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Graphing is useful for solving a system of equations. Graph both equations and look
for a point of intersection, which is the solution of that system. If there is no point of
intersection, there is no solution.
What is the solution to the system? Solve by
graphing. Check. x + y = 4
2x y = 2
y = x + 4 Put both equations into y-intercept form, y = mx + b.
y = 2x 2
y = x + 4 The first equation has a y-intercept of (0, !.
0 !x + 4 "in# a secon# point b$ substitutin% in 0 for y an# sol&e for x.
x = 4 'ou ha&e a secon# point (, 0!, (hich is the x-intercept.
y = 2x 2 The secon# equation has a y-intercept of (0, )*!.
0 2"x# ! 2 "in# a secon# point b$ substitutin% in 0 for y an# sol&e for x.
2 2x, x $ 'ou ha&e a secon# point for the secon# line, (1, 0!.
2 2x, x = $ 'ou ha&e a secon# point for the secon# line, (1, 0!.
%lot both sets of points and draw both lines. &he lines appear to
intersect "2, 2#, so "2, 2# is the solution.
If you substitute in the point "2, 2#, for x and y in your original equations, you can
double'check your answer.
x + y = 4 2 ( 2

4, 4 4
+ol&in% +$stems b$ ,raphin%
2x y = 2 2"2# ! 2

2, 2 2
Prentice Hall Algebra 1 Teachin% -esources
Cop$ri%ht . b$ Pearson /#ucation, 0nc., or its affiliates. 1ll -i%hts -eser&e#.
Name Class Date
Reteaching (continue#!
If the equations represent the same line, there is an infinite number of
solutions, the coordinates of any of the points on the line.
What is the solution to the system? Solve by graphing. Check.
2x )y = *
4x *y = $+
,hat do you notice about these equations- .sing the y'intercepts and
solving for the x'intercepts, graph both lines using both sets of points.
Graph equation $ by finding two points/ "0, !2# and "), 0#. Graph
equation 2 by finding two points "0, !)# and "4.0, 0#.
Is there a solution- 1o the lines ever intersect- 2ines with
the same slope are parallel. &herefore, there is no solution
to this system of equations.
Solve each system of equations by graphing. Check.
1. 2x = 2 ! 3y
2$y = 4 ! *x
2. 2x = ) ! y
y = 4x ! $2
3. y = $.0x + 4
0.0x + y = !2
. *y = 2x $4
x 4 )y
!. )y = !*x ! )
y = 2x ! $
". 2x = )y ! $2
x = 4y + 0
#. 2x + )y = $$
x y = !4
$. )y = )x ! *
y = x ! 2
9. y =
x + 3
2y ! x = $
+ol&in% +$stems b$ ,raphin%
y x =
y x =
Prentice Hall Algebra 1 Teachin% -esources
Cop$ri%ht . b$ Pearson /#ucation, 0nc., or its affiliates. 1ll -i%hts -eser&e#.

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