a great eating e>)erien"e, an maintaine t#e "leanliness o$ $a"ilities.
5oo-e an )a"-age $oo $or "ustomers.
5&( "erti$ie
&#arma", te"#ni"ian "erti$i"ation an li"ense
Mar"# 2013 8 &resent The Colle$e E1(erien+e "SO
&lan an organize i$$erent late events $or t#e stuents o$ Illinois 6tate.
(e)resent t#e organization at universit, 0oar meetings $or event $uning.
;anuar, 2014/ &resent Boys an, /irls Cl%* o& Bloo'in$ton2Nor'al
'ssist *it# late nig#t events $or teen "lu0 mem0ers
&romote t#e im)ortan"e o$ eu"ation an mentor $emale ,out#
"e&eren+es Availa*le U(on "e3%est

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