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The Left handed are precious, they take

places which are inconvenient for the
International view
Development theories
Siamese twins
Famous left handers
Left handedness is using left hand more skillfully and
easily than right hand.
Left handed people are more skillful with their left
hands when performing task.
Approximately 10% of the world population is left
International View
International left- handers day is held annually every
auguat 13.
It was founded by the left-handers club in 1992.
In the UK there were over 20 regional events to mark
the day in 2001 including left-V-right sports matches, a
left handed tea party etc.
Development theories
Left handed individuals have a heterogeneous brain
organization in which their brain hemisphere is either
organized in the same way as right handers.
It is intinctive for women to cradel babies on their left
side next to the heart beat. This is because to free right
hand to do things.
Siamese twins
Siamese twins are mirror images of each other.
One will be left handed and the others right handed.
The fingerprints of one twins right hand will be
almost identical to the other twins left hand.
Famous left-handers
Cricket- Saurav Ganguly
David Gower
Alan Border
Actors- Amitabh Bachchan
William Windom
US President- Barack obama
Bill Clinton
George H.W Bush
Left handed school children have on average slightly
higher IQ.
In sport, left handed players get used to right handed
opponents but right handed players are often confused
by a left handed opponent.
Left handed people adjust more easily to seeing
Lefties are better at playing video game.

Left handers are wired into the artistic half of the brain,
which makes them imaginative, creative, surprising,
ambiguous, stubborn, emotional, delightful, original but
never, never dull


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