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Advanced Algebra F Mathematician:

Homework: due 10/14/14 Review of 4.5-4.9

Sketch the point or plane in dimen!ional !pace.
"# A $5% "% # &# ' $% -&% 4# # ( ) &* + "&
4# &( - * ) 5, + "- 5# ( + -& .# &, - /* + "4
Solve the following !*!tem b* linear combination. Show all !tep!. Sol0tion: $ % % #
/# ( 1 * 1 , + 9
( - * ) , +
-( 1 * 1 &, + /
Solve the following !*!tem b* diagonal!. Show *o0r determinant!. 2( +
3# ( 1 &* ) , + ""
&( 1 * ) &, + 9 2* +
4( 1 * 1 , + ".
4 +
Sol0tion: $ % % #
Solve the following !*!tem b* linear combination or b* diagonal!. 5(plain *o0r !ol0tion.
9# ( 1 &* ) , + 4
5( - * 1 &, + "
9( ) "* 1 3, + -5
"-# 6!ing *o0r own word!% de!cribe the behavior of the following -4 !*!tem! of e70ation!. 8ncl0de a
!ketch of their graph! if it help! *o0 to portra* *o0r tho0ght!.
a# 8ndependent
b# 8ncon!i!tent
c# 4ependent
""# 9he e70ation! below are either parallel to or coincident with certain part! of the (*, a(i!.
4e!cribe the behavior of each.
a# ( 1 * + -4 b# , + -
: 9here will be a word problem on the 70i,. Review ;"/ on page "4& to help *o0 prepare< :

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