Annotated Bibliography

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Marcia Gayle

Mrs. Hensel
English III
09 September 201411.

Annotated Bibliography: Epidural Controversy

Asheya. "Epidurals: The Controversy." Mothers of Change RSS. N.p., 9 May 20
Web. 25 Sept. 2014.
Many women argue whether epidurals can cause C-section or not. In the article it
explains why some women may not want to get an epidural. There are many women who feel
that taking an epidural can cause greater risk for a cesarean delivery. Although studies show little
information on how an epidural effects child birth and labor, they show that the probability of
cesarean sections increased three- to six-fold by the intrapartum administration of epidural
analgesia. Another study was done that showed that when the epidural percentage increased, the
cesarean delivery decreased but the decrease was not statistically significant. These studies can
be biased due to the fact that some women who progress rapidly through labor endure less pain
and therefore do not request an epidural.
The controversy of whether an epidural can increase the risk of a cesarean delivery or not
is beneficial for my research paper because it is about epidural controversy. All of my sources
give an issue as to why epidurals are a controversy and all give facts from studies to support the
issue. Having people study the use of epidurals and the effects of them in this article makes the
article reliable. Addressing the controversy of the use of epidurals effecting the type of child
birth was the main point in the article.
The controversy of the use of epidurals for labor pain is the topic of my research paper.
Because this article discuss the controversy on epidurals effecting child birth or not is beneficial
to my research. I can use it to show one reason why some women do not want to use epidurals
during child labor.

Smetannikov, Eugene. "Welcome." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2014
The choice to have an epidural during child labor or not is up to solely up to the women in
labor. There are misunderstandings on what an epidural is and the effects of it. Research shows
the risks of epidurals. Most of the common side effects are not hazardous they are merely just an
inconvenience that can be corrected. More debate comes from the thought that child birth should
be natural like it was with our ancestors. A lot of women feel that natural birth is the way to go
and that there are too many risks that come with taking an epidural. The article also argues that
epidurals are helpful with child labor pain just an anesthesia would be helpful surgery. Some
women feel that it is best for the baby by having a natural birth and some feel that epidurals can
be beneficial despite the thinking that natural births are best. Comparing the use of an anesthesia
during surgery is an important detail in this article because although many women feel like using
an epidural may be harmful, using it is similar to using a pain management in another
The controversy that a portion of women feel that a natural birth is safer than using
anesthesia and the other portion feel that using an epidural is better for them is beneficial
information for my research topic. My other source compares to this one because in both sources
women argue that epidurals can be harmful for them or their baby. Doctors who specialize in
anesthesiology wrote this source. It is a little biased because it talks about epidurals being
something that is beneficial to contradict some womens thoughts of an epidural being harmful.
The goal of this source is to show that epidurals are beneficial for pain management during labor
by comparing it to similar situations using medication for pain.
Women debate that a natural birth is better than one with an epidural; this controversy can
benefit my research paper. I can use this source in my research to project to show one of the
controversy of the use of an epidural.

Buckley, Sarah J. "Epidurals: Risks and Concerns for Mother and Baby." N.p., Spring 2007.
Web. 25 Sept. 2014.
The first record of an epidural was when neurologist, J. Leonardo Corning, injected cocaine
into the back of a patient suffering from spinal weakness in 1885. Epidurals are injections of
anesthesia made up of cocaine that are injected into the space around the tough coverings that
protect the spinal cord. They are made to numb labor pain but they make it unable for the women
to move the bottom half of her body. This article covers the history, effects, and risks of an
epidural. It gives facts about what it does to a womens body hormones also. An epidural effects
a hormone women produce during labor called oxytocin. Oxytocin helps the uterus contract but
an epidural can decrease those hormones and can slow the labor process down.
The information about epidurals like what they are, when they were first used, and how they
affect womens hormones are very important details for my research paper. Discussing the
effects the epidural may have on the fetus is also important to my paper. Fetuses may have a
change in their heart rate because of lack of oxygen or blood.
This source helped me with my research because it doesnt talk about the controversy of
epidurals rather it just informs about them. I can use this source to also inform others about
epidurals and their effects on women and their fetus.

Heinz, S. D. "Epidural or No Epidural Anasthesia: Relationships between Beliefs about Child
Birth and Pain Control." Ebsco. N.p., 25 Mar. 2003. Web. 9 Oct. 2014.
Mothers child birth experience in based on their opinion to have a natural birth or not
although epidurals can have negative effects on a women giving birth and her baby. The main
topics that are covered in this article are about an epidurals effect on the child and his/her
mother. It mainly discuss the dangers of an epidural, it is the number one anesthesia taken
during child labor. Many studies have been done on the birth effects of an epidural. Even the
time the epidural is taken during labor can have a different effect on the child and the mother.
Epidurals can have an effect on both women and fetus. Babies who have been born under
epidural anesthesia have been reported to lack the behavior related to breastfeeding. Mothers
who take epidural anesthesia for labor pain are usually prescribed oxytocin. More common
effects of women who have had the epidural anesthesia also may have headaches, backaches,
urinary problems or may feel weak. Having this information on the side effects will help the
reader to understand them more fully.
All the information on the effects of taking epidurals during labor helps the reader to
have. I can use this source to inform others and to elaborate on epidural effects on the mother
and fetus.

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