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NHS Band Boosters Meeting Minutes NHS Band Boosters Meeting Minutes NHS Band Boosters Meeting Minutes

NHS Band Boosters Meeting Minutes

October 09, 2014 October 09, 2014 October 09, 2014 October 09, 2014
10.9.2014 6:30 p.m. Tiger Pride Band Room Attendees: 13
President Krystal Thibault
Vice President Lisa Smith
Treasurer Rusty Maynard
Secretary Susan Hall
Date of next meeting: Thursday, October 16, 2014
Treasurer Report Treasurer Report Treasurer Report Treasurer Report
Rusty Maynard Contact: (765)455-8618

Treasurers Report
Band shares are coming in too slowly to adequately meet organization expenses
The band is unable to operate without our expected cash flow; we can only pay our bills if we
have money in our account
Simple solution: if you owe money for band shares, please pay your bill

Band Boosters Budget Summary: we are nearly $16,000 short (band shares still owed by students)
$15,078.89 Actual money coming in
$31,077.00 Total amount of money the band needs to operate for the school year
$15,998.11 This is the amount of money we still need to collect to meet our budget
A detailed treasurers report is available through Rusty if you need the full report

Proposed Amendment to Band Bylaws
Motion was made by Rusty Maynard to amend the band bylaws to allow Mr. Snyder and Mr.
Rodgers access to financial records
Motion seconded by Mark Dunkin
Unanimous support received from band booster members
Another discussion will be presented Thursday, October 16, 2014 6:30 p.m. in the band room at
T-shirts and banner fees have been paid
First staff pay-out has been paid
Students statements were sent out Friday, September 19 by email
The next big pay-out will be for staff at the end of October; partial payments will be made if
Pit Crew Pit Crew Pit Crew Pit Crew

Theatrical props look incredible thanks to all who helped design and create
Pit Crew adult volunteers are still needed for each Friday football game, and for competitions (this is so fun!)

Snack Committee Snack Committee Snack Committee Snack Committee
Lisa Smith Contact: (765) 865-5929

Thanks to all the parents who send snacks for the kids we appreciate you!

Food Committee Food Committee Food Committee Food Committee
Lisa Smith Contact: (765) 865-5929

Saturday, October 11 Commitment
ISSMA @ Homestead High School in Fort Wayne
Half Moon restaurant will provide lunch

Saturday, October 18 Commitment
Regional Contest @ Lafayette Jeff
Band will provide breakfast at 8:00 (If youre called to contribute food for the kids, please say yes!)
Big Dipper restaurant (Converse, IN) will provide lunch

Uniform Committee Uniform Committee Uniform Committee Uniform Committee
Krystal Thibault Contact: 586-610-1579

The most exciting new development in uniforms
Clarissa Reese has volunteered to be Uniform Mom for next marching season
Mrs. Reese has uniform experience at her previous school and has been deemed worthy to replace our current
Awesome Uniform Mom
All hail Mrs. Reese!

Uniform Committee
A few more uniform alterations are needed (the kids keep growing)
Gauntlets have been cleaned

Spirit Committee Spirit Committee Spirit Committee Spirit Committee
Susan Hall Contact: (765) 452-6447

Locker decorations
New locker decorations are up: Divided by Section, United in Harmony
Several more designs have been delivered to Mr. Snyder and are ready to be distributed to students at his

Goody bag donations are needed for the bus trip to regional contest, October 18
Non-perishable candy
Small, seasonal party-favor items
Stuff that wont melt, be annoying, or result in financial hardship for the parents
Items need to be small enough to fit in a sandwich-sized Ziploc bag
Fundraising Opportunities Fundraising Opportunities Fundraising Opportunities Fundraising Opportunities

The most exciting new development in Fundraising
Mark Dunkin has agreed to organize a Fundraising Committee
Our hope is that with Mr. Dunkins help we can task an exploration group to find fundraisers with strong returns
We can hardly wait to hear his ideas at the November meeting

Chipotle restaurant fundraiser
Scheduled for Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Time and further details TBA

Market Day fundraiser
Ongoing every month

Stadium Blanket fundraiser
Blankets are still available; cost is $40 per blanket

Citrus fundraiser
Sales begin Thursday, October 23 (Fall Break)
Kids will receive informational flyers
Kid-profits will range from $4-8 per sale
Laundry Detergent fundraiser
Members would like to offer this fundraiser every six months and hope for repeat customers
Kid-profits are $11 per sale
Snyder Report Snyder Report Snyder Report Snyder Report

Compliments about your kids:
This years group of kids are nice and they try hard
Mr. Snyder and Mr. Rodgers are impressed with the display of congenial cooperation from students, and enjoy
spending time with them
Progress this year has been phenomenal

Basketball season is coming soon
There are 9 home games scheduled for this year
Band students will be required to attend at least 7 of the 9 games
Schedule of games is posted

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