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The Mandala

A Visual Arts Unit following the

Project Based Learning Framework
Why this unit?

high student interest

high student success

multi-media process

tech integration

Lo-tech, time
consuming, but
still beautiful.
First time:
Grade 9 and 10
Multi-media by
adding the digital
component, and
Second time:
Grade 8
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Essential Questions
Getting started....
Tibetan Sand Mandalas

Ephemeral artwork: Why? Process or

product? Performance art?

Explore metaphors behind the creation and

destruction of the work.

Circle as a universal symbol: Why?

Where do you see it in your own culture?

Tibetan sand mandalas, Navajo sand paintings,

Aztec calendar etc.

Contemporary artists: Motoi Yamamoto, Andy

Goldsworthy, Joe Mangrum

Compare/Contrast- Ex. Motoi Yamamoto

and Tibetan Sand Mandala
Contemporary Artist
Joe Mangrum
Visiting Expert:
Joe Mangrum
Skype interview
Its your story...
Begin with your story

Signicant Moments Brainstorm

Sentence starters
Simplify the
Design the
36 or 45
Choose your power word and color scheme
Scan the slice &
paint digitally (PS)
Rotate in PS
Cross-curricular connection with Drama:
Human Mandalas
Video explaining the

Abstracting/simplifying the illustrations was a bit

difcult to grasp for some students.

Editing the mandala slice before painting takes time.

Rotating the slice is tedious-lots of zooming in and

Bumps along the way..

Simplifying the illustrations was a bit difcult to

grasp for some students.

Adding in an element of collaboration and

ephemeral art. Possible group sand painting.

Choice of audio/video reection-Aurasma

Editing the mandala slice before painting takes time.

Rotating the slice is tedious

Possible Solutions and Improvements:
Ideas on teaching abstraction?
Drawing directly to the computer with tablet or ipad?
PS shortcuts to create this? Ipad apps to easily rotate a slice?
Bumps along the way..

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