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The Bonsai

By Zack Baker
The Fragrance Of Death
It was a warm, sunny day, not too much different than
most of the others during summer !ots of sou"s to co""ect
There was this #ery $"oody seria" ki""er that kee%s ki""ing
%eo%"e in my district that kee%s making my days fu"" of
rea%ing &y district in 'uestion was this rather "arge
human sett"ement ca""ed New (ork
Not that I had anything $etter to do today $esides my
)o$ *"" that you can rea""y do as a grim rea%er is )ust
gam$"e or chat with other grim rea%ers It was a rather
$oring "ife, that+s why that guy decided to try and start
wor"d war two ,od, that was a disaster The guy u%stairs
got so mad- he sent that guy straight down, if you know
what I mean
(ou )ust ha#e to $e carefu" with it, gam$"ing, I mean
&ay$e ha#e some random human a"ter something in the
wor"d .romise them "o#e, %ower, whate#er &ost of them
ask for %owers, it+s uncanny actua""y They wi"" do e/act"y
what you te"" them 0ome %eo%"e say it+s mora""y
unethica" to %"ay god with someone in the human wor"d
1owe#er, it+s soooo $oring you )ust can+t he"% it That is
what started what they ca"" the $onsai incident * sma""
e/%eriment went wrong $y me It was fun to watch at
"east !ots of ki""ing, cra2y %eo%"e, things "ike that
* mass rea%ing of sou"s *t "east it "ightens the work
"oad with a"" the cra2y ki""ers that died I can sti""
remem$er my time on that wor"d Not a "ot of the other
rea%ers remem$er anymore I guess it+s $ecause I kee% a
It he"%s me kee% track of my e/%eriments and other
%eo%"e of interest, a"ong with my thoughts The )ourna",
once you write a name of the %erson and the genera" area
and detai"s of them, starts drawing a ma% and a sketch of
the said su$)ect The ma% area changes de%ending on the
need of the user If you on"y need to know the area, it wi""
show a "ay of the "and, for a house a $"ue%rint, etc
Watch for Chapter 1 coming soon.

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